
dǐ kànɡ lì
  • resistance;power of resistance
  1. 对疼痛的忍耐力降低了,对感染的抵抗力也减弱了。

    There is lowered pain tolerance , lowered resistance to infection .

  2. 刺激身体以增强抵抗力。

    The body is stimulated to build up resistance .

  3. 天冷时,身体的抵抗力会下降。

    The body may be less resistant if it is cold .

  4. 抑郁症会降低人体对疾病的抵抗力。

    Depression lowers the human ability to cope with disease .

  5. 可惜的是,这些药物毒性很大,会削弱身体对感染的抵抗力。

    Unfortunately these drugs are quite toxic and hinder the body 's ability to fight off infection

  6. 含有酒精的饮料会减弱对疾病的抵抗力。

    Alcohol lessens resistance to diseases .

  7. 大凡坚持锻炼的人,抵抗力都较强。

    Generally those who exercise regularly have high resistance to diseases .

  8. 伤风已削弱了她的抵抗力。

    A cold had lowered her resistance .

  9. 和依赖自身的细菌相比,在这些组织里的细菌还对清洁剂和抗生素有更强的抵抗力。

    Becteria in these communities also have an enhanced resistance to sanitizersand antibiotics compared to bacteria living on their own .

  10. 比如,十个或更少的某种尤其致命的细菌就能导致免疲系统缺乏抵抗力的人患上严重的疾病甚至死亡。

    For example , 10 bacteria or less of an especially deadly strain of bacteria can cause severe illness and death in people with compromised immune systems .

  11. 许多害虫对这种杀虫剂有抵抗力。

    Many pests are resistant to the insecticide .

  12. 实际上,可能是细胞自身在改变让细胞自己变得具有抵抗性。它们有着巨大的抵抗力。

    And in fact , it might be changing the cells themselves to make the cells resistant .

  13. 维他命B群充分活化肌肤细胞,增强肌肤天然抵抗力,令肤色更健康明亮。

    Vitamin B group activates skin cells , and helps increase the skin 's resistance to daily assaults . Keeps your skin radiant and healthy .

  14. 连续消毒中大肠杆菌O(157):H7对两种弱效消毒剂抵抗力的变化及其与质粒关系的研究

    Changes in E coli O _ ( 157 ): H_7 resistance to two disinfectants during continuous disinfection and their relation to plasmid

  15. 如果你在使用一个私有程序,或者他人的Web服务,你是毫无抵抗力的,你将受制于开发这个软件的人。

    If you use a proprietary program or somebody else 's web server , you 're defenseless . You 're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software .

  16. 细菌定植、误吸和机体抵抗力减弱是SAP发病机制中的重要环节。

    Bacterial colonization , aspiration and decreased body resistance are the important links in pathogenetic mechanism .

  17. 少量ET进人血流,可刺激机体免疫系统而增强非特异性的抵抗力;

    A small quantity of ET enters blood stream may stimulate body 's immune system and strengthen non-specific resistance .

  18. 如果你有R基因,你可以获得完全的抵抗力,哥本哈根大学研究人员约翰·穆迪说。

    " When you have an R gene , you can have complete resistance ," says John Mundy , a researcher at Copenhagen University .

  19. 来自捐献者的健康的干细胞换掉了他身上遭癌症重创的细胞。这名捐献者具有天生的对HIV病毒的基因抵抗力。

    His cancer-stricken cells were replaced by healthy stem cells from a donor who had a natural genetic resistance to the HIV virus .

  20. 这些昆虫对DDT已有抵抗力。

    These insects have become resistant to DDT .

  21. 结果表明,源于发病鸡群的分离物是一株中发型的ND病毒,属快速解脱型,血凝素对热的抵抗力较强;

    The results showed that the virus which came from chicken is mesogenic ND strain , the hemagglutinin eluted rapidly and higher heat stability .

  22. RA感染对鹅的实质器官、肠道、免疫器官都有严重的损伤;RA抗原的分布与RA感染途径及其机体的抵抗力有关;

    In summary , RA infection in geese could cause severe damages to parenchyma organs , intestines and the immune organs ;

  23. 结果老年患者机体抵抗力低下,平均住院时间长,下呼吸道感染发病率高,痰培养以G杆菌为主,铜绿假单胞菌居首。

    Results Elderly patients with long term tracheostomy were more vulnerable to lower respiratory tract infection because of low resistance and long hospital stay , with G bacilli and aeruginous Pseudomonas predominant .

  24. 对专业性较强的艾滋病知识如HIV的抵抗力,窗口期、有效的预防措施等掌握稍差,回答的正确率是60%~70%。

    60 % - 70 % of them could correctly answer such some difficultly professional questions as the window period of HIV , HIV resistance and HIV preventive measures ;

  25. 1MMgcl2能提高病毒对热的抵抗力,增强病毒的活性。

    1M Mgcl_2 can enhance resistance of virus to heat treatment and increase infectivity .

  26. MS2和T4噬菌体对短波紫外线抵抗力的比较研究

    A comparative study on the resistance of bacteriophage MS2 and T4 to UVC

  27. 结论:GM是一种有效的抗溃疡制剂,其作用机制除了抑制胃酸分泌外,还与增加机体抵抗力有关。

    CONCLUSION GM is a effective antiulcer drug . Besides inhibition of gastric acid secretion , the elevation of resistance of body was involved in the antigastric ulcer effects of GM.

  28. LAPP对中国对虾(PENAEUSCHINENSIS)生长、缺氧耐受力及免疫抵抗力的影响

    Influences of Lapp on the growth , resistance to low oxygen content and immuno resistance of Penaeus chinensis

  29. φχ174D、T4和f2噬菌体对碘伏消毒剂抵抗力的研究

    Comparative study on the resistance of Bacteriophage φχ 174D , T4 and f2 to an iodophor in laboratory

  30. DLCO减低差异有显著性(P<0.05),并认为NIDDM患者小气道功能、弥散功能减低与糖代谢紊乱,致机体抵抗力降低、免疫功能下降,并与肺胞毛细血管基底膜增厚有关。

    It may be connected to abnormality of glucose metabolism , decrease of defence and immunity capacity , and the thicking of capillary basement membranes of pulmonary alveoli .