
  • 网络A narrow range of shock
  1. 油价在一个严格的窄幅震荡形态内运行。

    Oil moves in a tightly defined range bound pattern .

  2. 受投资者担忧欧洲经济健康状况的影响,股指期货今日维持窄幅震荡。

    Stock futures traded in a narrow range today as investors remain cautious about the health of Europe 's economy .

  3. 狼市的特点是窄幅震荡、波动增加、股票相关性高、反转快。

    The wolf market is characterized by a tight trading range , increased volatility , high stock correlations and quick reversals .

  4. 值得指出的是,在最近的上涨行情中,无论是在上涨还是回调期间,精品葡萄酒的价格均未大幅下跌,而只是来回窄幅震荡。

    It is worth noting that during both periods either side of the most recent surge , fine wine prices did not fall significantly , but rather drifted sideways .

  5. 然而,随即大盘变形成了一个窄幅震荡的过程,大部分时间股指都维持在2600点到3100点的区间内。

    However , the market was transformed into a narrow range of shocks in the process , most of the time the stock is maintained at 2600 points to 3100 points within the interval .