
  • 网络Panzergrenadier
  1. 我们只能让坦克越过阵地,但是一定要挡住后面的装甲掷弹兵。

    We had to let the tanks pass through our positions and stop the Panzergrenadiers .

  2. 不过,德国人不是经常有坦克可用,但是装甲掷弹兵和半履带车是一直都有的!

    However , the Germans did not always have tanks , but Panzergrenadiers and half-tracks were always there !

  3. 在我的左翼,我的装甲掷弹兵正向前方的村庄发起冲击,准备占领那里并以其为依托,阻击不可避免的苏军进攻。

    On my left flank , the panzergrenadiers were tasked with taking the village and holding it to stall the inevitable Soviet advance .