
  • 网络Research report;Investigation Report;Research Proposal
  1. 案例教学法应用于专门用途英语教学中的综合调研报告

    Research Proposal on Case Method Applying to ESP Teaching

  2. 国内外药品GMP对比调研报告(一)

    Contrast Research Report of Domestic and Foreign Drug GMP ( 1 );

  3. 在他看过一份市场调研报告后大概10秒钟就作出了决定。

    The decision had taken about 10 seconds once he 'd read a market research study

  4. SL系列胶辊轴承调研报告

    A Survey of Cot Bearing SL Series

  5. 关于湖南省民间社团组织(NGO)在帮助‘弱势群体’中的作用和现状的调研报告

    Investigative Report on " the Functions and Situations of the Non-governmental Organization ( NGO ) in Hunan Province to Help the Weak Groups "

  6. 根据中国天天数据调研报告显示,大学生是3G业务的主要消费群体,高校市场已成为了不可多得的纯增量市场。

    According to the special research report of daily data in China , college students are the main consumer groups for operators , and the campus market has become one of the few pure incremental markets .

  7. 2008年中国销售满意度指数(SSI)调研报告,即新车销售过程满意度的评测,将于8月底发布。

    The2008 China Sales Satisfaction Index ( SSI ) Study , which measures satisfaction with the new-vehicle sales process , will be released in late August .

  8. 中青报TDK杯国际足球锦标赛调研报告、分析与建议

    Report on Investigations and Studies of the CHINA YOUTH NEWS TDK Cup Football Tournament

  9. 去年,在浑水(muddywaters)发布调研报告指称嘉汉林业夸大林木资产,并对其业务模式中主要未具名客户的角色提出质疑后,嘉汉林业股价急剧下跌。

    Shares in Sino-forest collapsed last year after a research report from muddy waters accused the company of overstating its timber assets and questioned the role of unidentified customers at the heart of its business model .

  10. 只需要看看最新的ChangeWave调研报告:82%的VerizoniPhone4用户对手机“非常满意”,相比之下,在美国电话电报公司iPhone4用户中,这一比例为80%。

    Look no further than the latest changewave survey , which found that 82 % of Verizon iPhone 4 owners are " very satisfied " with their devices , compared with 80 % of at & T iPhone 4 owners .

  11. 广东、福建两省非公有制林业发展调研报告

    Report on the Development of Non-public Forestry in Guangdong and Fujian

  12. 乡镇企业几类粉尘作业工厂的劳动卫生调研报告

    Labour health investingation on operations exposed to dust in rural enterprises

  13. 湖北省意外险业务发展调研报告

    The Research Report on the Accident Insurance Business in Hubei Province

  14. 统一认识正确定位加速临床药师制的建立&临床药师培训试点基地工作调研报告

    Establish clinical pharmacist institutional : clinical pharmacist training site investigation report

  15. 建设区域技术创新体系,实现经济跨越发展&关于黑吉辽津创新体系建设的调研报告

    Setting up Regional Technological Innovation System and Realizing Economic Crossing Development

  16. 关于舞剧(舞蹈诗)生产的调研报告

    Survey Report on the Dance Drama ( Dance Epic ) Production

  17. 山西长治县现代警务创新实践调研报告

    Investigation Report on Modern Police Innovation Practice in Shanxi Changzhi County

  18. 人民法院涉外仲裁司法审查情况的调研报告

    Report on the Judicial Review of International Arbitration in Chinese Courts

  19. 吉林省细毛羊产业技术需求调研报告

    Research Report of Fine-wool Sheep Industry Technology Needs in Jilin Province

  20. 民营企业融资现状调研报告

    Findings report on the present situation of financing of private enterprises

  21. 麻栗坡老君山省级自然保护区调研报告

    Findings Report on Lao Jun Mountain Nature Preserve in Malipo County

  22. 我国足球甲级队进攻技战术打法情况调研报告

    Findings Report on Attack Tactics of Our Grade A Football Team

  23. 黑龙江省培养选拔少数民族干部情况的调研报告

    Investigation Report on Training and Selecting Minorities Cadres in Heilongjiang Province

  24. 我国城乡社区社会体育组织调研报告

    Investigation Report on Community Sport Organization of Cities and Villages in China

  25. 关于中高级技术工人基本状况的调研报告

    Survey on The Condition of Middle-Ranking and Senior Skilled Workers

  26. 临沂市贯彻实施《矿产资源法》情况调研报告

    Findings Report on Implementing Mineral Resources Law in City Linxi

  27. 螺旋伞齿轮最新精密锻压工艺调研报告

    A Survey of Precision Forging Technology for Spiral Bevel Gears

  28. 山东烟台高尔夫球场草坪养护情况调研报告

    Survey on the turf maintenance of golf course in Yantai

  29. 发达地区技术创新体系建设特点及经验&华东部分省市实施技术创新体系建设工程调研报告

    The Features and Experiences of Technological Innovation System Construction in Developed Regions

  30. 我国钢铁工业余热余能调研报告

    Report on Residual Heat and Energy in Chinese Steel Industry