
  • 网络Sublease
  1. 本章包括三个部分,原租赁合同与转租合同的关系、房屋转租法律关系的主体以及房屋转租的效力。

    This chapter consist of three parts , including the relations of original lease contract and sublease contact , subjects of house sublease law relations and the effectiveness of house sublease .

  2. 关于擅自转租合同的效力,现行法律规定不甚合理,导致学界争论不止并形成了三种观点:无效说、效力待定说、有效说。

    With respect to the legal effect of unauthorized subletting contract , current laws contradict themselves , which leads to more than three theories in theory field : Invalid Doctrine , Effect to be determined Doctrine and valid Doctrine .

  3. 但转租不得超过本合同约定之租赁期限

    But sublets not to surpass renting of deadline this contract agreement .