
quǎn kē
  • Canidae
犬科[quǎn kē]
  1. 四种犬科(Canidae)动物线粒体DNA分子进化

    The mitochondrial DNA evolution of four species of Canidae

  2. (动物学)犬科动物、与之相关或具有其特点。

    ( zoology ) of or relating to or characteristic of members of the family Canidae .

  3. 狐狸是犬科动物。

    The fox is a canine animal .

  4. NJ法构建的分子系统树显示,非洲野犬最先从犬科动物中分化出来;

    Molecular phylogenetic tree constructed by NJ method suggests that African wild dog is the earliest divergent .

  5. 杜克大学杜克犬科动物认知研究中心(DukeCanineCognitionCenteratDukeUniversity)的主任布赖恩·黑尔(BrianHare)说,无论犬类的这种行为被称作什么,对他们的主人而言,都会存在一些实实在在的影响。

    Whatever the dogs " behavior is called , said Brian Hare , a director of the Duke Canine Cognition Center at Duke University , there are practical implications for their owners .

  6. 犬科一种荒漠狐,学名Fennecuszerda。分布于北非、西奈(半岛)及阿拉伯半岛。

    Desert-dwelling fox ( Fennecus zerda ) found in northern Africa and the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas .

  7. 本文综述了犬科动物卵母细胞的成熟培养(IVM)、体外受精(IVF)和体外胚胎生产(IVP)、精液冷冻和人工授精、胚胎移植及克隆等的研究进展。

    This review summaries the following aspects , including canine oocytes in vitro maturation ( IVM ), in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) and in vitro embryos production , semen frozen and artificial insemination , embryo transfer and clone .

  8. 而还有许多其他的犬科动物

    Any number of these other dog-like species that are out there

  9. 根据这么肥的骨髓我认为是犬科的。

    Given the big fat medulla , I 'd say canine .

  10. 没有主人在,我不参与其他犬科动物的社交活动。

    I will never go socializing with other canines without my master .

  11. 所有幸存的犬科动物都属于“奔跑系猎手”阵营。

    All surviving dog species fall into this " runner " camp .

  12. 犬科解剖学不仅仅是关于狗的结构构造,还是繁殖中必须的。

    Canine anatomy is essential to breeding and is not only about structure .

  13. 沙棘油对犬科动物(狗)消炎能力的评估

    Studies for an Evaluation of Anti inflammatory Activities of Seabuckthorn Oil in Canine

  14. 3种犬科动物直针毛显微形态学特征观察这种食肉哺乳动物的毛

    Observation of Microscopic Morphologic Characters of Straight Guard Hair of 3 Species of Canid

  15. 猫科动物的涌入导致犬科动物数量在一段时间内大幅下降。

    The influx of cats prompted a period of dramatic decline among the dog clan .

  16. 狂犬病病毒保护性抗原重组犬2型腺病毒活载体疫苗的构建及其在犬科动物的免疫研究

    Construction of Recombinant Canine Adenovirus Type 2 Expressing Rabies Virus Protective Antigens and Immunization in Canis

  17. 不过也有其他犬科动物伏击猎物的方式与猫科动物相似。

    But other dog species ambushed their prey in a manner similar to the cat family .

  18. 犬科动物神经科学的较新领域调查了狗脑的运作方式。

    The relatively new field of canine neuroscience investigates the workings of a dog 's brain .

  19. 作为现存食肉目动物中分布最为广泛的类群,犬科动物与人类生活有着千丝万缕的联系。

    Canidae , as the most widely distributed taxa in Carnivora , is inextricably linked to our life .

  20. 北美洲和欧亚大陆的各种掠夺型犬科食肉哺乳动物,通常成群捕食。

    Any of various predatory carnivorous canine mammals of North America and Eurasia that usually hunt in packs .

  21. 然而,中国分布的其他种群的狼和其他犬科动物的线粒体基因组数据未见报道。

    But the mitochondrial genomes of wolves in other regions of China have not been reported till now .

  22. “犬科雄兽,尤用于狐狸和家养犬。”

    " A male animal of the family canidae , especially of the fox or a domesticated breed . "

  23. 二者长达5000年的分离使得澳洲野狗从基因上变成了一种完全独立的犬科动物。

    Spending up to 5000 years in isolation genetically created the dingo as a separate and true canid species .

  24. 它被认为是最古老的犬科动物之一,它的发展几乎没有人为干扰。

    It is believed to be one of the oldest canine species , with little human interference in its evolution .

  25. 该病毒的成功分离为今后犬科动物包括部分经济动物疫苗的评价,提供了效检用强毒标准。

    We provide a standard virulent virus for testing vaccine efficacy of dog including some economical animals after our work .

  26. 因为犬瘟还影响野生动物,野外犬科动物和家犬之间的接触会加大病毒的散播。

    Because canine distemper also affects wildlife populations , contact between wild and domestic canids may facilitate spread of the virus .

  27. 犬科动物中各种非家养的哺乳动物,由于区别于豺和狼而被认为是象狗。

    Any of various undomesticated mammals of the family Canidae that are thought to resemble domestic dogs as distinguished from jackals or wolves .

  28. 虽然众人还在探究灰狼的影响,但初步证据仍强烈暗示犬科动物是「无意间复原环境的生物学家」。

    ALTHOUGH THE JURY is still deliberating the effects of wolves , early evidence strongly suggests that the canids are unwitting restoration biologists .

  29. 每个学龄前儿童都知道,如果你总喊狼来了,当这种满口獠牙的犬科动物真的出现时,没人会理你。

    Cry wolf often enough and , as every preschooler learns , you will be ignored when the fanged canine actually turns up .

  30. 它被称为鬃鬣狗,以充满了非洲的野性和如漆彩般的皮毛而出名。这种濒危犬科动物有着类似于狼的群体社会构成。

    Known as African wild , painted , or Cape hunting dogs , these endangered canines closely resemble wolves in their pack-oriented social structure .