
shēn tǐ yǔ yán
  • body language
  1. 今日小常识我们的头部可以发送各种各样的身体语言信号。

    The head can send a wide variety of body language signals .

  2. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)首次访华时的身体语言,证明了一个已经显而易见的事实:各类事件一直在向有利于中国的方向倾斜。

    Barack Obama 's body language on his first presidential visit to China demonstrated what had already become obvious : events have been tilting in China 's favour .

  3. 在这些新的语音分析工具面世之际,其他公司也在销售身体语言和面部识别类的情绪分析工具,比如一款针对谷歌公司(GoogleInc.)谷歌眼镜(GoogleGlass)的应用。

    The new speech-focused tools come as other companies are marketing body-language and facial-recognition sentiment-analysis tools & including an app for Google Inc. 's Google Glass .

  4. 在这些新的语音分析工具面世之际,其他公司也在销售身体语言和面部识别类的情绪分析工具,比如一款针对谷歌公司(GoogleInc.)“谷歌眼镜”(GoogleGlass)的应用。

    The new speech-focused tools come as other companies are marketing body-language and facial-recognition sentiment-analysis tools -- including an app for Google Inc. 's Google Glass .

  5. 沃斯默用一个单词来代表所有可以表现出热情讨喜的身体语言信号:SOFTEN(放松)。

    Wassmer uses a one-word reminder to list all the body-language signals that project warmth and likability : SOFTEN .

  6. 我们的身体语言教练JudiJames向你展示一些社交场合简单的交际技巧。

    Our body language Judi James shows you some simple tricks to network successfully in any social situation .

  7. 要获得更多建议,观看VideoJug关于身体语言的视频。

    For more advice , watch VideoJug 's films about body language .

  8. 身体语言专家和“性信号”作者JudiJames向你展示怎样辨别这些信号,在约会游戏中占据先机。

    Judi James , body language expert and author of ' Sex Signals ' , shows you how to decode these signals and get ahead in the dating game .

  9. 观看VideoJug这段视频的指引来增加在工作场合的自信,学会通过沟通和身体语言来让自己在办公室中更加具有影响力。

    Watch the VideoJug guide to boosting workplace confidence , with advice on using communication and body language to feel more powerful in the office .

  10. 我们的身体语言专家和《家庭身体对话》记者JudiJames为你展示怎样传递出正确的信号,让你看上去更加容易接近,让人们都喜欢见到你。

    Judi James , our body language expert and author of ' Body talk At Home ' , shows you how to send out the right signals so you come across as approachable and as someone everyone wants to meet .

  11. 他的哑剧表演非常有效地把Ente的意思表达了出来,与此同时,这种身体语言带来了神奇的打破坚冰般的效果,就餐气氛活跃多了。

    His pantomime conveyed the meaning of Ente very effectively , but at the same time it had a magical ice-breaking effect and made the eating environment much livelier .

  12. 在爱情世界里不用说太多,用身体语言就够啦

    Don 't talk too much in love , use body language

  13. 和你现在的身体语言所告诉我的一样。

    Nothing thatyour body language isn 't telling me right now .

  14. 猫科动物的身体语言不会传递精确的信号。

    Feline body language is not intended to deliver refined signals .

  15. 你还可以阅读身体语言,也可以咨询同事。

    You can also read body language and consult with colleagues .

  16. 你可以看到他们的身体语言立刻改变了。

    The moment that you would see their body language change .

  17. 这是身体语言的另外一大陷阱,关键在于温和适度。

    Here 's another body language pitfall where moderation is key .

  18. 而我们根据他人的身体语言,推论并做出快速又决绝的判断,

    And we make sweeping judgments and inferences from body language .

  19. 它包括手势,身体语言,眼睛接触。

    It includes gestures , body language , eye contacting .

  20. 记住要用自信的身体语言和说话方式。

    Remember to use confident body language and speech patterns .

  21. 记住,有时候身体语言并不是针对你的。

    Remember , sometimes body language is not about you .

  22. 从语言学角度来讲,身体语言被称为非言语交流。

    Linguistically , it is called non - verbal communication .

  23. 你的身体语言说了很多关于你的性格。

    Your body language says a lot about your personality .

  24. 我们也可以通过身体语言来表达思想。

    We can also express our thoughts by means of body language .

  25. 身体语言通过某些动作来传递思想和感情。

    Body language transmits thoughts and feelings through certain movements .

  26. 身体语言由表情语言、动作语言、空间语言三个部分构成。

    Body language contains expression language , movements language , posture language .

  27. 论身体语言的模糊性&以《围城》为例

    On the Ambiguity of Body Language : A Case Study of Wei-Cheng

  28. 说到非语言行为或身体语言时,

    So obviously when we think about nonverbal behavior , or body language

  29. 电影中的身体语言因而十分独特。

    Body language in the cinema is thus very particular .

  30. 身体语言同样对于有主见的生气沟通是重要的。

    Body language is also important to assertive anger communication .