
  • 网络fisherman's wharf;Fisherman’s Wharf;Fishermans Wharf;Macau Fisherman's Wharf;Old Fisherman's Wharf
  1. 那里的电车沿着海德街(HydeStreet)行驶时经常颠簸,如果你没从传说中的电车上跌落下来,你就会来到旧金山版本的时代广场:渔人码头(Fisherman’sWharf)。

    But if you fail to leap off the fabled cable cars before they makes their fateful plunge down Hyde Street , you will end up in San Francisco 's version of Times Square : Fisherman 's Wharf .

  2. 在我们怒斥渔人码头之前,要有一个认识。

    Before we bash Fisherman 's Wharf completely , an acknowledgement .

  3. 本文以湖州太湖渔人码头为研究背景,通过有限元软件ANSYS对索结构的找形、施工模拟及静动力性能等问题进行深入的分析。

    Taking the Taihu in Huzhou as an example , this paper discusses form-finding , construction simulation and static-dynamic performance on cable structure with the finite element software ANSYS .

  4. 渔人码头上的户外咖啡座。

    Outdoor cafe , kauppatori ( fish market ) on the harbour .

  5. 这辆公车有没有到渔人码头?

    Does this bus go to Fisherman 's Wharf ?

  6. 你可以坐渡船从淡水到渔人码头。

    You can take a ferry boat from Danshui to fisherman 's wharf .

  7. 我怎么到渔人码头?

    How do I get to fisherman 's wharf ?

  8. 请送我去渔人码头好吗?

    Please take me to Fisherman 's Wharf ?

  9. 渔人码头海鲜风味街。

    Fisherman Wharf and Seafood Cuisine Street .

  10. 离渔人码头有多远?

    How far to fishermen 's wharf ?

  11. 渔人码头是一个多功能的港口,结合了休闲与商业。

    Combining business and leisure activities , Fisherman 's Wharf is really a multi-functional port .

  12. 因为这个原因,也只有这个原因,渔人码头才有一定的用处。

    For this reason and this reason alone , Fisherman 's Wharf serves a purpose .

  13. 现在我转到男子方面来。现在我们到了渔人码头。

    Here we are at the Fisherman 's Wharf . It 's a quarter to one .

  14. 我喜欢渔人码头作为发展香港仔旅游项目框架。

    I like the proposed Fisherman 's Wharf Development as the development framework in Aberdeen Harbour .

  15. 纽约有南街海港,旧金山有渔人码头,奥斯陆则有阿克尔码头。

    New York has its South Street Seaport , SanFrancisco its Fisherman 's Wharf and Oslo has Aker Brygge .

  16. 渔人码头就像是旧金山家族中那个讨厌的、醉醺醺的、又令人尴尬的堂兄弟。

    Fisherman 's Wharf is like the obnoxious , drunken , embarrassing cousin that showed up at San Francisco 's family reunion .

  17. 一些主要景点包括:渔人码头、唐人街、恶魔岛监狱、还有穿越金门大桥。

    Some of the main attractions include : Fisherman 's Wharf , Chinatown , Alcatraz Prison , and crossing the Golden Gate Bridge .

  18. 其中,阳光广场、方特欢乐大道、渔人码头是全开放式区域,游客可以免费自由参观。

    Among them , the Sunshine Plaza , joy Infante Avenue , Fisherman 's Wharf is an open area , tourists can visit for free free .

  19. 旧金山大都会市场考察:联合广场名牌店区,金门大桥、艺术宫、市政厅、渔人码头、双峰山、金银岛、九曲花街、中国城。

    San Francisco Culture Activity : Golden Gate Bridge , Fine Art Palace , Fishingman 's Wharf , Twin Peaks , Treasure Island , China Town , etc.

  20. 这是两村(龟咯港脚与咸水港)共用的渔人码头,就位于龙皇海鲜楼的旁边。

    The Kukup Fishermen 's Jetty located at the right-hand side of the main road is shared among the people of both Kukup Laut and Ayer Masin Fishng Village .

  21. 自2013年以来,旧金山的市政工程官员拓宽了渔人码头和卡斯特罗的两条人行道。这两个地方颇受游客欢迎,步行的人流量很大。

    Since 2013 , public works officials in San Francisco have widened two sidewalks in Fisherman 's Wharf and the Castro , popular tourist areas with a lot of foot traffic .