
  • 网络gene sequencing;DNA sequencing
  1. 重组菌落PCR鉴定和基因测序表明,我们成功构建了金黄色葡萄球菌PDF表达质粒pET-22b-def。

    Colony PCR and Gene sequencing confirmed that the expression plasmid of S.aureus PDF was constructed successfully . 5 .

  2. PCR产物克隆入pGEM-Teasy载体,通过PCR、酶切和基因测序鉴定。

    The PCR fragments were cloned into pGEM-T easy vector , and then identified by PCR , enzyme cutting and gene sequencing .

  3. 美洲钩虫及十二指肠钩虫细胞色素C氧化酶1基因测序

    Sequencing of cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene of Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus

  4. 基因测序结果证实为乙肝病毒X基因。

    The sequence was confirmed as HBV X gene .

  5. 成年发病狼疮鼠的T细胞受体Vβ基因测序分析

    Sequence analysis of T cell receptor V β genes in aged lupus mice

  6. 几种PCR方法在狂犬病毒基因测序中的应用

    Application of several PCR methods in the in vitro amplification of the rabies virus gene sequences

  7. 基因测序技术在中药质量研究中的应用(Ⅱ)&山药基原的DNA测序鉴别

    Application of gene technology in quality control of Chinese materia medica ⅱ . Identification of Chinese Rhizoma Dioscoreae by DNA sequencing

  8. 应用RTPCR产物琼脂糖凝胶电泳及基因测序证实人皮肤组织存在MR,并运用免疫组化法了解其亚细胞分布。

    Immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR were applied to detect MR in human skin and to identify its subcellular distribution .

  9. 方法多聚酶链聚合反应单链构象多态性分析(PCRSSCP)、基因测序。

    Methods Polymerase chain reaction - single strand confirmation polymorphism ( PCR-SSCP ), sequening .

  10. 聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术已在分子生物学、基因测序、医学诊断等方面得到广泛的应用。

    Polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) technology has been successfully used in clinic diagnostic and modern molecular biology for gene analyzing .

  11. 方法从血清中提取游离DNA进行EGFR外显子19特异性PCR扩增和基因测序。

    Methods : The circulating DNA isolated from serum was subjected for the EGFR exon 19-specific PCR amplification and direct sequencing .

  12. 结果两种PCRRFLP及S基因测序鉴定HBV基因型结果一致。

    Results The results of two PCR-RFLP HBV genotyping methods were coincide with that of S gene sequence .

  13. 并通过菌种16SRRNA基因测序方法对其进行初步鉴定;

    The strain was identified by sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene .

  14. 结果经酶切和基因测序证实,克隆的基因片段为带有信号肽序列的VIP基因;

    Results : The cloned VIP cDNA was confirmed by enzyme digestion and DNA sequencing .

  15. 应用16SRRNA基因测序法鉴定禽多杀性巴氏杆菌的研究

    The application of 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis in the identification of avian pasteurella multocida

  16. 自本世纪初以来,人类基因测序(确定DNA分子内部核苷酸的确切排序,这一排序决定了我们是谁)的价格已大幅下跌。

    Since the early 2000s , the cost of sequencing a human genome - determining the precise order of nucleotides within DNA molecules that defines who we are - has dropped sharply .

  17. 本研究阳性分离株HN基因测序成功的为31株。

    31 strains are successful sequenced in this study .

  18. HLA基因测序分析进一步肯定了HLAI类PCRSSP分型的特异性。

    The HLA gene sequencing results of some special cases further confirmed the specificity of HLA class I PCR SSP typing results .

  19. 方法采用基因测序法检测102例高脂血症患者的ApoE基因型。

    Methods ApoE genotype of 102 patients with hyperlipemia was detected by gene PCR sequencing .

  20. 基因测序结果表明,该cDNA具有独立的开放阅读框架,编码1个由344个氨基酸残基构成的可溶性蛋白分子,属于免疫球蛋白超家族成员。

    DNA sequencing analysis showed that the cDNA had an open reading frame encoding 344 amino acid residues without transmembrane domain and belonged to immunoglobulin superfamily .

  21. 应用PCR-SSCP和基因测序技术检测GHR突变。

    The mutations of GHR gene were identified by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing .

  22. 18株HBV克隆标本S基因测序结果与本分型法完全一致。

    At one time , Each S gene of 18 PCR-produced clones was sequenced . The results of sequencing were completely in accordance to those of fluorimetry PCR .

  23. 口腔鳞癌K-ras基因测序分析及p21~(ras)蛋白的表达

    Sequence analysis of K-ras and p21 ~ ( ras ) protein ex - pression in oral squamous cell carcinomas

  24. 广东省新兴地区儿童致病性A组链球菌emm基因测序分型的研究

    Pathogenic group A streptococcal emm gene sequence typing study in Xinxing Guangdong Province

  25. RHD基因测序方法的建立及其在弱D表型分子鉴定中的应用

    Establishment of a direct RHD gene sequencing method and its application in molecular identification of weak D phenotypes

  26. 对CDR的基因测序研究未发现显性突变,均表现为基因表达量的下降。

    In the CDR , there was no gene mutation , only a few gene expression decreased .

  27. 结果TGFβ3基因测序总长度5457bp,共发现7个SNP,位于内含子区5个、编码区和3′非翻译区各1个。

    Results Seven SNPs in the exons , introns and 3 ′ untranslated region ( 3 ′ UTR ) of TGF β 3 gene were identified .

  28. 基因测序的结果表明gD基因包含一个1203bp的开放性阅读框(ORF),编码400个氨基酸组成的多肽。

    Nucleotide sequencing revealed that the gD gene contained an open reading frame of 1203 bp encoding a 400 aa protein .

  29. 但基因测序证实,家系1、3可疑携带者的FⅨ基因中并不存在与先证者相同的基因缺陷,结合先证者的临床和病史特点,考虑其基因缺陷可能由自发性突变产生。

    But confirmed by the direct sequencing , the doubtful carriers of the first and third family did not have the same gene defects as the propositi , the gene defects were spontaneous mutations .

  30. 通过基因测序发现其可读框编码一个新型锌指蛋白,命名为锌指蛋白A20,简称A20。

    Gene sequencing revealed that it encodes a new zinc protein , so was named as zinc finger protein A20 .