
  • 网络Lianhe Zaobao;Union Morning Paper
  1. 作者在北美从事科研工作《联合早报》。

    The writer is engaged in scientific research in North america .

  2. 《联合早报》高瞻远瞩,不失时机地上了网际网络。

    Lianhe Zaobao has shown great foresight by not missing the internet .

  3. 这份稿是他以个人身分为《联合早报》而写的。

    He contributed this article to Lianhe Zaobao in his personal capacity .

  4. 作者是《联合早报》文化艺术记者。

    The writer is Lianhe zaobao 's art journalist .

  5. 《联合早报》的内容跟英文报章不同。

    Content of the Lianhe Zaobao differs from that of the English dailies .

  6. 新加坡《联合早报》记者:我想请问关于“十二五”规划的问题。

    Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore : My question is about the 12th Five-Year Plan .

  7. 《联合早报》从2011年开始举办年度汉字评选活动。

    Lianhe Zaobao held the annual Chinese character of the year poll since 2011 .

  8. (作者是哈佛大学教授、哈佛燕京学社主任、《联合早报》国际文化咨询团成员。)

    ( The author is a professor at Harvard University and a member of International Advisory Panel on Culture )

  9. 新加坡《联合早报》报道称,该年夜饭可谓中国最贵。

    The dinner is regarded as the most expensive reunion dinner in China , the Singapore-based Lianhe Zaobao reported Monday .

  10. 新加坡是个蕞尔岛国,可是生长在这片土地上的《联合早报》电子版却能与《人民日报》并驾齐驱,新加坡人应为此而感到自豪。

    Singapore is a tiny island country , but the fact that the homegrown Zaobao Online is on par with the People 's Daily is something Singaporeans should be proud of .

  11. 新力。坡联合早报从一家地区性的报纸发展成为有巨大影响力的全球报纸,不能不归功于网络提供的传播速度、互动技术及无限的存储空间。

    Published in Singapore and attracting thousands of readers in China , this local newspaper enjoys a global prestige owing to transmitting speed , interactive and unlimited storage space of the web .

  12. 我九月间在《联合早报》发表的文稿内,曾详细提及:半途退学,对国家与个人而言,都是一种教育损失;

    I have pointed out in an article published in Lianhe Zaobao in September that , school drop-outs constitute a serious wastage of education , for both the nation and the individual .

  13. 联合早报成都频道作为一种借助网络媒体、合资运营的新型传播平台,是地方城市文化对外传播的一种新尝试。

    Singapore United Morning Post Chengdu channel as a media of network , a joint venture of new communication platform and its new face of getting rid of the official colors , provides reference mode for the city image dissemination .

  14. 新闻及艺术部长杨荣文准将在《联合早报》一文里曾提及,有许多东南亚国家,很多人选择华文为第二语文。

    The Minister for news and the arts , BG George yeo , mentioned in his article at the relaunch of the Lianhe Zaobao recently that in many South-East Asian countries , many people are taking up Chinese as the second language .

  15. 《联合早报》的主编吴新迪强调说,2015年对于媒体而言是一个不同寻常的多事之年,从自然灾害到伟人的陨落,还有各种在政治和历史层面上都有重大意义的本地及国际新闻事件。

    Goh Sin Teck , editor-in-chief of Lianhe Zaobao , stressed that 2015 has been an especially eventful year for the media , from natural disasters to the passing of a great man , as well as various local and international news events that hold great significance both politically and historically .