
  • 网络Status Anxiety
  1. 大众文化的狂欢与精英文化身份的焦虑

    The Revelry of the Popular Culture and the Worry of Culture Master Status

  2. 而他们侠士词的不同风格,则是源于对侠士身份的焦虑。

    The different styles of their Knight-errant Ci were derived from the anxiety about knight-errant identity .

  3. 作为无法逃脱的犹太人对自己的身份的焦虑感和羞耻感的马老,其心理一定是扭曲的

    As the Jews can not escape their own identity anxiety and shame of the maro , their psychological must be distorted

  4. 为了摆脱对身份的焦虑,重获社会认同,王源必须重新建构他的文化身份。

    In order to relieve the identity anxiety and regain the social recognition , Wang Yuan had to reconstruct his cultural identity .

  5. 第五节概述了打工小说文本中呈现的自我身份的焦虑与认同危机。

    The fifth section has outlined the self-status which in the hiring out for working novel text presents anxious and the approval crisis .

  6. 在日益严峻的政治斗争和社会变动面前,他们表露出文化身份的焦虑,并最终导致了现代派群体的疏散和殊途。

    Before the fierce political battle and major social changes , they worried about their cultural identities and consequently the literary schools scattered .

  7. 这样的双层文本策略既巧妙地揭露了女性在男权社会所遭受的桎梏与压迫,同时又间接地揭示出奥斯丁的女性“作者身份的焦虑”。

    Although such a strategy allows Austen to expose women 's miserable condition in a patriarchal society , it also indicates Austen 's " anxiety of authorship " .

  8. 这也是目的所在,但是同时也暴露了,我对自己身份的焦虑,因为我必须不断重复行为来维持身份。

    It stabilizes my identity , which is its intention , but at the same time it betrays my anxiety about my identity in that I must perpetually repeat it to keep it going .

  9. 从内涵上看,卡夫卡的动物意象大致可以分为四类:重压下的逃避,身份的焦虑,对立面的化身以及换位的思考。

    We may intensively identify those animal images in Kafka 's into 4 types : escaping due to high pressure , anxiety of identifying identity , incarnation of the opponent and thinking through the different position .

  10. 性别身份的焦虑:女性的梦魇&女性哥特理论视野下的阿特伍德的小说本文从女性哥特主义视角解析《简?爱》,正是为了加深对小说这一文学主题的了解。

    Sex Identity Being Women 's Nightmare : Atwood 's Novel from Perspective of Female Gothic Theory This thesis analyses Jane Eyre in the view of Gothic feminism and it intends to deepen the understanding of this theme .

  11. 作为中国当代诗坛的重要诗人,旅居国外后北岛主要从事散文创作,面对语言与文化上的异质与冲突、心灵与精神上的漂泊、身份的认同与焦虑,这一切在他散文中都有所体现。

    Contemporary poetry as an important poet , living abroad , mainly in prose after the North Island , facing language and cultural heterogeneity and conflict , the wandering soul and spirit , identity and anxiety , all this both in his prose reflected .

  12. 通过他笔下的英国Dandy、倒置的人物形象与关系,王尔德平衡了其文化身份认同的困惑与焦虑。

    Through the British Dandy , the inverted character image and relations , Oscar achieved a balance on his bewilderment and anxiety of the cultural recognizing .

  13. 本次大选已经揭示了法国人对全球化、财政紧缩和国族身份认同存在深重的焦虑,而所有候选人都在迎合这种焦虑。

    This election has already revealed a deep French anxiety about globalisation , austerity and national identity to which all the candidates pandered to .