
quǎn rú
  • Cynic
犬儒 [quǎn rú]
  • [cynic] 原指古希腊抱有玩世不恭思想的一派哲学家,后来泛指玩世不恭的人,尤指知识分子

犬儒[quǎn rú]
  1. 犬儒学派是古代希腊哲学学派的成员。

    Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers .

  2. 犬儒主义者认为他们就像狗的一生因而可以被宽恕。

    A cynic may be pardoned for thinking that this is a dog 's life .

  3. 犬儒主义者把世界看成一片荒原,他们的唯一乐趣就是让别人也把世界看成一片不毛之地。

    Cynics are only happy in making the world as barren to others as they have made it for themselves .

  4. 我希望你们的视野不要被犬儒或恐惧所蒙蔽。

    I hope you have a vision that isn ’ t clouded by cynicism or fear .

  5. 犬儒主义者会争辩说与会者极力鼓吹巩固IMF地位是因为这是他们能够一致同意的唯一的实际行动。

    Cynics will argue that the summiteers trumpeted the strengthening of the fund because this was the one substantive thing they were able to agree on .

  6. 此举最终被世贸组织(WTO)认定为非法而遭废除。布什做出这一精心设计且带有几分犬儒主义的努力,是为了说服劳工团体不再那么反对其追求市场开放的贸易议程。

    The move , ultimately struck down as illegal by the World Trade Organisation , was a calculated and somewhat cynical effort to convince organised labour to be less opposing of the president 's market-opening trade agenda .

  7. 是中国式居住,还是中国式投机+犬儒?

    " Chinese Dwelling " or " Chinese Opportunism + Cynicism "?

  8. 人们称他为狗,称他的哲学为犬儒主义。

    People called him The Dog and called his philosophy Cynicism .

  9. 犬儒主义学派产生于极特殊的历史环境和社会现状之中。

    Cynicism emerged in a special historical environment and social situation .

  10. 现在奥巴马几乎在每场演讲中都会用到犬儒主义这个词。

    The word now crops up in nearly every speech .

  11. 当然,共和党不是唯一的犬儒主义者。

    Of course , Republicans aren 't the only cynics .

  12. 犬儒主义是一种选择,而希望是一种更好的选择。

    Cynicism is a choice , and hope is a better choice .

  13. 第一章重在阐释当代语境下的犬儒主义思想。

    Chapter I explaines about Cynicism in contemporary context .

  14. 犬儒主义集中表现在反知识、反秩序、反传统等方面。

    Cynicism concentrated expression in the anti-intellectual , anti-order , and anti-tradition areas .

  15. 但阴谋论是自动生成的,懒惰的犬儒主义。

    But conspiracy theories are kneejerk , lazy cynicism .

  16. 这使他在当今世界浅薄而犬儒主义的领导人里脱颖而出。

    That makes him stand out in a world of shallow and cynical leaders .

  17. 如果数周内毫无进展,市场犬儒主义会再次溺杀此项计划。

    If nothing happens for weeks , market cynicism will yet again drown the plan .

  18. 该章从三个方面对当代中国犬儒主义特征及其表现展开阐述。

    The chapter describes the characteristics and performances of Chinese contemporary cynicism from three aspects .

  19. 他还有条狗,和他一样深得犬儒的精髓。

    He has a pet-dog , who shows up with cynicism , just as him .

  20. 这就是被称作古希腊小苏格拉底学派之一的犬儒主义学派。

    This is known as one of the ancient Greek small Socrates which called cynicism .

  21. 心理契约破裂对组织犬儒主义有显著的正向影响,对国有企业员工的组织犬儒主义的正向影响更强。

    It has positive effects on organizational cynicism , which is stronger in state-owned enterprises .

  22. 这是毫无保护作用的保护主义,是纯粹的绥靖政治:精心设计且犬儒主义。

    This is protectionism without the protection . Pure appeasement Politics : calculated and cynical .

  23. 《可以吃的女人》与现代犬儒主义

    The Edible Woman and Modern Cynicism

  24. 我想,如何在这个犬儒主义的时代,使人信服。

    And I said , how , in this age of cynicism can I convince people ?

  25. 而现在,英国也已把引以为豪的犬儒主义和言语节制的传统抛诸脑后。

    But now in Britain , proud traditions of cynicism and understatement have been cast aside .

  26. 摘要早期的犬儒主要指犬儒学派的创始人安提斯泰尼、第欧根尼与克拉底及他们的门徒。

    The early cynics refer to antisthenes , diogenesand crates , as well as their disciples .

  27. 这使他在当今世界浅薄而犬儒主义的“领导人”里脱颖而出。

    That makes him stand out in a world of shallow and cynical " leaders . "

  28. 荷妮的人格理论,知识分子历经焦虑一防御之心理流变,形成多元化的人格范型,即:依附型人格、逃避型人格、犬儒型人格。

    The intellectual goes through psychological rheology of " anxious and defence ", form pluralistic personality type .

  29. 她设置了一个显型漏洞,让怀有好感的冒充者或干脆就是犬儒的人都能通过检测。

    She draws a phenotypic loophole through which a sympathetic impostor or a straight-up cynic can pass .

  30. 还有其他大量书信,以著名犬儒派哲学家的名义书写。

    There are a whole bunch of letters written under the names of very famous Cynic philosophers .