
hán jīn liànɡ
  • Gold content;percentage of gold
  1. 美国抵制莫斯科奥运会的行为使金牌的含金量降低了。

    When America boycotted the Moscow Olympics it cheapened the medals won

  2. 奥尔加没有赢得这场含金量最大的全能比赛的冠军。

    Olga did not win the all-round championship , the blue riband event .

  3. 他对这块有3.4亿年历史的岩石的高含金量大为惊异。

    He was astonished at the high gold content in the 340 million-year-old rock .

  4. 这矿石经分析证明含金量很高

    The ore assays high in gold .

  5. 我们会继续努力,进一步提高中国护照的“含金量”,让同胞们更直接地感受到作为中国人的尊严。

    We will continue to work hard to improve the value of Chinese passports , so that our compatriots can more directly feel the dignity of being a Chinese and will find it easier to travel abroad .

  6. 低能γ源X荧光光谱分析法测定黄金饰品中的含金量

    Measurement of the Gold Content in Gold Ornaments Excited by Low Energy γ Source by XRF Method

  7. 网络游戏,目前已经是最大众化的娱乐之一,而其中的3D网络游戏也是技术含金量非常高的软件项目之一。

    Internet network game has become one of the most popular entertainments . The development of the 3D online game is a high technology project .

  8. 许多人认为近年来MBA教育过于泛滥和鱼目混珠,其价值以及对个人事业的发展已经没有初期含金量那么高了。

    Many people think there are too many MBA programs recently and the value of MBA degree is not that useful for personal career development .

  9. 职场专家已经反复指出,不管是在国内还是国外,现在MBA的含金量都不如30年前了。

    Career experts have repeatedly pointed out that MBAs are not as valued today as they were 30 years ago , both at home and abroad .

  10. 如果马虎工作,不注意细节的话,确实SEO的工作没有什么含金量。

    If work cursorily , carelessly the word of detail , really the job of SEO contains Troy without what .

  11. SY纺织将不断提高运行质量和品牌含金量,努力引领中国纺织产业资本的市场化大潮。

    SY textiles will continue to improve the quality and brand gold , and strive to lead the Chinese textile industry tide of capital markets .

  12. 解读CCTV-1黄金剧场广告的含金量

    Analysis the Value of CCTV-1 Gold Theater AD

  13. 高端宠物狗护理和美容设施连锁店Dogtopia的创始人兼CEO艾米·尼克尔斯(AmyNichols)则表示,不要低估会计等需求量很大领域的学位的含金量,尤其是在目前的经济状况下。

    Don 't discount the virtues of a degree in a high-demand field such as accounting , especially in the current economy , adds Amy Nichols , founder and CEO of Dogtopia , a chain of upscale dog daycare and spa facilities . '

  14. 铁帽型金矿中黄铁矿与褐铁矿含金量的测定

    Determination of Gold Content in Limonite and Pyrite from Golden Gossan

  15. 对金矿床本身而言,一般细粒级、破碎的黄铁矿含金量高。

    Gold contents in pyrite may vary as highly as ten times .

  16. 我们的眼球空间是含金量高而且可持续进步的。

    Our eyeball space is valuable and keeps on evolving .

  17. 简洁的语言可以提升你说话的含金量。

    Fewer words can increase the net value of what is said .

  18. 这是我认为最有含金量的一个(全场爆笑)。

    I think this is the value of a ( full-court laugh ) .

  19. 我钦佩他们对知识的渴望,他们含金量在挑战之中成长。

    I admire their thirst for knowledge and they seem to thrive on challenges .

  20. 节理脉的含金量比顺层脉的含金量高;

    The gold content in joint vein is higher than that in bedding vein .

  21. 很快,文凭就不再有含金量了。

    Suddenly , degrees aren 't worth anything .

  22. 现在陈诉报道的含金量非常高。

    Now that report is highly anticipated .

  23. 有时候事情之所以变得讨厌仅仅是因为做那些事情是没有含金量的。

    Sometimes tasks can be unenjoyable simply because there is no quality in doing them .

  24. 铸币之纯量,铸币含金量上海奉贤区土壤理化性质与重金属含量的关系

    Correlation between Contents of Heavy Metals and Physical-Chemical Properties of Agricultural Soils in Fengxian , Shanghai

  25. 旅游网的生存取决于它在服务内容、范围、品质上的含金量。

    Tourism network 's survival depends on its service content , scope and quality of gold .

  26. GB/T9288-1998首饰含金量分析方法

    Analyse-method of gold content in jewellery

  27. 这个遗物箱大约一英寸长,含金量为73%。

    The sides of the reliquary are about an inch long and it is73 percent gold .

  28. 我说我最有的价值的最有含金量的那个你介绍我时没说出来。

    I said some of the most value the value that you introduced me to say .

  29. 奥运金牌实际上含金量只有1.34%,其余的都是标准纯银。

    Olympic gold medals are actually just 1.34 percent gold . The rest is sterling silver .

  30. 高校扩招后,学生素质下降,为了提高学生的素质必须提高教学质量,增加学生的含金量。

    The quality of students in colleges is decreasing with the enrollment expansion in recent years .