
hán shuǐ liàng
  • water content;moisture content;primage
含水量 [hán shuǐ liàng]
  • (1) [water content]∶存在于雪样(或土样)中的液态水,往往用重量百分数计。以水当量百分数计的含水量等于100减去雪量

  • (2) [moisture content]∶一堆土、一潭污水、一堆淤泥或一批筛余物所含的水量,通常用总重量中所含水分重量的百分比表示

含水量[hán shuǐ liàng]
  1. 土壤含水量与甘蔗+1叶全N、全P、全K含量之间有显著的正相关。

    There was significant positive correlation among soil moisture content and N , P , K content of + 1 leaf .

  2. 介绍了用BP神经网络技术预测高水分食品物料平衡含水量的方法,并用试验数据进行了数学建模。

    The calculation for the equilibrium moisture content of food materials with a high moisture content by the BP ANN technique is presented .

  3. 实验性脑水肿CT值和脑组织含水量的关系

    Relationship between CT value and brain tissue water content in brain edema

  4. GIS支持下的深层土壤含水量遥感调查方法

    A GIS Based Remote Sensing Method for Underground Soil Moisture Test

  5. GIS支持下的矿区土壤含水量遥感反演及变化规律

    A GIS Based Remote Sensing Method for Soil Moisture Inversion and Change Law in Mining Areas

  6. 时域反射仪(TimeDomainReflectometry)已经广泛应用于测定土壤含水量。

    Time Domain Reflectometry ( TDR ) is becoming a widely used method to measure soil volumetric water content .

  7. 基于RS和GIS土壤含水量空间分布模拟研究

    Research on Emulation of Distributional Law of Soil Water Contents in Various Stands of Small Watershed Based on RS & GIS

  8. 影响SF6气体含水量测量因素的探讨

    Discussion on Factors Influencing Moisture Measurement of SF_6 Gas

  9. 电针对脑出血急性期脑组织含水量及SOD水平的影响

    The Effect of Electroacupuncture on the Water Content of and SOD Level in Brain Tissue in the Acute Stage of Cerebral Hemorrhage

  10. 结果实验组的左肺氧合功能,肺顺应性明显好于对照组,肺循环阻力、MDA值及肺含水量均低于对照组(P<0.01);

    Results The functions of lung in group ⅱ was significantly better than in the group I ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 不同含水量菠菜种子的SDS-PAGE蛋白质谱带无显著差异。

    The protein of SDS-PAGE bands were almost the same in spinach seeds of different moisture content .

  12. 用快速血糖测定法测定SAH后外周血糖水平,湿重-干重(wet-dryweight)法测定脑含水量的变化。

    The cerebral water content was measured by dry-wet weight method and blood sugar was detected dynamically .

  13. 采用人工控制土壤不同的含水量,研究水分胁迫对夏玉米生长和中微量元素Ca、Mg、Mn、Cu含量的影响。

    Contents of mid - element and micro - element Ca , Mg , Cu and Mn in summer maize were studied by control different water of soil .

  14. 此外,有结皮的土壤降雨侵蚀与前期含水量(C)、坡度(S)、降雨动能(PI)呈正相关。

    In addition , rainfall-erosion with crust soil is related with the earlier stage water content ( C ), sloping degree ( S ) and rainfall power ( PI ) .

  15. 脑组织含水量于再灌注6h达高峰,24h仍持续在较高水平。

    Water content of brain tissue showed an apparent increase at 6 hour and persisted until 24 hour .

  16. 种子萌发最适土壤含水量为8%~13%;种子发芽期对NaCl的耐受浓度为1.2%。

    The optimal soil water content was 8 ~ 13 % and the highest NaCl tolerance concentration was 1.2 % for seed germination .

  17. 实验组(2d、3d)各波潜伏期明显延长(P<0.01),脑组织含水量明显增多(P<0.01);

    The latency of SEP ( 2 d , 3 d ) were prolonged significantly ( P < 0.01 ) and brain water content increased significantly ( P < 0.01 );

  18. 研究中,通过改变日模型模拟的时间长度TP,来研究初始时刻土壤含水量的变化对洪水模拟精度的影响。

    In this paper , uncertainty in hydrological simulation is studied by altering antecedent soil water content parameters of the distributed hydrology model .

  19. 可以认为10%的含水量是MSE吸水饱和点。

    ~ 10 % water content is the saturate point of absorptive water of MSE conceivably .

  20. 实验结果表明有机试剂、表面活性剂和体系含水量(WO)等对反胶束体系中酶的催化性能影响较大。

    It was found that organic solvent , surfactant , and water content ( Wo ) have great impact on the catalysis behaviors of enzyme in reverse micelle systems .

  21. 结果表明,最佳发酵条件为含水量为50%、接种量为1%、添加辅料为麸皮、pH值为7.0。

    The results showed that the optimal fermenting condition was the 50 % of water content , the 1 % of inoculation amount , the bran as assistant material , and 7 of pH value .

  22. 土壤样品中的含水量对HPGeγ谱仪探测效率的影响

    Effect of water content in soil samples on the γ detection efficiency for HPGe γ spectrometer

  23. DCA排序第一轴反映土壤含水量梯度,第二轴反映土壤类型的变化。

    The first axis of DCA indicates the water gradient of soil while the second axis changes of soil type .

  24. 实验中发现,缺血60min以内,组织含水量增加,Na~+,K~+-ATP酶和SOD的活力降低。

    Luring occlusion , increased water content and decreased activities of Na + , K + - ATPase and SOD were observed .

  25. 结果表明,在0.3%NaCl胁迫下,干物质重量、质膜透性、MDA含量略有增加,组织含水量略有下降;

    The results indicated that under the stress of 0 . 3 % NaCl , the dry matter weight , plasmalemma permeability and MDA content slightly increased but the water content slightly declined ;

  26. ETS和总酚含量随含水量增加呈线性上升趋势。

    A consistent and linear increase in electron transport system ( ETS ) activity and phenol contents was recorded with increasing moisture level .

  27. 土壤含水量为60%~75%田间持水量(θF)的植株叶片蒸腾和光合速率均居于较高水平,前期产量最高;

    At soil water content 60 % ~ 75 % field water capacity ( θ F ), the transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate of plants were higher then others , and the prophase yields were the highest .

  28. 首先,通过室内模拟培养实验,考察了几种改性尿素在不同土壤含水量下对旱地和稻田CH4和N2O减排效果。

    The incubation tests were conducted with upland soil and flooded paddy soil under different soil water conditions . The mitigation effect of the tested fertilizers on the emission of N_2O and CH_4 were studied .

  29. 大鼠结扎并剪断双侧颈总动脉,制备急性不完全性脑缺血模型,3h后处死大鼠,测定脑指数和脑含水量。

    Ligating and snipping both common carotids was used to make acute incomplete cerebral ischemia model in rats . After 3 hours , the postoperative rats were executed .

  30. Hu以中含水量高二氧化碳低氧气处理(W2C3O1)最小。由此看出,HE、HA、FA和Hu的变化受培养条件的影响是不同的。

    FA-C was lowest under middle water , low CO2 and high O2 . The above results indicated that HE-C , HA-C , FA-C and Hu-C were different under different conditions of incubation .