
  • 网络Deindustrialization;de-industrialization;de industrialization;de-industrialisation
  1. 文章第二部分对危机前美国的去工业化状况进行了分析。

    The second part , analyzing the de-industrialization of the United States pre-crisis .

  2. 产业结构与城市化:美国的去工业化和再城市化现象及其启示

    Industrial Structure and Urbanization : " De-industrialization " and " Re-urbanization " in the United States and the Corresponding Enlightenment

  3. 这种发动机的许多初期测试被安排在Stellenbosch大学进行。在那里,现在正帮助发展去工业化国家市场的发动机。

    Much of the initial testing of the engine was carried out at the University of Stellenbosch , which is now helping to develop the engine for markets in industrialised countries .

  4. 当然,伦敦并非唯一一座努力应对去工业化的西方城市。

    London of course was not the only western city struggling with deindustrialisation .

  5. 全球化背景下,中国出现了去工业化现象。

    On the background of the globalization , the postindustrial has appeared in China .

  6. 美国20世纪产业结构变化的突出现象是去工业化和与信息产业相关的新兴产业的崛起。

    In the 20 th century , the United States experienced radical industrial structure changes .

  7. 他担心,新兴市场现在正朝着“过早的去工业化”前进。

    He fears that the emerging markets are now heading for " premature deindustrialisation . "

  8. 但积习难返,对于去工业化的担忧激起了重商主义者的本能。

    But old habits die hard , and nervousness about deindustrialisation has triggered mercantilist instincts .

  9. 去工业化过程中的我国城市新贫困群体与社会排斥

    The New Urban Poverty and Social Exclusion of Our Country in the Process of the Postindustrial

  10. 资源大国是前一种影响的最大赢家,不过它们也面临去工业化的风险。

    Resource-rich countries have been big winners from the first of these effects , though they     face risks of de-industrialisation .

  11. 随着欧洲继续去工业化(相对于中国和印度等新兴经济体而言),它的碳排放会减少,取而代之的是碳进口。

    As Europe continues to de-industrialise relative to emerging economies such as China and India its production of carbon falls , displaced by carbon imports .

  12. 这种现象有学者认为是经济发展到一定程度的产物,是一种积极的去工业化形式。

    This phenomenon , some scholars believe that is the product of economic development to a certain extent , is a positive de-industrialization in the form .

  13. 除美国之外的很多页岩气生产国打算复制这种乘数效应,从而将制造业留在本国,或将别国制造业吸引至本国经济中,这会进一步加剧欧洲的去工业化。

    Many shale-producing states aside from the US will want to emulate that multiplier effect , either to keep manufacturing at home or to encourage its transfer to their economies which will further reinforce European deindustrialisation .

  14. 二战以后,美国城市的空间结构发生了巨大变化,在郊区的横向蔓延和中心城市去工业化浪潮的冲击下,以中央商务区为代表的中心城市持续衰败,危机频传。

    Since the second world war , the United States urban spatial structure has changed , under the suburbs of lateral spreading and center city to industrialization waves pound to the central business district , as a representative of the center city continued to decline .

  15. 在后工业化的历史背景下,伦理学的研究需要有着远大的社会目标,那就是努力追寻道德制度确立的可能性,以求通过道德制度的建构去解决后工业化过程中所出现的各种各样的社会问题。

    On the historical background of post-industrialization , the study of ethics should establish a long-range social target , that it should pursue the feasibility of establishing a system of moral , so that social questions occurring in the process of post-industrialization be solved through constituting the system of moral .

  16. 但要作为一种通用性的新技术去推广、去工业化,仍然需要做很多工作。

    Forthe industry , it needs more work to do .