
shí dài
  • age;era;epoch;time;a period in one's life;chapter
时代 [shí dài]
  • (1) [time;age;era]∶历史上以经济、政治、文化等状况为依据而划分的时期

  • 他是那个时代最著名的作家之一

  • (2) [a period in ones life]∶指一生中的某个时期

  • 青年时代

时代[shí dài]
  1. 这部书的副标题是“新时代的新语言”。

    The book is subtitled ‘ New language for new times ’ .

  2. 时代变了,我也变了。

    Times have changed and so have I.

  3. 她对自己的大学时代充满了怀念之情。

    She is filled with nostalgia for her own college days .

  4. 维多利亚时代的人认为铁路带来了进步和文明。

    The Victorians regarded the railways as bringing progress and civilization .

  5. 展览讲述了蒸汽时代引人入胜的故事。

    The exhibition tells the fascinating story of the steam age .

  6. 工作能跟上时代是有利的。

    It pays to keep up to date with your work .

  7. 那场战争使得一个新的时代产生了。

    A new era was brought into being by the war .

  8. 我们生活在技术迅猛发展的时代。

    We live in an age of rapid technological advance .

  9. 在那个时代,只有少数特权人物才享有选举权。

    In those days , only a privileged few had the vote .

  10. 大海的气味使他回想起孩提时代。

    The smell of the sea took him back to his childhood .

  11. 作者将她的童年时代作为这部小说的素材。

    The writer uses her childhood as raw material for this novel .

  12. 此类传统方法似乎同我们今天的科技时代格格不入。

    Such traditional methods seem incongruous in our technical age .

  13. 这些谈判可能预示着新的和平时代的来临。

    These talks could herald a new era of peace .

  14. 他生活的时代比我们这个时代更平静祥和。

    He lived in a gentler age than ours .

  15. 她猛然觉得自己老了,跟不上时代了。

    Suddenly she felt old and out of date .

  16. 在那个时代,大多数妇女都待在家里。

    Most women stayed at home in those days .

  17. 在这科技日新月异的时代,过多的信息使人人都应接不暇。

    In these days of technological change we all suffer from information overload .

  18. 贝西∙史密斯是她那个时代的麦当娜。

    Bessie Smith was the Madonna of her day .

  19. 我已授权他在我外出时代理我的职务。

    I have authorized him to act for me while I am away .

  20. 这一发现将有助于科学家揭开冰川时代的奥秘。

    The discovery will help scientists unravel the mystery of the Ice Age .

  21. 这是一个时代的终结。

    It 's the end of an era .

  22. 夜不闭户的时代已经一去不复返了。

    The days are gone when you could leave your door unlocked at night .

  23. 他怀念地回忆起他们孩提时代的聚会。

    He remembered their childhood meetings with nostalgia .

  24. 他与剧作家康格里夫属于同一时代。

    He was contemporary with the dramatist Congreve .

  25. 她离开公司后,一个时代结束了。

    When she left the firm , it was the end of an era .

  26. 他在学生时代接触过许多有趣的人。

    He met a lot of interesting people during his life as a student .

  27. 她收集维多利亚时代的初版小说。

    She collects first editions of Victorian novels .

  28. 这乐曲勾起了她对青年时代的回忆。

    The music evoked memories of her youth .

  29. 维多利亚时代成千上万名工人加入了各种教育协会,以求上进。

    Thousands of Victorian workers joined educational associations in an attempt to better themselves .

  30. 苏联时代的公民被禁止出国旅游。

    Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad .