
  • 网络Resurgence;grand mal;Insect outbreak
  1. 棉红蜘蛛大发生预测的Fuzzy数学模型初探

    The fuzzy mathematical model for predicting out break of tetranychid mites on cotton

  2. 利用灾变规律的关键时方法分析了厄尔尼诺(ELNino)、拉尼娜(LaNina)事件和太阳活动与河北省沿海型蝗区和淀洼型蝗区夏蝗大发生的关系。

    By using the method of laws of catastrophe & the Key Time Method , the relations between sunspot , El Nino as well as La Nina episodes and the outbreaks of summer locust in different ecotype areas , seashore areas and lowland areas in Hebei Province were analyzed .

  3. 近年灰飞虱的大发生是种群内外多种因素共同作用的结果。

    The interaction of these factors led to the population outbreak .

  4. 二化螟大发生原因及控制对策

    The outbreak cause and control strategy of Chilo suppressalis

  5. 它们可有效地防止球腔菌的大发生。

    They have been successful against mycosphaerella outbreaks .

  6. 2004年内蒙古草原蝗虫大发生的气象生态条件分析

    Analysis of Meteorological and Ecological Conditions of Grasshopper Infestation in Inner Mongolia in 2004

  7. 丘陵地区玉米粗缩病大发生原因及防治对策

    Causes of Outbreaks and Control Strategy of Maize Rough Dwarf Disease in Hilly Area

  8. 2002年小麦病虫草大发生特点及原因分析

    Characteristic of Serious Occurrence and Reason Analysis of Disease Pest and Weed of Wheat in 2002

  9. 2008年广西第三代稻纵卷叶螟大发生特点及原因简析

    Serious Occurrence Characteristics of Rice Leafroller ( Third Generation ) in Guangxi and Its Reason Analysis

  10. 水稻条纹叶枯病近年大发生原因浅析及防治研究应用

    Analysis on the Cause of Outbreak of Rice Stripe Disease and Its Control Research in Recent Years

  11. 4&6月是该虫大发生为害期,田间虫果率为20~60%。

    The serious incidence takes place usually during the April-June period , with 20-60 % cashew fruits infested .

  12. 水稻条纹叶枯病大发生年抗病品种的表现及应用刍议

    Evaluations on the resistant performance of rice varieties in the outbreak year of rice stripe virus disease and its application

  13. 现场的工人说,被用来储物的阁楼因承重过大发生坍塌,造成人员伤亡。

    Workers at the scene said the deaths occurred when a mezzanine level used for storage collapsed after bearing too much weight .

  14. 温度和降水是影响蝗虫发生消长的主要气象要素,气候异常可导致蝗虫大发生。

    Temperature and precipitation are key factors that affect the arising and decline of locusts . Abnormal climate can bring severe locust plague .

  15. 就其生物学特性、大发生规律、测报监控做了系统分析,并提出了较科学合理的综合防治技术。

    Through systematically analyzing the bionomics , occurrence regulation , prediction and supervision , scientific and reasonable integrated control technique was put forward .

  16. 同时,也揭示了近年来我国草地螟主要发生区一代幼虫滞育比例下降的主要原因及其与种群大发生之间的关系。

    Simultaneously , we explained the reason of the diapause rate decreasing for the first generation larvae in main occurrence region of China in recent years .

  17. 利用性信息素诱捕、网罩隔离等方法,对斜纹夜蛾的种群动态消长规律进行研究,分析了斜纹夜蛾近10余年来连年大发生的原因。

    The population dynamics and fluctuation of Spodoptera litura ( Fabricius ) were studied using sex pheromone trap and net cover , the reasons for outbreak of the pest in recent 10 years were searched .

  18. 只有当虫害大发生,造成一定经济损失时,才动用药械对害虫进行防治,但要使用不污染环境,不损害森林生物多样性的选择性杀虫剂。

    It is not necessary to use insecticide to control the pest until the pest damage happens to result in certain economic loss . But selective pesticides which do no harm on environment and forest biodiversity must be used .

  19. 烟粉虱是一种世界性害虫,在山西于1999年首次发现,2000年大发生,为害逐年加重,给农业生产带来一定的影响。

    Silverleaf whitefly ( Bemisia argentifolii ), a worldly pest , was found firstly in Shanxi province in 1999 , and had a popular outbreak in 2000.Later the harm aggravated year after year and made harm on agriculture production .

  20. 结果表明,每当大震发生前,C1值均出现异常峰值,异常时间一般不超过一年。

    The result shows that the anomalous peak values of C1 often appear before great earthquakes .

  21. 大肠癌发生过程中Survivin蛋白的表达及其与凋亡、增殖的关系

    Expression of survivin protein and its relationship with apoptosis and proliferation during human colorectal carcinogenesis

  22. LPS≥6mg/kg是大鼠发生ARDS的临界剂量。

    LPS ≥ 6 mg / kg is the critical dosage for ARDS in rats .

  23. 紫荆(CercischinensisBunge)大孢子发生及雌配子体发育的研究

    The studies of Megasporogenesis and megagametogenesis of Cercis chinensis Bunge

  24. 并且化学偶联层的分子结构对FRP的增强也密切有关,当偶联层分子参与树脂固化能与树脂大分子发生化学反应时,其增强效果显著。

    Again it was discovered that the reinforcing effect is related with the molecular structure of the chemical coupling layer .

  25. 目的:探讨细胞凋亡及其调控基因bcl-2和bax与大肠癌发生发展之间的关系。

    Purpose To approach the action of apoptosis and its regulating genes bcl 2 and bax during carcinogenesis and the development of colorectal carcinoma .

  26. 30只无合格证的Wistar大鼠发生了酷似小鼠脱脚病的疾病,发病率高达33.3%(10/30)。

    An outbreak of poxvirus infection was occurred in a Wistar rat colony , with a morbidity of 33.3 % ( 10 / 30 ) .

  27. 在今年5月的中国大地震发生六周后,一群志愿社会工作者来到富新第二小学(FuxinNumberTwoPrimarySchool)的废墟,开始和地震中因校舍倒塌而遇难的学生的家长见面。

    Six weeks after China 's devastating earthquake in May , a group of volunteer social workers arrived in the rubble of Fuxin Number Two Primary School and started meeting parents of children killed when the school collapsed in the tremor .

  28. 仅仅因为Facebook的市值‘只有’大约710亿美元就认为引起大衰退发生的‘恶性循环’就要出现,这种想法太离谱了。

    It 's ridiculous to think that Facebook 's market cap at ' only ' about $ 71 billion should create a ' vicious circle ' ' that leads to a major downturn .

  29. TIMP-3基因甲基化调控与大肠癌发生发展的关系研究

    Correlation of the methylation status of TIMP-3 gene promoter with carcinogenesis and development of human colon cancer

  30. 目的:检测大肠腺瘤及腺癌中P53蛋白及Bcl-2蛋白的表达,探讨p53基因、bcl-2基因在大肠癌发生发展过程中的作用。

    Objective : To determine the expression of P53 and Bcl 2 proteins in colorectal adenoma and adenocarcinoma to explore the possible role of p53 and bcl 2 genes in occurrence and development of colorectal carcinoma .