
zhōnɡ ɡuó zhì zào
  • Made in China;China-made
  1. 凭借第一款中国制造的陀飞轮手表,上海手表厂(ShanghaiWatch)赢得了许多藏家的欢心。

    China-based Shanghai Watch has won over many collectors with the first China-made tourbillion timepiece .

  2. 比较优势、FDI和民族产业国际竞争力&中国制造国际竞争力的脆弱性分析

    Comparative Advantage , FDI , and Indigenous Industrial International Competitiveness & Study on the Vulnerability of International Competitiveness of the China-made

  3. 这艘轮船是中国制造的。

    This ship was made in China .

  4. 其中有一部分是中国制造的。

    A part of them are made in china .

  5. 这是中国制造的。

    This is of Chinese make .

  6. 它们不是中国制造的。

    They were not made in china .

  7. 欧洲漫长的封锁期制造了对电子产品、娱乐产品以及医疗保健产品的巨大需求,其中很多产品都是中国制造。

    The extended lockdown in Europe created a huge demand for electronics , entertainment and health care goods , many of which are manufactured in China .

  8. 国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆表示,国家将进一步优化外资营商环境,推行一系列政策,包括缩减外资准入负面清单,鼓励外资参与中国制造业高质量发展。

    Ning Jizhe , deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission , said that the country would further improve the business environment for foreign investment , implementing and incentivizing overseas investors in participating in the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry .

  9. 中国制造业迎对WTO的机遇与挑战

    Opportunities and threads for the Chinese manufacturing industry after entering WTO

  10. 加入WTO以来中国制造业国际竞争力的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on International Competitiveness of China Manufacturing since WTO Accession

  11. WTO与中国制造业&兼作太重发展的思考

    WTO and China Machine Building Industry & Ponderation on the Development of Taizhong

  12. 市场结构、产权结构与RD中国制造业的实证分析

    Market Structure , Ownership Structure and R D An Empirical Study on Chinese Manufacturing Industry

  13. WTO与中国制造业

    WTO and china 's manufacturing industry

  14. FDI对中国制造业技术溢出的渠道研究

    A study on channels of technical spillover from FDI to manufacturing industry in China

  15. CEO特征与国际化战略&来自中国制造业上市公司的证据

    CEO Characteristics and Internationalization Strategy : Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Listed Companies

  16. 上周,IBM说苏州中晟宏芯信息科技有限公司将开始生产IBM的Power8芯片,用于中国制造的服务器。

    Last week IBM said Suzhou PowerCore Technology Co will begin producing a version of IBM 's Power8 chip run on Chinese-made servers .

  17. CAFTA的建立对中国制造业贸易影响研究

    Research on the Influence of the Establishment of CAFTA on China 's Trade in Manufactures

  18. 汇丰称,所有PMI分类指数均显示中国制造业疲软,其中新订单、新出口订单和就业分类指数均有下滑。

    All of the subindexes of the PMI showed weakness , with new orders , new export orders and employment declining , according to HSBC .

  19. 其中一个镜头聚焦在了一台苹果(apple)的ipod上,它背面标有这样的字样:“中国制造,软件来自硅谷”。

    At one point the camera focuses on an apple iPod and a caption written on the back that says : " made in China with software from Silicon Valley " .

  20. 应用二级CES生产函数对中国制造业R&D投入产出效应的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Input-Output Effect of R & D in Chinese Manufacturing Industries : Based on a Two-level CES Production Function Model

  21. QAD,站在中国制造业的立场&本刊专访QAD亚洲区董事总经理叶冠锋

    QAD , in the Stand of Chinese Manufactory Industry

  22. 克莱斯勒CEO汤姆•莱索达说,中国制造的第一批汽车将在一年内抵达拉丁美洲和东欧,两年半内将出口到北美和西欧。

    The first cars will reach Latin America or Eastern Europe within a year and models should be exported to North America and Western Europe in21 / 2 years , said Chrysler CEO Tom LaSorda .

  23. 基于I-O法的中国制造业垂直分离测度研究

    The Study of Vertical Divergency Measurement of Manufacturing Industry of China Based on I-O Method

  24. 工业生产增长有点比预期快,采购经理指数(PMI)展现了一个惊喜,中国制造业领域这季合同数较多。

    Industrial production grew somewhat faster than expected , a nice surprise given PMI numbers that have shown China 's manufacturing sector contracting slightly for much of the quarter .

  25. 合作计划定于周三上午在北京正式公布。而Cessna早在今年夏季就已表示要在中国制造飞机。

    The deal is scheduled to be announced this morning in China at a news conference in Beijing .

  26. 三星指控苹果侵犯了自己五项关键专利,要求ITC发布永久禁令,禁止美国输入由中国制造的苹果iPhone、iPad和iPodtouch。

    It accused apple of violating five key Samsung patents and asked the ITC for a permanent ban that would prevent apple from bringing into the U.S. the iPhones , iPads and iPod touches that it manufacturers in China .

  27. 借助社会科学统计软件包SPSS,对收集到的数据进行探索性因子分析,识别出中国制造企业绿色供应链管理的压力/动力及实践的主要因素。

    Statistical package of social science ( SPSS ) has been used as the software tool for data analysis . Main factors of affecting factors and practice in the manufacturing industry in China have been identified according to the results of exploratory factor analysis of the data .

  28. 中国制造业应对全球采购的对策分析

    The Measures for China 's Manufacturers to Deal with Global Sourcing

  29. 论中国制造业内部结构的升级

    On Upgrading the Internal Structure of China , s Manufacturing Industry

  30. 中国制造业对不同类型经济体的行业贸易

    Intra-Industry Trade in Different Type of Market For Chinese Manufacturing Industry