
rén zào ròu
  • Artificial meat;meat substitute
  1. 研究人员认为,证实和牛排能被3D打印是迈向未来可持续生产类真肉人造肉的重大一步。

    The researchers believe that proving that a wagyu steak can be accurately3 3D-printed could be a big step toward a sustainable future where cultured meat can be created that closely resembles existing products .

  2. 松崎道哉说,通过微调技术,未来顾客将能订购按照自己的口味和健康状况定制的人造肉,脂肪含量也可以随心定制。

    Michiya Matsusaki said that with these adjustments , customers might one day be able to order a cultured cut of meat with the amount of fat they desire , tailor-made to their tastes and health concerns .

  3. 因为人造肉是用干细胞培育而成,无色无味,

    The flesh , grown from stem cells , is pale white and tasteless ,

  4. 问题4.为什么食物专家要在人造肉里加果汁?

    Question 4.Why do the food technologists have to add juice to the grown meat ?

  5. 研究人员说,这是首次在失重条件下制造出少量人造肉。

    The creators say it is the first to create a small amount of artificial meat in conditions of weightlessness .

  6. 虽然有非传统型渠道为这项研究提供资金,但研究经费不足仍是人造肉实现商业化的最大障碍(当然,“令人恶心”也是另一个显而易见的障碍)。

    The biggest hurdle to commercialization ( besides the obvious " ick " factor ) is lack of funding for research - though money is trickling in from unconventional sources .

  7. 在动物保护的道路上,人造肉、功物实验替代方法、无痛苦屠宰、人与动物对话是有效减轻动物痛苦的四大科技手段。

    There are four ways as to protect animals , viz . , man-made meat , alternatives to animal experimentation , painless slaughter , and dialogue between animal and man .

  8. 据英国《每日电讯报》9月6日报道,上周,有报道称,再过6个月,研究人员就可以利用从实验室里培育出的数以千计的干细胞来制造世界上第一块人造肉了。

    Reports said last week that researchers could be just six months away from producing the world 's first artificial meat , using thousands of stem cells bred in a laboratory .

  9. 马克:我不太明白,它是人造合成肉还是天然细胞培育出来的?

    Mark : I 'm not clear , is that synthetic meat or was it really grown from natural cells ?