
  • 网络Introduction;general introduction
  1. n人非零和计策引论

    Introduction to Theory of n - Person Non - zero - sum Stratagem

  2. PASCAL语言实用引论

    A Practical Introduction to Pascal G Language

  3. 这本书最有趣的两章是对阎学通生活和工作的采访以及贝淡宁(DanielBell)所撰写的引论。贝淡宁是加拿大儒学学者、清华大学教授。

    Two of the most interesting chapters in the book are an interview with Yan about his life and work and an introductory essay by Daniel Bell , a Canadian scholar of Confucianism who is also a professor at Tsinghua .

  4. 乡土何谓?&乡土美学引论之一

    What Is Local ? & An Introduction to Native oil Aesthetics

  5. 第一章为引论,主要阐明本文的研究背景和研究框架。

    The first chapter clarifies the research background and research framework .

  6. 首先介绍了论文的研究背景、目的、起点和创新点以及研究方法和技术路线(引论);

    First , introduce the research purpose , methods and roads ;

  7. 引论,项目范围管理,项目集成管理。

    Introduction , Project Scope Management , Project Integration Management .

  8. 政治角色年龄资格设计引论

    Theory on the Design of Age Qualification for Political Roles

  9. 当我在北达科塔州大学教戏剧引论课程时。

    When I taught the introduction-to-theater course at North Dakota State University .

  10. 测绘项目管理实施引论

    An Introduction to Implementation of S / M Project Management

  11. 大学生学习引论课的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Preface to College Students ′ Learning

  12. 第一章引论,对全文做一个简要的介绍。

    Chapter one is introduction , a general description of the paper .

  13. 当代西方新文化地理学知识谱系引论

    Introduction on knowledge genealogy of new ' cultural geography '

  14. 引论部分是历代研究情况梳理。

    The introduction part is the summary of previous research .

  15. 古代朝鲜、琉球汉语教学及教材研究引论&以《老乞大》、《朴通事》、《白姓官话》为例

    On the Chinese textbooks in ancient Korea and Ryukyu : some examples

  16. 引论部分主要介绍了菲茨杰拉德的个人生平背景以及小说创作时所处的社会历史背景。

    The introduction summarizes the biographical background of Fitzgerald and the historical context .

  17. 刑事缺席判决制度引论

    On the Trial by Default System in Criminal Procedure

  18. 现象学教育哲学引论

    Introduction About Educational Philosophy in the Field of Phenomenology

  19. 小说的引论部分对全书的内容进行了简单介绍。

    The preamble of the novel briefly introduces the contents of the book .

  20. 穿行于规则和规范之间&侦查技术理论引论

    Moving Through Regulations and Criteria-An Introduction to the Theory of Criminal Investigative Technology

  21. 文化视野中的思想政治教育研究引论

    Study on Ideological and Political Education form Cultural Perspective

  22. 第一章是引论。

    Chapter 1 is the introduction of the thesis .

  23. 军事法学价值取向引论

    An Introduction to Value Orientation of the Military Law

  24. 文学理论方法教学引论

    An Introduction to the Methodology Teaching of Literary Theory

  25. 旅游伦理概念及理论架构引论

    An Introduction to Tourism Ethics Concept and Theoretical Framework

  26. 非虚假设临床试验引论

    An introduction to the clinical trial under non-null hypothesis

  27. 水学&21世纪水利科学发展引论

    Hydrology ── guide to the development of the hydraulic science in 21st century

  28. 引论:主要涉及问题的提出及选题的意义,阐述了本文的研究范围和主要写作方法。

    It expounds the scope of the study and the methods of writing .

  29. 全文共分八部分:第一部分:引论。

    This paper consists of eight parts : The first part : Introduction .

  30. 四要件论质疑&犯罪标准引论

    Queries on " Four Important Items ": A Tentative Study of Crime Criteria