
shí pǐn
  • food;foodstuff;provisions;eatable;viands
食品 [shí pǐn]
  • [food] 可以供人食用的东西

  • 罐头食品

  • 食品工业

食品[shí pǐn]
  1. 建成国际食品会展经贸中心。

    Construct a international foodstuff promotion and exhibition trade center .

  2. WTO与中国食品企业发展战略

    WTO and chinese foodstuff enterprises development strategy

  3. 这种婴儿食品中被掺进了玻璃碎屑。

    Particles of glass had been introduced into the baby food .

  4. 那些特价食品不适宜让人食用。

    The food on offer was unfit for human consumption .

  5. 他的公司为食品工业提供灵活的包装服务。

    His company offers a flexible packaging service for the food industry .

  6. 食品居然并不那么昂贵。

    The food was not actually all that expensive .

  7. 他不得不在付房租和买食品之间作出决定。

    He had to toss up between paying the rent or buying food .

  8. 他把垃圾食品当饭吃。

    He lived on a diet of junk food .

  9. 她提着很多装着食品的杂货袋。

    She was loaded down with bags of groceries .

  10. 我们以公道的价格出售优质食品。

    We sell good quality food at reasonable prices .

  11. 食品业的一位发言人说这个电视节目危言耸听。

    A spokesperson for the food industry said the TV programme was alarmist .

  12. 更多的食品供应已备妥即刻发运。

    More food supplies are ready for immediate dispatch .

  13. 援助机构正组织力量向战区平民运送食品。

    Aid agencies are organizing food drops to civilians in the war zone .

  14. 人们对某些食品添加剂会严重过敏。

    People can react badly to certain food additives .

  15. 他好像靠吃垃圾食品为生。

    He seems to live off junk food .

  16. 销售点应提供更多有关健康食品的资料。

    More information on healthy foods should be provided at the point of sale .

  17. 这种食品不含人工调味品。

    This food contains no artificial flavourings .

  18. 平时用餐时尽量避免含脂肪的食品。

    Try excluding fat from your diet .

  19. 他们竟然要对食品收税!

    Now they want to tax food !

  20. 校餐也要以其他食品的推销方法推销给孩子。

    School meals need to be marketed to children in the same way as other food .

  21. 经过工厂加工的食品会失去许多色泽、味道和质地。

    Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour , flavour and texture .

  22. 维生素C的存在是冷冻食品里存在其他维生素和营养成分的很好说明。

    Vitamin C is a good marker for the presence of other vitamins and nutrients in frozen food .

  23. 餐车里的食品虽然量足够多,但花样太少。

    Food in the dining car was adequate , if uninspired .

  24. 食品中杀虫剂的含量很难精确测定。

    Pesticide levels in food are simply too difficult to calibrate .

  25. 那里有多达200万人口依靠食品援助。

    Up to two million people there are dependent on food aid

  26. 政府正试图通过空投食品补充供应。

    The government is trying to replenish supplies by airlifting food .

  27. 政府吝啬被指责是食品标准下降的原因。

    Government penny-pinching is blamed for the decline in food standards .

  28. 她回来时,他们在谈论美国食品。

    When she came back , they were talking about American food

  29. 鱼和米是该国的主要食品。

    Fish and rice were the mainstays of the country 's diet

  30. 民兵首领已拦阻了该地区经由陆上运送食品的车队。

    Militia leaders had halted overland food convoys in the region .