
dǐ yā tiáo kuǎn
  • mortgage clause
  1. 法律卫道士对修正抵押条款的想法感到惊骇,将其视作对契约神圣性的侵犯。

    The idea of modifying mortgages appals legal purists as a violation of the sanctity of contract .

  2. 该计划的其中750亿美元将用于约为三百万至四百万的房主更改抵押条款以避免被没收房屋。

    Another part of the plan is expected to cost seventy-five billion . It could help as many as three to four million owners change the terms of their mortgages to avoid foreclosure .

  3. 必须修改抵押贷款条款,以适应房屋业主的还款能力。

    The terms of mortgages need to be adjusted to the homeowners ' ability to pay .

  4. 除了可能修改部分有问题的抵押贷款条款外,该计划最终将令市面上的抵押贷款发放数量增加。

    In addition to potentially revising terms of some troubled mortgages , the plan could eventually make more mortgages available .

  5. 因此没有人支持(抵押贷款条款)修改计划,因为它们产生了道德风险(而且在某种意义上,它们被视为非美国的,与资本主义精神相悖)。

    Thus modification schemes were disliked , because they created moral hazard ( and , in a sense , were deemed un-American , counter to the capitalist spirit ) .

  6. 根据我的抵押合同的升降条款,利率下降,我的付款额也下降。

    Under the escalator clase of my mortgage agreement , my payments decreased when interest rates were lowered .