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  1. 父亲带我去看齐格?齐格内尔。

    My father took me to see zig ziegler .

  2. 奴隶贩子怕他逃跑,因此将他的脚筋割断,然后卖到齐国去。齐渠公买下他充当门房。

    To prevent escaping , the slave traders cut off Kun 's feet tendon and then sold him to the State of Qi .

  3. 我不得不花几个星期去收齐这些钱。但是即使娜塔莉在拍电影过程中或者类似的情况,她都会确保在第二天把一元钱带给我。

    I had to stay on top of everyone else for weeks , but even with Natalie in the middle of making movies and such , she made sure to bring in the $ 1 and give it to me the very next day .

  4. 我们在这边,只能写纪念鲁迅先生的文章,而谁去努力剪齐墓上的荒草?

    As for us over here , there is not much we can do but write some memorial articles . But who will go and trim the grass on his tomb ?

  5. 哈里顿到里斯河边放牛去了,齐拉和约瑟夫出去玩了;虽然我习惯于一个人,我还情愿有几个有趣的同伴,要是我能得到的话。

    Hareton is gone with some cattle to the Lees , and Zillah and Joseph are off on a journey of pleasure ; and , though I 'm used to being alone , I 'd rather have some interesting company , if I can get it .

  6. 在你去伦敦不久,齐拉辞去了,希刺克厉夫先生要我来这儿住下,一直等到你回来。

    Zillah left , and Mr Heathcliff wished me to come , soon after you went to London , and stay till you returned .