
dǐ lài
  • deny;disavow;refuse to admit;renegue a promise
抵赖 [dǐ lài]
  • (1) [deny]∶用谎言和狡辩否认所犯的过失或罪行

  • 事实是抵赖不了的

  • (2) [refuse to admit;disavow]∶拒绝承认或认可

  • 在事实面前无法抵赖

  • 前日你用妖术使落花上枝,还敢抵赖。--明. 冯梦龙《醒世恒言》

抵赖[dǐ lài]
  1. 他还想抵赖,真不害臊!

    He tried to deny it . Shame on him !

  2. 别想抵赖,伍克维奇警官看见你了。

    Don 't deny you were there . Officer vukuvich saw you .

  3. 对他不利的证据确凿,无法抵赖。

    The evidence against him was overwhelming .

  4. (这一)事实不可抵赖。

    The fact brooks no denial . ; The fact can 't be denied .

  5. 证据确凿,不容抵赖。

    The evidence is conclusive and brooks no denial .

  6. 抗抵赖在基于CA技术的电子支付系统中的实现

    Implementation of Non-repudiation in Electronic Payment System Based on CA Technology

  7. 给出了一个SET交易的安全实现模型,它保证了交易的有效性、机密性、完整性和不可抵赖性。

    Finally , it presents a secure implementation model of SET transaction , which ensures the validity , confidentiality , integrity and non-repudiation of transaction .

  8. 批式EDI不可抵赖安全报文的设计

    Design of Non-repudiation Transferred Message in Batch EDI

  9. 为防止假冒身份和对交易进行抵赖,第四章用伪C码实现了高级加密算法,并比选了交易协议;

    In chapter 4 , high-level encrypting algorism was realized by code C and deal protocol was chosen by comparison in order to prevent counterfeit identity and denying of a deal .

  10. GDI越是抵赖,看起来就越有罪。

    The more GDI denies , the guiltier they look .

  11. SOAP-DSIG和SSL是如何结合起来以实现不可抵赖性的?

    How are SOAP-DSIG and SSL combined in order to realize it ?

  12. 在保证信息安全、身份证明、信息完整性和不可抵赖性等方面PKI得到了普遍的认同,起着不可替代的作用。

    Because of guaranteeing the information security , identity authentication , information integrity and nonrepudiation , PKI got the widespread approbation .

  13. 现在,人们通常采用基于数字摘要、结合RSA算法所形成的数字签名技术来保证交易数据的完整性和不可抵赖性。

    Nowadays we combine the digital signature technology based on digital digest and RSA algorithm to ensure the integrity and non-repudiation .

  14. 文章介绍了基于技术的数字签名算法的基本原理,以及CA如何用它达到抗抵赖与防伪的功能,以及为了保证这个算法正常运作所需要的数字证书认证树结构。

    This paper describes the principle of digital signature algorithm based on CA technology , and the certificate authority tree structure to ensure the execution of the digital signature .

  15. 电子邮件UA与MTA间抗抵赖协议的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of the Non-Repudiation Protocol for Email Transmission Between UA and MTA

  16. 除了以上两项安全性要求以外,不可抵赖性也是B2B应用中相当重要的一个要求。

    In addition to the above two security requirements , non-repudiation is an important requirement in B2B applications as well .

  17. 现在,我将从不可抵赖性的角度分析一下SOAP-DSIG与SSL之间的关系。

    Now I 'll examine the relationship between SOAP-DSIG and SSL from the perspective of non-repudiation .

  18. 因此,同时使用SSL和SOAP-DSIG是保护被传输的SOAP消息的安全以实现不可抵赖性的最有前途的方法。

    Therefore using SSL and SOAP-DSIG simultaneously is the most promising approach to securing the transmitted SOAP messages to insure non-repudiation .

  19. 为了保障网络上数据的机密性、完整性和不可抵赖性,建立公平、公正、权威的CA系统是CA认证中心的重要工作。

    For the protection of network data integrity , confidentiality and non-repudiation , to establish a fair , just , and authoritative CA system is the important work of CA Certification Center .

  20. 使用PKI(PublicKeyInfrastructure)技术,可以解决网络中用户身份鉴别和不可抵赖性问题,但对于远端主机与代理服务器之间的相互身份认证却不能很好地解决。

    The problems of authentication and undeniability can be solved by using PKI ( Public Key Infrastructure ) technology , but there is still not a good solution to authentication between remote host and proxy server .

  21. 主要工作如下:(1)对ISO抗抵赖框架进行改进,提出了基于设备的抗抵赖框架。

    The main achievements of the dissertation list as follows : ( 1 ) A device-based non-repudiation framework was proposed , which exceeded the ISO non-repudiation framework .

  22. 本文从SET技术标准、SET采用的安全技术、SET支付处理、SET消息分析、SET运行环境等层面全面介绍了SET协议规范,并从信息的抗抵赖性和电子钱包两方面提出了改进方案。

    This paper makes an all-sided introduction to SET protocol specification from SET technology standards , SET security technology , SET payment process , SET message analysis , SET environment etc. And puts forward improved solutions from two aspects of accountability and E-wallet .

  23. PKI是一个主要使用公钥密码算法来实现数据的机密性、完整性和防抵赖性的基础设施服务。

    PKI is a set of services that make use of public key cryptography to meet the needs of data confidentiality , integrity and non-repudiation functions .

  24. SHL为交易提供稳定的验证性,保证交易的不可抵赖性。

    SHL can offer continuous authentication for e-commerce and ensure the nonrepudiation to transaction .

  25. 在EDI系统中,传递的报文应不可抵赖,采用公钥技术对报文进行数字签名可达到这一目的。

    The transferred message in EDI must not be repudiated , which can be implemented through digital signature by using the cryptography-based public key .

  26. 介绍了利用Chebyshev映射进行密钥协商的方法,阐述了肖迪等人提出的基于Chebyshev映射的可抵赖的认证方案及其改进的方案。

    A key agreement protocol based on Chebyshev map proposed by Xiao et al . and its improved version are introduced and analyzed .

  27. 其应用已涉及许多领域,如现代化教学、法律凭证性等等,但目前电子邮件面临着种种安全威胁,普通E-mail的安全性很差,抗窃取、抗窜改、抗假冒、抗抵赖都不能够得以保证。

    But E-mail is confronted with so many kinds of security hazards . Ordinary E-mail has such little security protection that sneaking , falsification , counterfeit and denying can not be prevented .

  28. 因此,同时使用SOAP-DSIG和SSL(带有客户机身份验证)是实现不可抵赖性的第一步。

    Therefore , using SOAP-DSIG and SSL ( with client authentication ) simultaneously is the first step towards realizing non-repudiation .

  29. 我们需要问一问,在B2B应用中为实现不可抵赖性同时使用SOAP-DSIG和SSL条件是否充分。

    We need to ask the question whether or not to using SOAP-DSIG and SSL simultaenously is sufficient for non-repudiation in B2B applications .

  30. 公用密钥设施(PKI)提供数字证书、数字签名和加密技术,能够保证数据的身份认证、保密性、完整性和不可抵赖性。

    Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) which provides digital certificate , digital signature and encryption technology , can ensure the authentication , privacy , integrity and non-reputation of data .