
  • 网络Indian population;Demographics of India
  1. 世界银行(WorldBank)发布的数据显示,三分之一的印度人口生活在每天1.25美元的国际公认贫困线以下。

    According to data from the World Bank , a third of India 's population live on less than $ 1.25 a day , the internationally recognised poverty line .

  2. 印度人口基金会的索娜莎玛(SonaSharma)在一定程度上对此表示赞同:在人口培训方面,印度面临着巨大难题,但这一挑战并非不可克服。

    Sona Sharma of the Population Foundation of India agrees , up to a point : India faces a huge challenge in terms of training its people , but the challenge is not impossible to overcome .

  3. AryavartGramin银行已经批准了在印度人口最稠密的州和主要的粮食种植地区北方邦安装8000个家用太阳能系统的贷款。

    The Aryavart Gramin bank has approved loans for the installation of8,000 solar-home-systems in Uttar Pradesh , India 's most populous state and a key grain growing region .

  4. 三分之二以上的印度人口生活费水平每天不足2美元。

    More than two-thirds live on less than $ 2 a day .

  5. 现在印度人口的百分之八十以上都是印度教徒。

    Nowadays , more than 80 percent of Indian are the Hindus .

  6. 印度人口众多,但智能手机用户非常少。

    India has a huge population with very few owners of smartphones .

  7. 中国与印度人口控制比较研究

    Comparative Research of Population Control of China and India

  8. 他们说,印度人口众多,经济富于活力,且有浓厚的创业氛围。

    They cited India 's'compelling demographics , dynamic economy and culture of entrepreneurship .

  9. 但中国和印度人口占全球的37%。

    But China and India contain 37 per cent .

  10. 当然,印度人口密度很高,受到的影响是最为严重的。

    India will of course be affected massively , and has a high population density .

  11. 传教士皈依了印度人口。

    The missionaries converted the Indian population .

  12. 印度人口素质与科技实力研究

    A study of the quality of the population and the scientific and technological strength of India

  13. 在中国、墨西哥和印度人口稠密的贫穷地区,地下水位在急速下降。

    The water table is falling fast in densely populated and poor regions of China , Mexico and India .

  14. 负责输送这种创新能力的高等教育将会释放出印度人口红利的潜力。

    Higher education that channels this capacity for innovation will unleash the latent potential of India 's demographic dividend .

  15. 印度人口逾10亿,许多人仍然失业,或者在从事低收入工作,印度无法接受这一状况。

    This is unacceptable in a country of over a billion people where many are still unemployed or are engaged in low-income activities .

  16. 包括孟买主要机场跑道在内的新发展计划正威胁着印度人口最多的城市中贫民窟居民的住所。

    New development plans , including a runway for Mumbai 's main airport , are threatening the homes of slum dwellers in India 's most populous city .

  17. 印度人口与中国相当,但比中国贫穷,经济上也更为保守。对投资者和贸易伙伴来说,印度令人瞩目的主要是软件业和商业服务业。

    India , similar in population but poorer and economically more insular , is chiefly notable to investors and trading partners for its software and business services .

  18. 在一个中国和印度人口都是欧盟三倍的世界里,任何其它战略都已经过时。

    In a world in which China and India will each have a population three times that of the EU , anything else is completely out of date .

  19. 上个月,由于长期断电让人们没法使用电风扇和获得饮用水,印度人口最多的北方邦爆发了暴力抗议事件。

    Last month , violent protests erupted across India 's most populous state , Uttar Pradesh , as long outages left people without fans and even drinking water .

  20. 本文对半个世纪以来印度人口政策的发展、转变作了简要概述,并着重对2000年印度新出台的人口政策进行了详细的分析和评述。

    This paper gave a simple summery to India 's population policy in resent half century , and typically made a detailed comment on the new National population Policy 2000 .

  21. 印度人口最多的邦-比哈尔邦最近报道,已经有5000多个有待嫁女的家庭拜访过改邦负责公务员人事任命的委员会,希望可以为女儿找到可能得过大笔贿赂款的新郎。

    Public Civil Service Commission in Bihar , India 's most populous state , has reported a surge in visits from 5000 families looking for grooms with lucrative bride income potential for their daughters .

  22. 电信和信息科技等行业持续增长,但这些增长只能让印度人口中的一小部分人获益,大部分人仍身处贫困和农村被遗忘的角落。

    Industries such as telecommunications and information technology continue to grow , but the benefits of that growth accrue to a small subset of the population , leaving the bulk of the country in poverty and rural limbo .

  23. 本文从总需求中的投资和消费角度出发,就印度人口规模与经济增长之间的关系问题,考察人口对印度经济增长带来的活力和机会。

    Based on the theory of the relationship between investment and consumption in general demand , this article discusses what relationship between population size and economic growth , and how population growth of moderate degree has brought energy and opportunity to economic growth in India .

  24. 直接从农业获得经济收入的印度农村人口越来越少,SalimAnsari说许多农民正在获得类似城市建筑的工作:

    Fewer and fewer rural Indians are getting their income directly from agriculture . Salim Ansari says many are finding jobs in urban style construction .

  25. 然而,印度的人口仍然比中国的人口增长得快。

    However , India 's population is still growing faster than China 's.

  26. 印度是人口高度密集的国家之一。

    India is one of the countries that have great denseness in population .

  27. 据估计,印度贫困人口占全球贫困总人口的三分之一。

    India is estimated to have a third of the world 's poor .

  28. 中国和印度的人口比世界上其他国家的人口多。

    China and India have larger populations than any other countries in the world .

  29. 印度控制人口增长的政策措施

    Measures of population control in India

  30. 许多专家预计到2020年,印度的人口可能会比中国的人口多。

    Many experts think that , by2020 , India 's population may be larger than China 's.