
yǐn yòu jì
  • attractant
  1. A-3型松褐天牛引诱剂诱虫谱研究

    Study on the species of insects trapped by A-3 sawyer beetle attractant

  2. A-3型松褐天牛引诱剂监测松树主要蛀干害虫林间种群动态研究

    Population Dynamic Monitoring of Principal Pine Stem-borers in Forest by A-3 Sawyer Beetle Attractant

  3. 引诱剂,排斥剂还是其他的兴奋剂都是嗅觉物质,但刺激剂和阻抑剂常常是味觉物质。

    Whereas attractants , repellents , and other incitants are olfactory substances , stimulants , and deterrents are usually gustatory .

  4. 目的观察AB型蟑螂引诱剂对美洲大蠊和德国小蠊的引诱效果。

    Objective To observe the effect of AB cockroach attractant on Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica .

  5. 结果表明,引诱剂MRA效果最好,野外平均每个引诱剂能诱到11.8头成虫,与其它引诱剂诱集数量之间差异显著。

    Results show that MRA is the best . The average trapped number was 11.8 outdoor , which indicated significantly different among other attractants .

  6. 应用M99-1引诱剂监测马尾松病虫害的研究

    Monitoring Pests of Pinus Massoniana by Using M99-1 Attractant

  7. 该引诱剂引诱松褐天牛成虫的引诱活性与原型引诱剂基本一致,其林间有效作用半径和诱获率分别为70m和43.8%。

    The attractive activity of this attractant to M.alternates was similar with prototype attractant and the effective attractive radius and trap ratio was70 m and43.8 % in forest , respectively .

  8. 清楚阐明昆虫的嗅觉信号传导会为研制高效的引诱剂或杀虫剂提供理论依据,为有效防治棉铃虫提供新的思路与途径,延缓或降低棉铃虫对Bt棉花抗性演化的速度。

    Elucidation of the olfaction signalling will provide the theoretical foundation for the development of the effective attractant and deterrent , and the fresh ideas and approaches for potent control of cotton bollworm , which can slower the revolution of its resistance to the Bt.

  9. 同时,M99型引诱剂还可引诱半翅目、鳞翅目、等翅目、蜚蠊目、鞘翅目等的其它多种昆虫。

    At the same time , the attractants ( M99 type ) can lure other species insects : some of Hemiptera , Lepidoptera , Isoptera , Blattodea , Coleoptera , too .

  10. 家蝇引诱剂&诱虫烯的合成研究

    Studies of Synthesis of Muscalure-Sex Attractant Pheromone of the House Fly

  11. 本文另设置性引诱剂的防效试验。

    Finally , another set of sex attractants control effect test .

  12. 金龟甲对不同植物叶片的趋向反应和引诱剂的筛选

    Tropisms of Chafer to Different Plant Leaves and Screening of Attractant

  13. 用食物引诱剂和昆虫信息素联合作用监控储粮害虫的研究

    Monitoring Stored Grain Insects by Combination of Food Attractant and Insect Pheromone

  14. 兴安落叶松鞘蛾性引诱剂应用技术研究

    Application technology of sex attractant for control of Coleophora laricella

  15. 本研究为研制长足大竹象取食引诱剂提供了理论依据。

    This study provides a theoretical basis for developing attractant of C.buqueti .

  16. 利用引诱剂监测林木主要蛀干害虫

    Using attractants monitor main trunk - boring insects in forest

  17. 新型高效引诱剂实仓诱捕储粮害虫效果研究

    Evaluation of trap effects of a new Attractant on stored grain insects

  18. 鳗鱼引诱剂与促生长剂的研究

    A Study on Attractants and Growth Promoters for Eel

  19. 微红梢斑螟性引诱剂的研究

    The study of sex attractant of the pine tip moth Dioryctria rubella Hampson

  20. 3种食物引诱剂诱螺效果及在灭螺剂中的作用

    The effect of three food attractant to snails and the role in molluscicides

  21. 不同诱虫灯和引诱剂诱捕白蛉的现场试验

    Field Test of Sandfly-Catching by Light Traps and Attractants

  22. 你们身上有同样的引诱剂。

    Is the same attractant is all over you .

  23. 灭鼠毒饵引诱剂的筛选蜚蠊连锁毒饵研究

    A Study on Selecting Attractant of Rodenticide Development of Cockroach Chain Killing Bait

  24. 食物引诱剂对储粮害虫最佳引诱条件的研究

    The Study on Optimal lure Conditions of Food Attracts for Stored Product Insect

  25. 引诱剂对柑桔小实蝇、瓜实蝇诱捕效果试验

    Effects of attractants on the trapping of Tephritidae oriental fruit fly and melon fly

  26. 储藏物害虫信息素和引诱剂

    Pheromones and Attractants of Stored - Product Pests

  27. 主要啮齿动物引诱剂的研究

    A Study on the Attractant of Major Rodent

  28. 金龟子信息化学物质包括性信息素、聚集信息素和植物源引诱剂。

    Semiochemicals in scarabs include sex pheromones , aggregation pheromones and attractants of plant origin .

  29. 胡子鲶引诱剂的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Attractant for Moustache Catfish

  30. 该研究结果可为开发苹毛丽金龟田间引诱剂奠定基础。

    The study will provide the foundation for developing attractive chemicals for P.lucidula in fields .