
  • 网络population size;population scale
  1. 人口规模预测的GM(1,1)模型应用初探

    Preliminary Studies on the Model of Forecast in Population Size

  2. 人口规模与城市人均GDP之间关系不大,在大城市组甚至呈负相关。

    The city population size does not have much relationship with per capita GDP , even has a negative impact on the group of large cities .

  3. 作为这种保险措施的回报,各成员国根据自身人口规模或是GDP认购该基金组织的资本。

    In return for this insurance , each member would contribute capital to the fund in proportion to the size of its population or GDP .

  4. 总人口规模变化的年龄结构SEIR流行病模型的稳定性

    Stability of an age - structured SEIR epidemic model with varying population size

  5. 第四章用ARMA模型和Leslie矩阵模型分别预测大连市2010-2019年的财政收入水平和农村人口规模。

    Chapter ⅳ uses ARMA model and the Leslie matrix model to respectively predict 2010-2019 revenue levels and the rural population size in Dalian .

  6. 河南作为中国中部地区一个比较典型的农业大省,人口规模全国第一,人力资源潜力很大,但人口素质低,竞争力不强,人均GDP在全国排第16位。

    Henan , an agricultural province of central China , has the most population and the huge potential of human resources . However , its population has the low quality and competitiveness , and per person GDP ranks 16 in the country .

  7. 调整产业结构、控制人口规模、提高用水效率等控制措施对抑制水需求过快增长具有明显作用,到2030年可消减水量5.4亿m3,水环境得到改善。

    The main proposed measures include industry structure regulation , population control , and the improvement of water use efficiency , all of which are quite helpful to constrain the excess increase of water demand .

  8. 到2008年,随着宏达电(HTC)率先采用谷歌(Google)发布的Android智能手机操作系统,台湾消费电子产业成为岛内经济支柱,在全球举足轻重,远远超出台湾人口规模(不到2500万)所代表的比例。

    By 2008 , with HTC spearheading Google 's launch of the Android smartphone operating system , the island 's consumer electronics industry was a pillar of the economy , with a global heft disproportionate to Taiwan 's population of less than 25m .

  9. 以人口规模作变量,运用城镇体系的异速生长模型和Zipf维数模型,分析了1984~2001年湖州市城镇体系时空结构的生长状态。

    This paper analyses the construction growth state of the urban system of Huzhou city from 1984 ~ 2001 by means of the allometry growth model and Zipf dimension index model .

  10. 山东省城市人口规模的职能效应分析

    The Effects of Urban Function on Population Growth in Shandong Province

  11. 论我国人口规模对经济增长的影响及对策

    The Influence of Chinese Population scale onthe Economy Growth and Countermeasures

  12. 中国可持续发展的适度人口规模研究

    Study on Proper Degree Scale of Population of Chinese Sustainable Development

  13. 基于约束条件的无锡市合理人口规模判断

    Judgment for rational population scale of Wuxi city based on constraint

  14. 从可持续发展的角度看稳定中国的人口规模

    Study on Stable Population of China from the Perspective of Sustainable Development

  15. 现阶段我国城市人口规模预测方法探讨

    Discussion on the method of forecast city population scales at present age

  16. 城市人口规模是国内外城市研究使用最多的统计指标。

    The influencing factors and spatial distribution of population urbanization in China ;

  17. 关于小城镇人口规模的分析

    Analysis On the Scale Of the Population of a Town

  18. 有关区域合理人口规模定量研究方法的讨论

    Discussion on Quantitative Analysis Method of Regional Reasonable Population Size

  19. 城市适度人口规模研究

    A Case Study on the Appropriate Population Scale of Qinhuangdao

  20. 新疆哈萨克族人口规模变迁及分布

    Population Scale Changes and Population Distribution of Kazaks in Xinjiang

  21. 城镇规划中人口规模分析与预测

    The analysis and forecast in the scope of population on town planning

  22. 城镇人口规模是反映城市发展水平的一个重要指标。

    The urban population size reflects the developing level of the city .

  23. 江苏集镇发展与合理人口规模研究

    A Study on the Development and Reasonable Population Scale of Town in Jiangsu

  24. 区域最优人口规模测评模型研究

    Mathematical Models for the Rational Scale of Regional Population

  25. 最优人口规模模型及实证分析

    The optimal scale of population model and empirical analysis

  26. 对2020年北京市人口规模预测的探讨

    Discussion on Forecasting Population Size of Beijing in 2020

  27. 试论澳门的人口规模与人口政策

    The Population or Macao : Its Size and Policy

  28. 城市化进程监控:从人口规模论到可持续人居环境度

    Urbanization monitoring : from population scale to the sustainable development of human settlements

  29. 具有内生人口规模的城市经济增长模型

    An urban economic growth model with endogenous population

  30. 我国城市人口规模的变化

    The changes of city size in New China