
yú xùn
  • fishing season;catching season
渔汛 [yú xùn]
  • [fishing season] 见鱼汛

渔汛[yú xùn]
  1. 在渔汛期男人不可以织网(?)

    It 's against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season .

  2. 1987年马面?渔汛期海况特点及其鱼发特征的关系

    The Features of Sea Conditions during the Fishing Season of Filefish in 1987 and Its Relationship with the Characteristics of Fish Blom

  3. 年渔获量波动于10000~100000吨之间,主要渔汛期1月份渔获量可占全年渔获量的40%以上。

    The annual catch of squid ranges from 10,000 to 100,000 tons . The main fishing season is January , that the cath accounts for 40 % in a year .