
xián niú ròu
  • corned beef;salt horse;bully beef
  1. “这是咸牛肉配卷心菜。”马隆说。“呃,”莫琳表示反感地说了一声。

    ' It 's corned beef and cabbage , ' said Malone . ' Yuk , ' said Maureen .

  2. 第二天,爱尔兰人打开盒饭看到咸牛肉和卷心菜便跳楼死了。

    Next day the Irishman opens his lunch b box , sees corned beef and cabbage and jumps to his death .

  3. 爱尔兰人打开饭盒说:“咸牛肉和卷心菜!下次午饭还吃咸牛肉和卷心菜,我就从这楼上跳下去。”

    The Irishman opened his lunch box and said , " Corned beef and cabbage ! If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch I 'm going to jump off this building . "

  4. 采购:番茄酱,牛肉,肉,咸牛肉。

    Buy : tomato paste , beef , meat , corned beef .

  5. 我们坐下来吃一顿咸牛肉或其他菜式素净的晚饭。

    We sit down to a supper of corned-beef hash or some other modest fare .

  6. 咸牛肉和卷心菜餐是爱尔兰的传统食物,为圣帕特里克节。

    Corned Beef and cabbage meal is the traditional Irish food for the Saint Patrick 's Day .

  7. 楼下的波利三明治店里,安东尼奥、托马兹和卡瑞穆正忙着给顾客切咸牛肉。

    At birley 's sandwich shop downstairs , antonio , Tomasz and Karim slice salt beef for their customers .

  8. 所以我说服了我的一个朋友,把我装到桶里边,和咸牛肉一起送到船上。

    So I persuaded one of my friends to put me in a barrel and send me on board with the salt beef .

  9. 有些信件表明,比赛主要是在英军士兵之间进行,只是随便踢着玩,球是自制的&有人说是用一罐咸牛肉当球。

    Some suggest that they were kick-abouts , mainly between English soldiers using made up balls & some say a can of corned beef served as a substitute .

  10. 有些信件表明,比赛主要是在英军士兵之间进行,只是随便踢着玩,球是自制的——有人说是用一罐咸牛肉当球。

    Some suggest that they were kick-abouts , mainly between English soldiers using made up balls - some say a can of corned beef served as a substitute .

  11. 这份写有咸牛肉、饺子和其它美味食品的菜单,背面有另一位头等舱乘客艾萨克·格拉尔德·富兰恩德尔的铅笔签名,他登上了另一艘救生艇。

    The menu , which lists corned beef , dumplings and other savory items , is signed on the back in pencil by another first-class passenger , Isaac Gerald Frauenthal , who escaped on another lifeboat .