
quǎn chǐ
  • canine teeth;laniarii;canine tooth;eye-tooth;fang;canine
犬齿 [quǎn chǐ]
  • (1) [canine tooth;eye-tooth]∶带有圆锥形尖端的牙齿

  • (2) [fang]∶门牙两侧长而带尖的牙齿

犬齿[quǎn chǐ]
  1. 犬齿用来咬穿、咬死猎物,还可以撕肉。

    Canine teeth are for piercing and killing prey , and tearing flesh

  2. 牙齿磨损重表明Ganlea拥有扩大犬齿,它用来撬开硬盘外部的艰苦热带水果提取内部坚果和种子。

    Heavy dental abrasion indicates Ganlea possessed enlarged canine teeth that it used to pry open the hard exteriors of tough tropical fruits to extract interior nuts and seeds .

  3. 一副恒牙包括:8个尖牙,8个犬齿,2个磨牙和8个痰盂。(应为8个切牙incisors,4个尖牙canines,8个双尖牙premolars和12个磨牙molars)

    A permanent set of teeth consists of eight canines , eight cuspids , two molars , and eight cuspidors .

  4. 成年猪的犁鼻器呈梭形,长约3.5cm,中段直径约0.6cm,后端达犬齿的横切面。

    The organ is fusiform , the organ size of mature pig is about 3.5 cm in length and 0.6 cm in diameter in the middle segment .

  5. 他们有短粗的尾巴和长而尖利的犬齿。

    They have short , stubby tails and long , sharp fangs .

  6. 大而尖利的犬齿是食肉动物的特征。

    Especially large , sharp canine characterizes the carnivorous animals .

  7. 典型大犬齿,有力。断齿不是不合格。

    Canine teeth large , strong , broken teeth not to be faulted .

  8. 肉食动物的特征是大而尖的犬齿。

    The carnivorous animals are characterized especially by large , sharp canine teeth .

  9. 犬齿类动物具有人类进化过程中的一些语言技能。

    Canines share some aspects of the language skill that evolved in humans .

  10. 目的:探讨32只猴活体上颌犬齿口内摄片的最佳投照方法。

    To investigate the proper radiographic methods of dens canine of maxilla in monkey .

  11. adj.食肉的肉食动物的特征是大且尖的犬齿。

    carnivorous The carnivorous animals are characterized especially by large , sharp canine teeth .

  12. 犬齿瞬间爆裂法制备珍珠薄层粉工艺研究

    Study on the Manufacturing Technology of Pear Layer Powder with Canine Tooth Instant Exploding Method

  13. 上颚阻生犬齿是混合齿列期常遇见的问题。

    An impacted maxillary canine is a frequently encountered clinical problem in the mixed dentition .

  14. 鼻内镜下犬齿窝径路治疗上颌窦病变

    Some experience of the endoscopy treatment of maxillary sinus lesion with the canine tooth fossa approach

  15. 肝裂可能是弯曲的,呈波浪形甚至犬齿交错状。

    The hepatic fissures may be curved like the waves or even the canine teeth overlapping .

  16. 类人猿左右犬齿间的宽度

    The bicanine width of the ape

  17. 例如,雄性狒狒的体重和犬齿长度是雌性的两倍。

    Male baboons , for example , have twice the body weight and canine length of females .

  18. 譬如,牙齿更为原始,有大的犬齿和非常合适的门齿。

    For example , the teeth are more primitive . There are large canines and unusually shaped incisors .

  19. 犬牙用于捕获动物并撕成碎块的肉食动物的犬齿。

    Any of the canine teeth of a carnivorous animal with which it seizes and tears its prey .

  20. 婆罗洲云豹的大小与小型美洲狮相当,其犬齿长度相对于体型来说居猫科动物之首。

    The size of a panther it has the longest canine teeth relative to body size of any cat .

  21. 懒熊也有相对较大的犬齿,这些牙齿看上去格斗功能强于觅食功能。

    Sloth bears also have relatively large canine teeth which appear to be more functional for fighting than for foraging .

  22. 牙齿大而建全、整齐,犬齿交错或完全咬合。

    The teeth are large , sound , and regular , meeting in either a scissors or an even bite .

  23. 现在的引用语在犬齿交错且第一行没有缩排的段落里长于三行。

    Present quotations longer than three lines in a double-indented single-spaced paragraph , with no further indentation of the first line .

  24. 只有一个牙尖的牙齿.任何一个尖牙都有一个较长的牙根.也称为犬齿。

    A tooth with a single cusp . Cuspids have the longest root of any tooth . Also known as a Canine .

  25. 主要产于美国北部的多年生草本植物,具球茎;犬齿赤莲;瓶儿小草属蕨类;赤莲属的一种植物;赤莲。

    Perennial bulbous herbs most of northern United states : dogtooth violet ; adder 's tongue ; trout lily ; fawn lily .

  26. 方法采用经鼻内窥镜下经犬齿窝和中鼻道联合进路的方法切除上颌窦占位病变。

    Method Adopting choanal atresia to ablate 51 cases with maxillary sinus well ordered anticipate pathological changes by canine nest and mid nasal road .

  27. 方法:采用经犬齿窝进路和扩大自然窦口的方法对双侧上颌窦良性占位性病变进行治疗。

    Methods : With approach of canine fossa and widing natural ostiums apertures , 22 cases of maxillary benign space occupying lesion were treated .

  28. 阻生犬齿引起犬齿导引的丧失、合的损伤、下颚牙弓的不协调。

    It will cause loss of the canine guidance , damage of the occlusion , and discoordination of the maxillary and mandibular arch forms .

  29. 一个猎人的蜥蜴、子、型鹿、猫比例最长的犬齿任何猫。

    A hunter of lizards , monkeys , and small deer , the big cat has proportionately the longest canine teeth of any cat .

  30. 和雌性动物相比,雄性动物更具攻击性、体型更大、更重且肌肉更发达,并有更尖利的犬齿,这些都更有利于攻击对手。

    Males are far more aggressive , bigger , heavier and more muscular than females and have bigger canines-the better to slash an opponent with .