
  • 网络Conversion fee;transformation costs
  1. 宝洁可以说是盛世长城最重要的客户,很早就转换为费用与业绩挂钩。

    Procter & Gamble , arguably Saatchis ' most important client , moved to performance-related practice early .

  2. 文章主要用到了构造辅助网络的方法,将问题转换为最小费用流模型来解决。

    We solve the question we advanced mainly by using auxiliary network , and turn this kind of transportation problem into minimum cost flow problem .

  3. 往下分别是“响应来自业务的请求”(12%)、“将资本支出转换成营业费用”(10%)和“相应增加和减少消费”(9%)。

    Lower on the list were " respond to request from the business "( 12 percent )," convert capital expenditures to operating expenses "( 10 percent ), and " scale consumption up and down "( 9 percent ) .

  4. 电影业观察者称,观众也拒绝为劣质的3D转换影片支付额外费用,并且无法容忍那些在影院窃窃私语和发手机短信、把影院当成自己家客厅的青少年。

    Film-industry observers say audiences have also resisted paying surcharges for badly converted 3-D titles and are proving intolerant of chatty and text-messaging teenagers who seem to treat movie theaters like their own living rooms . '

  5. 多种费用下具有时间转换约束的工期费用均衡项目调度研究

    Duration / Cost Trade-offs in Project Scheduling with Time-Switch Constraints under Multi-Cost

  6. 黄河水权转换农业风险补偿费用测算方法研究

    Study on measuring methods of agriculture risk compensation of water right transfer in Yellow River Basin

  7. 建立了求解铁路局范围内请求车审批优化的数学模型和与此模型对应的网络图,将铁路请求车审批优化问题转换为求解最小费用最大流问题。

    An optimal approval model for wagon requisition in railway bureaus and the corresponding network were proposed . In this way , the problem of optimizing approval for wagon requisition was transformed into solving minimum cost and maximum flow in a network .

  8. 现在您可以追踪转换次数、转换率、甚至每次转换费用等数据了。

    Now you can track metrics like Number of Conversions , Conversion Rate and even Cost Per Conversion .