
qù jī lì
  • de-energizing;deexcitation
去激励[qù jī lì]
  1. 如果使用该开关卡,去激励某个通道将会把端子连接到电路LO,而不是电压源。

    If this card is used , de-energizing a channel will connect the terminal to circuit LO rather than the voltage source .

  2. 现在就积极地去激励别人达成目标!

    Now , get motivated and go motivate others to achieve !

  3. 这些人就是你想用崇高的理想去激励鼓舞的人啊!

    These are the people whom you hope to inspire with lofty ideals !

  4. 他通过教育不断地去激励他人。

    He kept lifting other folks up through education .

  5. 这点并非要求你去激励他人。

    This doesn 't necessarily require motivating others .

  6. 防止去激励。

    To prevent from encouraging ;

  7. 在西方,通过励志读物和演讲去激励年轻人的名人并不少见。

    Celebrities who use self-help books and speeches to inspire youth are nothing new in the West .

  8. 我一向观察一个人会受到什么因素的激发职位、钱、是荣誉然后以此去激励他。

    I always observe what motivates a certain person-position , money , or honor-and encourage him or her accordingly .

  9. 呃我是说折腾够了护手霜和高跟鞋我很乐意去激励更多的人

    Well , I mean , after hand creams and high heels , I 'd be happy to inspire just one person .

  10. 中小学学业评价奖励制度的去激励机制剖析主观业绩评价、高管激励与制度效果&基于我国企业高管评价的多案例研究

    Passive Mechanism of the Learning Achievement Evaluation System in the Middle and Primary School ; Subjective Performance Measurement , Incentive and Institutional Effects

  11. 企业激励的环境变量包括激励因素、去激励因素、反面激励因素、领导的工作方式、分配制度、组织目标、企业文化等。

    Circumstance variable of enterprises include motivation factors , de-motivation factors , leading style , share system , tissue aim , enterprise culture .

  12. 当你做你喜爱的事时,你不需要别人去激励你、挑战你或监督你。

    When you are doing what you love to do , no one has to motivate you or challenge you or check up on you .

  13. 完善制度,变人治为法治,用好的制度去激励人,才是国企练好内功之所在。

    The key work for the SOE is to complete the systems , rule by laws instead of individuals , and inspire the labor by proper system .

  14. 的一部分,这些会议期间,他们学习了新的希望有关的技能,包括确定目标,如何实现这些目标,以及如何去激励自己。

    As part of these sessions , they were taught new hope-related skills , including identifying goals , ways to achieve them , and how to motivate themselves .

  15. 认识她,我感觉很幸运,我非常努力的试着去激励我的学生,不管你的梦想有多遥远,都有可能实现。

    I feel very lucky to have known her , and I try very much to inspire my students . Whatever your dream may be , it 's possible .

  16. 只有用有效的契约去激励技术服务公司,才能使服务公司在追求自身效益最大化的同时也为实现石油公司的最大效益而尽最大努力;

    Service companies would not try their best to actualize oil companies ' biggest benefits and adverse selection cannot be avoided unless oil majors use effective contracts to prompt contractors .

  17. 本文以传统的激励理论为依据,分析指出要达到扩大工伤保险覆盖面的目的,应该是设计科学、合理的工伤保险费率机制去激励企业主动参加工伤保险和加强工伤预防。

    Based on the theory of motivation , this paper suggests to design reasonable occupational injury insurance rate mechanism to arousing enthusiasm of the corporation to join occupational injury insurance .

  18. 你可能也用这个词组去激励或者驱使你的团队去完成某项任务同伴们,我们快实现目标啦它可能增加竞争的气氛。

    You might also use the phrase to motivate or drive your own team to complete something were playing catch-up here , guys as it can add an air of competition .

  19. 她用这种快活和满意去激励克利福,所以他在这时的作品写得最好,而且他几乎奇异地、盲目的觉得快活。

    And she used all her aroused cheerfulness and satisfaction to stimulate Clifford , so that he wrote his best at this time , and was almost happy in his strange blind way .

  20. 在严格根据对当前客户的影响来衡量业务价值的环境里,很难去激励团队和个人去接受平台模式。

    In an environment where business value is defined strictly by the impact on the current customer , it is a challenge to motivate certain teams and individuals to buy into the platform .

  21. 为了获知如何按照组织设定的责任去激励员工履行职责,工作激励越来越成为人力资源管理理论研究和实践所关注的重要课题。

    In order to motivate employees the take on their responsibilities in their organizations , the work motivation has become an important topic in the theory and practice in the field of human resource management .

  22. 企业人力资源管理是指利用各种方法和手段去激励、协调企业内具有各种不同知识、技能以及能力的员工,使他们步调一致地去从事各项工作以达成企业韵目标。

    Enterprise human resource management means to use ways and means to motivate and coordinate . the behaviors of the employees with different knowledge , skills and abilities , and makes them work coordinately and attain the enterprise 's goals .

  23. 为了增强竞争力,规避风险,占领更大的市场份额,供应链中的上游企业经常通过奖励策略、数量折扣策略等手段去激励下游企业,达到一种风险共担、利润共享的局面。

    In order to enhance competition , avoid risk and occupy a larger market share , the upstream supply chain enterprises often set rewarding strategy , quantity discount policy and other means to encourage downstream enterprises to reach a situation of risk-sharing and profit sharing .

  24. 弘扬艰苦奋斗精神,就要牢固树立社会主义荣辱观,加强艰苦奋斗精神的宣传教育,在工作和生活中身体力行,用艰苦奋斗精神去激励我们开创社会主义现代化建设事业新局面。

    One way to promote such a spirit is to firmly nourish the socialist view of shame and honor , to strengthen the education of such spirit and for CPC members to personally practice it and eventually to build up a new stage of the socialist modern construction .

  25. 本文借鉴了国内外先进的薪酬理论,在结合我国企业实际的基础上对激励性薪酬体系设计进行了分析。本文从管理学和经济学的双重视角去思考激励性薪酬的设计问题。

    The thesis combines compensation theory with our country 's practice , and it reflects how to design the incentive-based pay from management and the economics dual angle .

  26. 企业文化的日益多元化促使管理者们学习以更为宽广的文化价值观去领导和激励员工。

    Increasing cultural diversity is forcing managers to learn to supervise and motivate people with a broader range of values systems .

  27. 企业也投入大量的财力、物力去吸引和激励专业技术人员。

    Enterprises have also invested a great deal of financial and material resources to attract and motivate professional and technical personnel .

  28. 科学合理的人力资源管理,要求我们不仅建立起积极有效的激励机制,还需不断去探索新的激励方式并不断完善激励机制,才能实现人力资源管理由传统陈旧型向现代科学型的转变。

    We should not only set up the active and efficient motivation mechanism , but also develop new ones and perfect them .

  29. 中学化学教学中的情感教育是指在教学过程中,教师在充分考虑认知因素的同时,充分发挥情感因素的积极作用,以积极的情感去教育学生、激励学生而达到教学目的。

    It means that teachers should consider the factors of students ' cognition and gives full impact of their active mood so that the teaching aim can be realized .

  30. 管理者的工作不是去控制人,而是去激励人。

    The job of the manager is not to control person but urge person .