
yǐn dǎo zhě
  • guide;leader
  1. 由他的精神引导者改变形体…

    Hm. Uh , is transformed by his spirit guide ...

  2. 护士长应当是一个好的引导者角色

    Head Nurses Should be A Good Role of Guide

  3. 其中一人作为引导者。

    One person acts as the facilitator .

  4. 快到时间时,引导者再次发出信号。这时,每组观众转向其右侧的另一位演讲者,计时再次开始。

    At this point , each group moves over to the presenter to their right and the timer starts once more .

  5. 网络存储技术被称为继个人计算机(PC)、互连网络(Internet)之后第三次IT浪潮的引导者。

    The network storage technology is the third guider of IT tidal wave after PC and Internet .

  6. 但报纸仍是舆论引导者,举足轻重,在精英分子中尤其如此。

    But newspapers remain powerful opinion-makers , especially among the elites .

  7. 流官是汉文化的倡导者、引导者。

    The officials were the advocator and guide of Han culture .

  8. 保证在大蜕变中做最好的引导者。

    Be assured that you can be an instrument for change .

  9. 高校体育课中教师引导者和促进者的作用

    The Function of Teacher 's Guider and Prompter in Universities ' PE

  10. 第七匹马载着队伍的引导者。

    A seventh horse carries the leader of the procession .

  11. 以90度计画上面的分别而且测量矮长度引导者。

    Project the upper parting AT90 degrees and measure the shorter length guide .

  12. 那么,谁会是普通民众这种朴素和谐观的引导者?

    Then who guides this simple outlook of harmony of the ordinary people ?

  13. 前往菩萨级别路径的一部分,就是需要甄别你的引导者。

    A part of the path to Bodhisattva requires discernment in one 's guidance .

  14. 在上师的祝福下,你会找到你的引导者和指引。

    With Guru 's blessing , you 'll find the guide and the guidance .

  15. 雕刻下一个以相同的技术分开使用较长的长度引导者。

    Sculpt the next parting with the same technique using the longer length guide .

  16. 我看起来像是你的精神引导者吗?

    Do I look like your spirit guide ?

  17. 引导者带领或领路的人他引导这位老妇人入席。

    One that leads or guides . He piloted the old lady to her seat .

  18. 然后,雕刻剩余的分别使用相同的技术和较长的长度引导者。

    Then , sculpt the remaining parting using the same technique and the longer length guide .

  19. 指导教师是直接引导者;

    The tutors are direct pilots ;

  20. 蒙台梭利教育法强调教师要在儿童的主动学习中扮演引导者和支持者的角色。

    Montessori method emphasizes teacher 's role as inductor and support in children 's initiative learning .

  21. 我们是科技的引导者,是可靠的服务提供者,和国际竞争的参与者。

    We are a technology leader , a reliable service provider , and a global player .

  22. 中国在海外正变得更有影响力、更自信,成为事件发展的引导者,而不是被动回应者。

    China is becoming more influential and confident overseas , shaping events rather than reluctantly reacting .

  23. 在实施的经历教学模式中,教师成为真正的引导者。

    In the implement of the career teaching mode , the teacher becomes a real guide .

  24. 教师在自主阅读的教学中扮演着组织者、引导者、参与者的重要角色。

    In independent reading , teachers play the important role as organizer , guider and participant .

  25. 课堂教学的引导者;

    Conductor for class teaching .

  26. 教师将由知识的传授者和管理者转化为学生学习的促进者、合作者和引导者。

    Teachers will translate from initiator and supervisor of knowledge into promoters , participators and guides of students .

  27. 语文教师是实施语文课程标准的主角,是学习活动的组织者和引导者。

    Language teachers is the main implementation language curriculum standards , is the organizer and guide learning activities .

  28. 教师的教案设计和课堂设计不能完全依赖于教学工具,教师是教学的组织者和引导者。

    Teachers ' classroom design should not rely solely on teaching tool . Teachers are organizers and guides .

  29. 教师是多媒体教学的设计者、课件的开发者以及教学的引导者、管理者与激励者。

    Teachers are designers of multimedia teaching , courseware developers , and teaching guides , managers and motivators .

  30. 教师对于任何专业、任何水平的学生历来都是重要的引导者和示范者,所以教师在课堂上的话语对学生有着巨大的影响。

    Teachers are constantly important language guides and models to the students , regardless of their level or major .