
  • 网络population growth rate;Growth rate of population
  1. 正在人口增长率方面,亚利桑那州正在各州卖中位居第二。

    Arizona ranked second of all states in its growth rate of population .

  2. 本文在Solow模型框架中引入随时间变动人口增长率函数,并假定人口增长率最终趋于零,证明该模型的解是渐近稳定的,收敛于零人口增长率的经典Solow模型的解。

    In this paper , a function of a variable population growth rate is integrated into the classical Solow model .

  3. 大多数中东国家的人口增长率都极高。

    Most Middle Eastern countries have extremely high rates of population growth

  4. 人口增长率正在以每年1.4%的速度下降。

    Population growth is decreasing by 1.4 % each year

  5. 以此类推,人口增长率缓慢下来时就会给社会安全基金的财经带来压力

    Analogously , the slowdown in population growth puts pressure on Social Security finances .

  6. 对于大多数中等发达地区和另一部分比较落后地区,人口增长率和GDP增长率正相关。

    While population growth is in proportion to GDP growth rate according to most medium developed areas and the other poor areas .

  7. 人口增长率过高已造成多方面的不良社会经济后果,其突出表现就是人均GDP和人均食物产量多年停滞不前,甚至有所下降。

    Rapid population growth brought about a lot of negative social and economic results , the most outstanding being a standstill and even a decrease in GDP and food production per capita .

  8. 布莱克和汉德尔森(BlackandHenderson)指出:城市人力资本水平影响城镇企业生产效率、城市经济增长速率以及城市人口增长率。

    According to Black and Henderson , the level of urban human resources capital influences the productivity of urban enterprises , the rate of urban economic and population growth .

  9. 中国省级人口增长率及其空间关联分析

    Population Growth Rate and Its Spatial Association by Providence in China

  10. 中国人口增长率与人口文化素质相关分析

    Correlation Analysis on Population Growth and Education Quality of Population in China

  11. 稳定人口增长率和出生率公式的误差估计

    The Error Estimate of Stable Population Rate of Increase and Birth Rate

  12. 人口增长率也根据每个地方商业发达程度而定。

    Aging populations also alter how business is done everywhere .

  13. 自20世纪60年代以来,欧洲人口增长率持续下降,1999年人口开始负增长,这无疑是其人口发展的一个转折点。

    The growth rate of European population has been declining ever since 1960s .

  14. 人口增长率逐年下降。

    The total birth rate has been decreasing gradually .

  15. 中国的人口增长率是世界第一。

    S population is the highest in the world .

  16. 那个城市的人口增长率每年下降1.5%。

    The population growth in that city is decreasing by1.5 % each year .

  17. 结果,加利福尼亚的人口增长率在20世纪70年代时下降到了18.5%一

    As a result , California 's growth rate dropped during the1970 's , to

  18. 得出结论,老年抚养比和老年人口增长率与消费呈现负相关关系。

    Concludes that there is a negative correlation between the population aging and economic growth .

  19. 由于实行计划生育,这一地区的人口增长率正在稳定下来。

    The population is leveling off in the area as a result of family planning .

  20. 我们的人口增长率是零。

    Our population has reached zero growth .

  21. 并从该模型方程的特征方程出发,讨论了稳定人口增长率及模型的几个主要参数之间的关系.分析表明:中国目前的人口状态与相应的稳定人口状态有较大的差异。

    The stable population increasing-rate and the relations between several main parameters of the model are discussed .

  22. 因此,在一定的人口增长率条件下,经济增长本身并不能保证充分就业。

    Consequently , given a constant population growth rate , economic growth itself cannot ensure full employment .

  23. 在5年的持续增长后,这个国家的人口增长率表现出下降的迹象。

    After a steady increase for5 years , the country 's rate of population shows signs of dropping .

  24. 在此基础上,提出以下政策建议:①继续保持低水平合理化的人口增长率。

    On this basis , the following policy recommendations : ① continued rationalization of the low population growth rate .

  25. 但即使是在经济增长率大幅降至人口增长率以下的时候,中国仍一再强调对非洲的承诺。

    But China repeatedly emphasised its commitment to Africa even as growth slumped below the rate of population expansion .

  26. 人口增长率大于食料生产增长率的说法是不正确的。

    It is not true that population increases in a larger proportion than production of the means of subsistence ;

  27. 一个社会的人口增长率越接近零,它的人口年龄就可能越老。

    The nearer a society approximates to zero population growth , the older its population is likely to be .

  28. 这组科学家发现在人口增长率最高的保护区周围,森林砍伐率也是最高的。

    The researchers found that rates of deforestation were also highest around PAs where human population growth was greatest .

  29. 此外,我国也可以考虑适当增加人口增长率来缓解养老保险替代率过低的问题。

    In addition , China may also consider increase in the population growth rate to ease population aging problem .

  30. 也就是城市扩张到农村地区,有时候比城市人口增长率快得多的速度扩张。

    This is where cities expand into rural areas , sometimes at a much faster rate than urban population growth .