
  • 网络orthodox doctrine;Doctrina Orthodoxa
  1. 作为教皇他严守正统教义,赢得了广泛的支持。

    As pope he won wide support for his strict orthodoxy .

  2. 除了凭借国家的支持,进一步削除多神教在帝国内的残存影响外,基督教会更是通过正统教义与组织结构的发展努力实现自我完善。

    Besides eliminating the pagan influence with the support of state , Christian church tried to self-perfect itself by developing its theology and organization .

  3. 早年的家庭教育与血统里带来的对异教的执拗反抗,使得二人态度顽强,对宗教、国家、社会、伦理等许许多多正统教义都抱有怀疑。

    Both indurated by early domestic training and an inherited tenacity of heterodox resistance professed their disbelief in many orthodox religious , national , social and ethical doctrines .

  4. 因为正统的宗教教义,会有许多的内疚与他们在一起了,这些不仅是一种像挂在脖子上阻碍了你的进步的负担。

    Because of orthodox religious teaching many carry great guilt around with them , and it is not just a burden but like a weight hanging around your neck which inhibits your progress .

  5. 自由派和一些近乎异端的教派已经公然拒绝正统基督教的基本教义。

    Liberals and sectarians have long rejected outright many of the fundamental tenets of Christian orthodoxy .