
  • 网络fund trust;Foundation Trusts
  1. 一九九七年七月一日,土地基金信托的资产拨归香港特区政府所有。

    On July 1 , 1997 , the assets of the Land Fund Trust were vested in the Hong Kong SAR Government .

  2. 联合国纳米比亚基金信托委员会;

    Trust Committee of the United Nations Fund for namibia ;

  3. 联合国环境保护邮票基金信托基金

    United Nations Trust Fund for the Environment Stamp Conservation Fund

  4. 我国养老保险基金信托投资问题探讨

    The Discussion on Trust and Investment 's Problems of China 's Old-Age Insurance Funds

  5. 管理层收购融资途径研究&MBO基金信托计划

    The research of the financing way of the management buy - outs & Leveraged MBO fund trustee

  6. 在第二章,本文确认了投资者作为基金信托结构中的委托人和受益人两位一体的身份,这是投资者受到保护的基础;

    In the Chapter 2 , the author emphasis the two-in-one position of investors as both commissaries and beneficiaries , which is the foundation of investor protection .

  7. 论述了养老基金信托运营的理论基础和现实依据,并进一步提出了养老基金信托运营所面临的挑战和风险规避措施。

    And the author discusses the theoretical and reality basis of the trust operation of old-age insurance , and further to point out the challenges and risk aversion measures of the trust operation of the old-age insurance funds facing .

  8. 多家投资协会和基金和信托机构的成员。

    Member of numerous investment committees for special Funds and Trust .

  9. 本文认为投资基金是信托和公司两种制度长期融合的产物。

    Investment fund is the product of long harmonization of trust with company .

  10. 从在中国管理着共同基金和信托公司朋友处得到的观察证据,可得出类似的结论。

    Anecdotal evidence from friends in China running mutual fund and trust companies suggests a similar conclusion .

  11. 养老基金与信托制度&基于信托法基本理论的分析

    Pension And Trust System

  12. 根据关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书设立的临时多边基金的信托基金

    Trust Fund for the Interim Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

  13. 基金是信托产品,较为松散,其成立和解散不受公司法的制约。

    Funds are products of trust which are loose and its forming and dissolving are not subject to the company law .

  14. 企业年金信托则是对企业年金基金设立信托的行为,对其以信托的模式进行管理。

    Annuity trust is an action of founding trust for the enterprise annuity and managing it as a mode of trust .

  15. 本文从分析证券投资基金与信托的共同点入手,指出基金的本质就是一种信托关系。

    This essay analyze the common of securities investment fund and entrust firstly , and point out the essence of fund is entrust .

  16. 证券投资基金是信托原理在金融领域的应用和发展。

    The legal basis of the Securities Investment Fund is trust ; it is the extension and innovation of trust in financial field .

  17. 证券投资基金运用信托财产投资证券取得收益,基金持有者与基金管理人之间是委托代理关系,这可能使基金的表现与基金管理人的收益不同步,因此对基金投资的监管是必要的。

    Securities capital funds use trust capital to earn returns . These are relationships between principals - fund holders and agents - fund management companies .

  18. 总之,笔者是以养老保险基金的信托管理为核心,以养老保险基金的保值增值为最终目标来进行论述的。

    In short , the author takes the pension fund trust management as the core , pension insurance fund maintenance and appreciation as the final goal to discuss .

  19. 信托在我国还是一个新生事物,如何实现养老基金和信托管理的全面结合,使之成功运作,是一个重要的课题,也是一个重大的现实问题。

    As a new thing in China , trust management facing a big problem how to completely combine pension funds with trust management and successful operation of it .

  20. 基金是信托关系。信托是一个经济利益的联合体,由此产生一个可以从委托人聚集资产,由受托人持有并管理该资产,以便使受益人确实受益的法律机制。

    Trust can operate as a basis of association , a legal mechanism for aggregating , organizing and preserving wealth at one remove from those who actually enjoy the benefits .

  21. 在融资渠道选择上,本文认为私募基金和信托资金是两种可行的方式,其中私募基金在未来几年内可能成为最主流的融资渠道之一。

    As for the methods of financing , private contribution fund and trust fund are two feasible ones , the former of which may become one of the most popular methods in financing .

  22. 政府交通助理员工会消委会是诉讼基金的信托人,基金由执行委员会在管理委员会的协助下管理,委员则由政府委任。

    Government Traffic Assistants Unio The fund , with the council as its trustee , is administered by a Board of Administrators underpinned by a Management Committee with independent members appointed by the Government .

  23. 总之,笔者是以养老基金的信托运营为核心,养老基金的保值增值为终极目的来展开论述的。

    In short , the author starts the discussion basing the trust operation of the old-age insurance funds at the core , preserving and increasing the value of old-age insurance funds as the goal ultimately .

  24. 实行现收现付的统筹基金在信托运营时,应严格控制投资范围;实行积累制的个人账户在信托运营时可以采取多元化的投资方式。

    The scope of investment should be strictly controlled when the pay-as-you-go policy implement in trust management ; multiple investment approaches shall be adopted when individual accounts of accumulation system are used in the trust operation .

  25. 经过50多年的发展,房地产投资信托在美国和澳大利亚等国取得了巨大的成功,并且形成了基金和信托计划这两种较为完善的模式。

    After more than 50 years development , the real estate investment trust has been great successful in America , Australia and other countries , and has formed Fund and Trust these two kind of more perfect patterns .

  26. 郁金香财务研究(tulipfinancialresearch)的报告称,金融市场的动荡促使英国1%最富有的人群转向质量投资,抛售商业不动产以及基金和投资信托等投资。

    The report by Tulip financial research said the turmoil in financial markets had prompted a flight to quality by the wealthiest 1 per cent , who had sold commercial property assets and investments such as unit and investment trusts .

  27. 如养老基金、投资信托基金、单位信托基金、海外基金等。

    Pension funds , investment trusts , unit trusts and offshore funds .

  28. 投资基金管理人信托投资义务问题探析

    A Theoretical Research on Duty of Trust Investment Performed by Fund 's Management Company

  29. 联合国纳米比亚基金建国方案信托基金;

    United Nations Trust Fund for the Nationhood Programme of the fund for namibia ;

  30. 除个人金融规划以外,避税天堂还为企业、对冲基金、投资信托基金和单位信托基金提供服务。

    As well as personal financial planning , tax havens provide services to companies , hedge funds , investment trusts and unit trusts .