
  • 网络Base Cost;Basic Rate;BASIC FARE
  1. 这也许只是基本费用,但是对于那些吃多了油腻食物的都市人来说,一次健康的改变,也是旅途中最大的追求了。

    It may be basic fare , but for urbanites who subsist on greasy food every day , a healthy change is a big holiday pursuit indeed .

  2. 除了基本费用外还有额外的支出。

    There will be additional expenses over and above the basic outlay .

  3. 计量收费时,首先应使各户室内温度保证其“基础室温”,支付基本费用。

    First the " basic temperature " of users'rooms should be ensured , and the basic fees should be paid by users .

  4. 能告诉我美国的衣食住行及通讯的基本费用吗?

    Q : Could you tell me what 's the basic cost of food , clothing , accommodation , transportation and communication in US ?

  5. 如建筑方案创意获采纳,除方案征集基本费用外,设计方亦获拥有进一步深化该方案的优先权。

    If your architectural scheme is acceptable , the designer will have the priority to further deepen the scheme , besides receiving the basic expense for the scheme collection .

  6. 这一应用的基本费用是每月525日元(约合4.31英镑),可以提供手机的位置以及电池的剩余电量。

    The basic charge was Y525 ( £ 4.31 ) a month , which provided the location of the phone and the amount of energy left in the phone 's battery .

  7. 你喜欢全职工作吗,喜欢努力做好自己的工作吗,喜欢处理家务吗,还是喜欢排队等待一般救助和等待慈善机构来为你支付诸如食物和取暖之类的基本费用吗?

    How would you like to put in full-time hours at your job , work hard to perform your job well , manage your household , and yet still spend time waiting in lines for general assistance and charity to pay for your basic expenses , including food and heat ?

  8. 这家公司提供带水肺潜水活动,不包括在基本度假费用以内。

    The company offers scuba-diving as an add-on to the basic holiday price .

  9. 要缩小管理费,增加农田基本建设费用。

    They should be cut and capital expenditures on farmlands increased .

  10. 本文着重探讨了基本生活费用价格指数的编制方法。

    This paper emphasizes the method of the index establishment .

  11. 充分利用医疗资源降低基本医疗费用

    Making Full Use of Medical Resources to Reduce Expenses

  12. 每增加一名进行干预治疗的病人,所多花费的基本治疗费用为132英镑。

    The basic cost per additional patient so treated was calculated to be132 pounds sterling .

  13. 我国城市老年群体基本医疗费用支付能力考察与研究

    The Research on the Payment Capacity of the Urban Elder 's Basic Medical Expenses in China

  14. 基本建设费用和收入

    Capital construction expenditure and receipt

  15. 目的探讨影响城镇职工基本医疗费用支付方式的社会因素。

    Objective To explore the effects of social factors on payment mode of fees in medical insurant inpatients .

  16. 例如,服务消费者可能想要最大吞吐量,但是只付基本服务费用。

    For example , a service consumer may want maximum throughput but is only paying for basic service .

  17. 只要花费基本的费用,形成联合、联资、联牌,可以创造最佳效益。

    As long as basic cost , cooperation united , investment united and brand united can create largest profits .

  18. 我跟别的省的同志商量,他们说基本建设费用恐怕多了一点。

    I discussed the matter with comrades from other provinces , who said these capital construction expenditures were probably a bit too high .

  19. 老年群体基本医疗费用支付能力的高低是决定其能否实现“老有所医”的关键性因素。

    How to achieve " medical care " is to be determined by the payment capacity of the elder 's basic medical expenses .

  20. 我也知道他们会把大量的学生贷款用在不必要的花费上,但也包含学费和基本生活费用。

    At the same time , I knew they were taking out massive student loans to fund their gratuitous consumption , along with tuition and basic living expenses .

  21. 首先,论文从编制基本生活费用指数的理论研究入手,根据生活费用指数理论,在位似偏好的条件下,可以利用拉氏价格指数和帕氏价格指数来近似估计生活费用价格指数。

    According to the theory of living cost index , in the condition of homothetic preference , Laspeyres and Paasche price index can be used to estimate the living cost index .

  22. 失业保险金,是指失业保险经办机构按规定支付给符合条件的失业人员的基本生活费用。

    Unemployed insurance gold , it is the basic living expenses of the unemployed personnel that shows orgnaization of unemployed insurance agency presses a regulation to pay to accord with a condition .

  23. 由于这些网站为用户提供免费服务,有的网站只能靠其他网店投放的广告费来赚钱,而这些通常只够支付网站的基本运营费用。

    Since they provide a free service to those users , some sites make money only through advertisements posted by other online stores , and that is often just enough to offset its basic costs .

  24. 所谓贫困大学生,是指国家招收的普通高校本专科学生在校期间基本生活费用难以达到学校所在地最低伙食标准,且无力缴纳学费及购置必要学习用品,日常生活没有经济保障的大学生。

    The so-called ICS refer to those whose basic living cost is lower than the lowest food standard in the area , and who can not afford the tuition or the study necessities and who live without financial security .

  25. 对劳动报酬征税禁止过度,要遵循净所得和生存权保障原则,个人和家庭的基本生活费用应当扣除,低于最低生活费用的收入不属于征税范围。

    Taxation on labor payment should comply with net income and survival right protection principle , personal and family basic living cost should be deducted , income lower than lowest living cost is not within the scope of taxation .

  26. 对民政部门给予定期定量救济的“三无”人员和各类非凡救济对象所属基本医疗费用给予酌情补助大部或全部。

    Give fixed ration to relieve to civil administration branch " 3 without " personnel and place of of all kinds and special relief target belong to primary medical treatment charge gives take into consideration the circumstances accessorial greater part or all .

  27. 在指数形式上本文对传统方法进行了改进,采用拉氏价格指数和帕氏价格指数构成的区间,对基本生活费用价格指数进行估计,这也是本文的创新之一。

    On the collection of the form , this paper changes the traditional way to use the range between Laspeyres and Paasche price index to estimate the price index of basic living cost , which is one of the innovations in this paper .

  28. 论述和分析了DRGs医疗保险费用支付方式在国际上的应用情况及其在保证基本医疗保险费用准确支付和控制医疗费用不合理支出等方面发挥的积极作用;

    The advantages of DRGs for medical expenditure control and medical insurance fund exact payment were analyzed .

  29. 方法应用SPSS统计软件包对住院病人的基本分布、费用构成、人口学和临床学指标进行分析。

    Methods All data of the structures of hospitalizing expenses , effects of treatment , days of hospitalization and expenses of different mental disorders were carefully analyzed with SPSS software .

  30. 贫困县农民基本医疗服务费用

    The peasants'expenditure on basic medical care in poor rural China