
  1. 我一下课就马上去图书馆。

    I 'm going to the library straight after the class .

  2. 我们常去图书馆,收获不小。

    We benefited from our visit to the library .

  3. 我正要去图书馆还这些书。

    I 'm just going to check in these books at the library .

  4. 你去图书馆的时候,顺便把我这本书还了吧。

    When you go to the library , please return this book for me .

  5. 他经常去图书馆。

    He goes to the library regularly .

  6. 里尔登和其他学者发现,在过去十年间,虽然收入不平等加剧,但抚养孩子的某些社会经济差异,比如为孩子朗读书籍、陪孩子去图书馆,已经在缩小。

    In the past decade , even as income inequality has grown , some of the socioeconomic differences in parenting , like reading to children and going to libraries , have narrowed .

  7. 他从不去图书馆学习。

    He never went to the library to study .

  8. 蒂娜不可能在教室。她去图书馆了。

    Tina can 't be in the classroom . She has gone to the library .

  9. 没有电脑的时候,你需要努力从别人那里获得知识,也可以去图书馆。

    When there were no computers , efforts were required to get knowledge from other people , or go to the library .

  10. 太可怕了!所以他去图书馆借了很多书回家来解决自己晚起的问题。

    That was terrible ! So he went to the library and borrowed plenty of books home to deal with his problem of getting up late .

  11. 我们常去图书馆,收获不小

    We benefited through our visit to the library .

  12. 我坐地铁去图书馆。

    I go to the library by subway .

  13. dropoff:把…放下抱歉,我刚去图书馆还书了。

    I had to drop some books off at the library . sorry . -

  14. StephenCastillo:“我很喜欢去图书馆,或去朋友家里。”

    STEPHEN CASTILLO : " Pretty much I go to , like , the library , I guess , or go to a friend 's house . "

  15. 比如去图书馆查资料,去LOCKER拿重要物品,去找老师谈话等,当然也包括去厕所。

    For example go to the library to find information , go LOCKER take important items , go talk to other teachers , of course , but also to the toilet .

  16. 每月有一两次,马丁在穿过市政厅公园去图书馆的路L总要停下自行车来听听他们的辩论,每次离开时都有些恋恋不舍。

    Once or twice in the month , while riding through the park on his way to the library , Martin dismounted from his wheel and listened to the arguments , and each time he tore himself away reluctantly .

  17. 跟我来,我现在正要去图书馆。

    Follow me . I 'm going to the library now .

  18. 是她建议我们去图书馆的。

    If was she who suggested we go to the library .

  19. 让警卫立刻去图书馆门口候着她。

    Have the gas guard waiting for her in the library .

  20. 我想去图书馆应该走哪个出口?

    Which exit shall I take to get to the library ?

  21. 有时候我喜欢去图书馆看看书。

    Sometimes I like to go to the library to read .

  22. 如果你去图书馆,那儿有书。

    If you go to the library , they have books .

  23. 然后去图书馆还书。

    Then I had to return some books to the library .

  24. 下午所有的孩子都可去图书馆看书。

    All children have access to the library during the afternoon .

  25. 从上周以来他每天都去图书馆。

    He has gone to the library everyday since last week .

  26. 他们去图书馆找重要的资料。

    They go to the library to find important information .

  27. 老师正带领一队孩子去图书馆。

    The teacher is taking a party of children to the library .

  28. 他想去图书馆查一些资料。

    He wants to find some information in the library .

  29. 刘莹在去图书馆的路上与王宾相遇。

    Liu Ying meets Wang Bin on the way to the library .

  30. 我们从这里怎麽去图书馆呢?

    How do we get to the library from here ?