
  • 网络under-secretary-general
  1. 联合国副秘书长阿部信泰出席开幕式并致辞。

    UN Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs Nobuyasu Abe attended and addressed the opening ceremony .

  2. 联合国副秘书长基塔尼称:这次会议奠定了中国与联合国关系的新时代,是联合国妇女史上的一个里程碑。

    UN Under-Secretary-General Kitani said that the conference , which laid the foundation for a new era of relations between China and the United nations , was a milestone in the UN women 's history .

  3. 联合国副秘书长和紧急救助协调员ValarieAmos表示。

    N.Under-Secretary General and Emergency Relief Coordinator .

  4. 本文作者为联合国副秘书长

    The writer is deputy secretary-general of the United Nations

  5. 联合国副秘书长马克•马洛赫•布朗代表秘书长参加葬礼。

    The Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations , Mark Malloch Brown , attended to represent the Secretary-General .

  6. 该声明公布之际,联合国副秘书长简·埃里亚松正在联合国安理会对叙利亚的人道主义局势进行情况简介。

    The statement has come as UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson was briefing the UN Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Syria .

  7. 他曾担任联合国副秘书长、芬兰外交部国务秘书,在1994年当选芬兰总统。

    He served as a United Nations undersecretary and secretary of state for the Finnish foreign ministry before being elected president of Finland in1994 .

  8. 联合国副秘书长迪亚拉敦促非洲新一代领导人挺身面对双重挑战,也就是提供良好治理,以及提高人民的生活水平。

    Undersecretary-General Diarra urged the new generation of African leaders to rise to the twin challenges of providing good governance and raising living standards .

  9. 美国不大可能会采取进一步行动直至联合国副秘书长再次访问缅甸,可能会在十一月。

    The US is unlikely to act further until the un 's undersecretary general Ibrahim Gambari travels to Burma again , possibly in november .

  10. 联合国副秘书长扬·埃利亚松几乎说不出话来,他称以色列知道超过3000名平民在那里避难。

    Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson was at a loss for words , saying Israel knew that more than three thousand civilians had been sheltering there .

  11. 尽管拆除莱德拉街过境点可能只是一个象征性的行动,联合国副秘书长帕斯科认为,这是解决塞浦路斯分裂问题的一个机会。

    Even though the removal of the Ledra crossing may be just a symbolic move , U.N.Undersecretary-General Lynn Pascoe sees an opportunity to solve the division of this island .

  12. 冀大使不久将到纽约就任联合国副秘书长,当他借此机会向大家道别时,全场报以热烈的掌声。

    Ambassador Ji will soon leave for New York to take up the post of vice-secretary to the UN and when he took the opportunity to say goodbye to all the people , the whole audience applauded warmly in return .

  13. 联合国副秘书长瓦莱丽·阿莫斯表示,疾病正在叙利亚以惊人的速度传播,她说,在安理会要求阿萨德允许救援人员进行工作以后,人道主义的整体形势却变得越来越糟。

    UN Under Secretary of General Valerie Amos says disease is spreading in an alarming rate in Syria , and she says that overall humanitarian situation is getting worse , even after the security council called on Assad to let aid workers do their jobs .

  14. 注:本文作者为FTIConsulting国际事务董事长,曾担任联合国常务副秘书长。

    The writer is chairman of global affairs at FTI Consulting , and former UN deputy secretary-general .

  15. 主管协调联合国援助赞比亚事务副秘书长

    Under-Secretary-General-in-Charge of Coordinating the United Nations Assistance to Zambia

  16. 迪亚拉正在亚的斯亚贝巴的联合国会议中心参加大会,联合国常任副秘书长米基罗也参加了这次会议。

    Diarra is attending the convention at Addis Ababa 's United Nations Conference Center along with Deputy Secretary-General Asha Rose Migiro .