
shí ròu lèi
  • carnivores
  1. 与食肉类动物有关,或具有食肉类动物特征。

    Relating to or characteristic of carnivores .

  2. 食肉类动物的盲肠很小。

    Carnivorous animals have a very small caecum .

  3. 大型的原始食肉类昆虫,有两对膜翅。

    Large primitive predatory aquatic insect having two pairs of membranous wings .

  4. 新世界耳朵非常大的食肉类大型蝙蝠。

    Large carnivorous Old World bat with very large ears .

  5. 爪巨大的大型食肉类两足恐龙。

    Large carnivorous bipedal dinosaur having huge claws .

  6. 食肉类淡水和咸水鱼。亲水胶体对竹荚鱼鱼糜流变特性的影响

    Effect of Various Kinds and Amounts of Hydrocolloid on Rheological Properties of Horse Mackerel Surimi

  7. 陆栖或水栖的食肉类哺乳动物;陆栖类的每个肢体上有四或五个带爪的趾。

    Terrestrial or aquatic flesh-eating mammal ; terrestrial carnivores have four or five clawed digits on each limb .

  8. 大熊猫与几种食肉类动物血清蛋白及乳酸脱氢酶同工酶的比较研究

    A comparative study on the serum protein and lactic dehydrogenase isoenzymes of giant panda and some related mammals

  9. 这种蜥蜴是食肉类动物,它们通常依靠捕食山羊、鹿和其它哺乳动物为生。科莫多巨蜥的唾液中含有致命的细菌,足以致猎物死亡。

    The creature is carnivorous , killing goats , deer and other mammals through deadly bacteria in its saliva .

  10. 身体扁平的有翅原始昆虫;被用作鱼饵;水栖有腮的幼虫为食肉类并生活在石头下面。

    Primitive winged insect with a flattened body ; used as bait by fishermen ; aquatic gilled larvae are carnivorous and live beneath stones .

  11. 过去三年里,加州每年都派出专人捕捉这些食肉类梭子鱼,但梭子鱼的数量却在猛增。

    The state has devoted full-time crews to catching predatory pike each of the last three years , only to see the population skyrocket .

  12. 1991年,一支由考古学家组成的队伍在海拔4千米高的山上,面临着降至零下的温度,发现了首次在南极洲找到的第一只食肉类恐龙:冰脊龙。

    In1991 a team of paleontologists faced sub-zero temperatures on a4,000-meter mountain to discover the first carnivorous dinosaur ever found in Antarctica : Crylophosaurus .

  13. 古生物学家认为这两种食肉类恐龙轻巧、灵活、速度快,而且每个蹄子有三个巨大锋利的爪子。

    Paleontologists believe the meat-eating theropod dinosaur was light , agile and very fleet of foot , with three large slashing claws on each hand .

  14. 结论如下:(1)在呈现动物意象数量上,食草类、食肉类、给动物意象所赋予的性别三个方面上有显著的性别差异。

    I have found some results : ( 1 ) There are marked diversity in herbivorous , meat-eating animal imagery , endowed gender factors in different gender ;

  15. 这样食肉类毛虫是罕见的并且占有非常的适应力,就像披上装甲,诱人的气味巧妙的伪装,来提高它们的致命性。

    Such predatory caterpillars are rare and possess extraordinary adaptations , such as armor shields , seductive smells , or artful camouflage , to enhance their lethality .

  16. 无论是出于什么角度,一个事实是勿庸置疑的,那就是多进食蔬菜和水果等素食,少进食肉类和鱼类等荤食,会对身体更有益处。

    No matter for what reason they choose to be this way , the fact that having more vegetables and fruit other than meat and fish is healthier is widely accepted by the majority .

  17. 食肉类的尿,粪便,肛腺分泌物等从三个方面影响啮齿类:(1)抑制啮齿类的取食,引起回避反应等,尤其对植食性的啮齿类影响大,从而减少危害;

    Odors of carnivore can affect rodents in three ways : ( 1 ) to depress behavior such as activity level and feeding of rodents , especially in herbivore , to reduce rodent pest ;

  18. 当研究人员把记录后的数据进行对比之后,他们很激动,因为数据表明吸引过来的群居食肉类动物比例,和发现在沥青坑里的的剑齿虎化石比例相匹配。

    When they compared data , scientists were excited to find that the proportion of social predators attracted to the playbacks in Africa matched the proportion of Smilodon fossils found at the tar pits .

  19. 在动物意象和业绩之间的关系方面,当业绩大于均值时,表现出的食肉类和食草类的比例是均衡的;而业绩在小于均值时,食肉类出现的次数明显要少于食草类。

    When the performance is greater than average level , showed the number of animal and carnivore animal ratio was balanced ; if less than average performance , the number of phytophagous is obviously more than carnivorous .

  20. 食肉性蜥臀类恐龙的一属。

    A reptile genus of theropoda .

  21. 食肉型蜘蛛类节肢动物,通常在身体尾部有一个吐丝器官;它们吐丝来结茧或结网以捕捉昆虫。

    Predatory arachnid that usually has silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body ; they spin silk to make cocoons for eggs or traps for prey .

  22. 体形较小的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙。两栖类四足食草恐龙,颈长而细,鞭形尾;白垩纪主要生活在南半球。

    Amphibious quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur with a long thin neck and whiplike tail ; of the Cretaceous mostly in the southern hemisphere .