
  • 网络Federation;federal State;federal system
  1. 瑞士现代联邦制国家成立于1848年。

    Switzerland 's existence as a modern federal state dates back to1848 .

  2. 在法院体系方面,基本上可以划分为两种类型:单一制国家法院体系与联邦制国家法院体系。

    In the court system , it can be divided into two types , namely , unitary state court system and federal state court system .

  3. 是继续留在联邦制国家内还是独立必须由人民决定。

    Whether to stay in the federated state or become independent is a decision that has to be made by the people .

  4. 联邦制国家多元语言政策模型及其评价

    Multi-language Policy Model of Federalism State and Its Evaluation

  5. 在论及联邦制国家的稳定性问题时,语言发挥着双重作用。

    Language plays dual roles in terms of the stability of the federalism states .

  6. 他支持“总统集权的联邦制国家”。

    He supported the idea of a small federal government with a powerful President .

  7. 无论是联邦制国家还是单一制国家,大多通过建立社会保障预算制度,合理分配和管理社会保障资源。

    Federal nations and monopoly countries distribute and manage social security resource fairly by social security budget .

  8. 正是在这一点上,经济全球化严重损害了联邦制国家原有协调非均衡性发展的宪政安排。

    Based on it , the original constitutionalism arrangement of harmonizing non-balance development of federations seriously damaged by economy globalization .

  9. 在这个国土面积几乎是美国或者中国两倍的联邦制国家里,恢复地区行政首脑直选是件大事。

    In a federal country almost twice the area of the US or China , this is a big deal .

  10. 然后,一步一步了解了单一制国家和联邦制国家具体的解释。

    Secondly , step by step to understand the interpretation of the unitary state and federalism explain to the country .

  11. 目前,国内纵向税收竞争在全球大多数市场经济国家存在着,尤其是西方联邦制国家。

    At present , domestic vertical tax competition in the global market economy there most , especially the western federal states .

  12. 联邦制国家,由澳洲大陆塔斯马尼亚州岛,两块外部疆域及几个附属岛屿组成。

    A commonwealth comprising the continent of Australia , the island state of Tasmania , two external territories , and several dependencies .

  13. 因此,英国被认为是一个权力下放的单一制国家。这与联邦制国家是不同的。

    One of their main arguments is that MPs ( and thus voters ) from different parts of the UK have inconsistent powers .

  14. 在经济全球化的视阈下,对称性的联邦制国家中央权力逐渐加强,联邦政治体制向单一制方向发展;

    In the visual threshold of Globalization , center power of symmetrical Federalism state is gradually strengthened and Federalism System develops towards singularity ;

  15. 由于美国属于联邦制国家,除了国际性的诱拐案件之外,还要处理大量的各州之间的诱拐案件,因此,美国这方面的司法实践非常丰富。

    U.S.A.being a federal country , besides international abducting cases , will deal with interstate abducting cases , therefore , the judicial practice in this respect is very abundant .

  16. 美国作为一个典型的联邦制国家,其多中心的治理体制被认为是一种无序背后的有序的治理结构。

    The United States , as a typical federal country , has a multi-center governing system which is considered to be a systematical governing structure and yet appears as non-systematical .

  17. 在西方国家,尤其是西方发达的联邦制国家,政府间财政竞争效率问题受到了学术界的高度关注,并得到了广泛深入而又具体的研究。

    In the developed countries , especially the federated ones , the issue of intra-governmental financial competition efficiency has received a high level of attention from the academia , for which there have emerged many in-depth and detailed studies .

  18. 本文比较了作为联邦制国家的美国、加拿大联邦法院系统及其职能的差异性,提出了其对我国法院体制改革的借鉴意义。

    A comparative study of the federal judicial systems , their functions and their differentia has been made between the U.S.A and Canada and some valuable suggestions has been put forward referring to the reform of Chinese judicial system in this paper .

  19. 中央与地方的权限划分,在联邦制和单一制国家有不同的模式。

    Division of power and responsibility between central-local governments is one of important constitutional issues .

  20. 澳大利亚属于联邦制复合法域国家,不同法域具有不同的法律制度,导致区际(州际)法律冲突的产生。

    Australia is a federated country with multiple law areas . Different legal systems in different law areas result in the conflict of laws .

  21. 美国是实行联邦制的市场经济国家,其立法体制在西方国家也很有代表性,严格遵循税收立法程序立法的传统,在多年的税收立法实践中折射出许多特点。

    America is powerful in economy with federal system , its tax system is typical in the Western country . It follows the tax legislative procedure strictly in tax legislation for years which reflects many characteristics .

  22. 民族联邦制是苏联的国家结构形式,它在社会基础、制度资源方面存在先天不足并与联邦制的逻辑内涵存在抵触。

    The federal system of races was the national structure of the Soviet Union . It had a congenital defect in the social basis and system resources and worked against logical connotation of the federal system .