- 名corned beef;salt horse;bully beef

' It 's corned beef and cabbage , ' said Malone . ' Yuk , ' said Maureen .
Next day the Irishman opens his lunch b box , sees corned beef and cabbage and jumps to his death .
The Irishman opened his lunch box and said , " Corned beef and cabbage ! If I get corned beef and cabbage one more time for lunch I 'm going to jump off this building . "
Buy : tomato paste , beef , meat , corned beef .
We sit down to a supper of corned-beef hash or some other modest fare .
Corned Beef and cabbage meal is the traditional Irish food for the Saint Patrick 's Day .
At birley 's sandwich shop downstairs , antonio , Tomasz and Karim slice salt beef for their customers .
So I persuaded one of my friends to put me in a barrel and send me on board with the salt beef .
Some suggest that they were kick-abouts , mainly between English soldiers using made up balls & some say a can of corned beef served as a substitute .
Some suggest that they were kick-abouts , mainly between English soldiers using made up balls - some say a can of corned beef served as a substitute .
The menu , which lists corned beef , dumplings and other savory items , is signed on the back in pencil by another first-class passenger , Isaac Gerald Frauenthal , who escaped on another lifeboat .