
  • 网络UNFPA;UN Population Fund;The United Nations Population Fund;UNPF
  1. 根据联合国人口基金会的世界人口国家报告,菲律宾是世界上位居第12位的人口大国,拥有9409万人口。

    According to the UN Population Fund ( UNFPA ) State of the World Population Report , the Philippines is the 12th most populous country in the world with 94.9m people .

  2. 联合国人口基金会对印度男女比例的失调进行了批评。

    The United Nations Population Fund has taken India to task over its ratio of females to males .

  3. 联合国人口基金会发布了关于世界人口状况的一项新研究。

    The United Nations Population Fund has released a new study on the condition of the world 's population .

  4. 据估计,每年有2.15亿名妇女寻求计生手段却无法获得。联合国人口基金会为此敦促加倍扩大卫生和教育项目。

    With an estimated 215m women seeking but unable to gain access to family planning each year , it has urged redoubled health and education programmes .

  5. 联合国人口基金会预测,10月31号世界人口将掀开新的一页。同时预测,2025年将攀升至80亿,2083年将突破100亿。

    The United Nations Population Fund is predicting that the milestone will be hit on October 31 . It also expects the world population to reach eight billion by 2025 and 10 billion by 2083 .

  6. 本研究依托于联合国人口基金会资助的中国基层计划生育服务机构成本效果分析案例研究项目。

    Supported by the United Nation Population Foundation ( UNFPA ), a case study on cost-effectiveness analysis on family planning and reproductive health services at grass root level was conducted in Jimo county of Shangdong Province and Zhanyi county of Yunnan Province .

  7. 1971年萨迪克博士进入联合国,成为联合国人口基金会的一名技术顾问,1973年当选为人口基金会下属计划处主管。

    In1971 , she joined the United Nations and became a technical adviser to the United Nations Population Fund ( UNFPA ) and Chief of its Programme Division in1973 .