
  • 网络leasing-assets
  1. 作为一种集融资与融物、兼顾金融与贸易双重特征的新型金融模式,一经出现即表现出强大的生命力和良好的发展前景。

    As a new financial model , modern financial leasing has not only combined financing with leasing-assets , but also taken account of the dual characteristics of finance and trade ; it shows a strong vitality and good prospect for development since its emergence .

  2. 结果骨髓瘤冻融物致敏DC诱导的自身T细胞对患者骨髓瘤细胞的杀伤率远大于非致敏DC。

    Results Autologous T lymphocytes induced by DCs pulsed with myeloma lysates had stronger killing effect on myeloma cells than T lymphocytes induced by non myeloma antigen pulsed DC .

  3. 方法GM-CSF、IL-4和TNF-α体外联合诱导生成MM患者自身DC,患者骨髓瘤冻融物冲击致敏DC诱导自身淋巴细胞;

    Methods DC was obtained from bone marrow of mutiple myeloma patients and cultured with GM-CSF , IL-4 and TNF - α . Host lymphocytes were stimulated with DCs pulsed with myeloma lysates .

  4. 骨髓瘤冻融物致敏树突状细胞诱导特异性细胞免疫反应

    Specific cell immune response mediated by myeloma lysate pulsed dendritic cells

  5. 融资租赁把融资和融物合二为一正是其具有竞争力的关键所在。

    Financing lease melt two into one to be exactly their competitive keys .

  6. 融资租赁是集融资与融物于一身的新型金融创新,对经济的发展起着重要的促进作用。

    Financial Leasing is an innovation that combines Financing with lease . It is very important for promoting the economy .

  7. 融资租赁集“融资”与“融物”为一体,是企业一种独特的融资手段。

    Capital leasing is the combination of finance funds and assets , and it is unique finance means in enterprise .

  8. 融资租赁,这种新型的金融工具,兼有融资和融物双重功能。

    Financial leasing , a new type of financing method , has both the functions of financing capitals and financing goods .

  9. 融资租赁是现代市场经济条件下出现的一种兼具融资与融物双重职能的新型交易。

    Financial leasing is a novel type of transaction which merges in the modern finance market with double functions of financing and leasing .

  10. 融资租赁交易是现代租赁的产物,集融资与融物为一体,极大地促进了现代经济的发展。

    Financial lease is the product of the modern lease , which promotes the development of modern economy by making funds and chattels circulate .

  11. 融资租赁是以融物为形式、以融资为特征的一种具有融资与融物双重属性的融资方式。

    Financial leasing is financing pattern with double attributes of financing and leasing assets in the form of leasing-assets and with financing as the characteristics .

  12. 本文采用单层细胞、悬浮细胞及细胞冻融物对病毒抗血清中非特异抗体进行吸收。

    A comparative study of absorption of nonspecific antibodies from antiviral serum by monolayer cell cultures , suspension cells and freeze-thawing materials of cells is reported .

  13. 融资租赁是在二战后为适应新的市场需求而发展起来的,集融资与融物为一体的新的交易模式。

    The Financial lease is adapt to the new demands of market after World War ⅱ, and it is a new trading model which sets financing and financial matter as one .

  14. 融资租赁也叫金融租赁、现代租赁,它是将传统的租赁、贸易与金融方式相结合,通过融物的形式达到融资目的的一种交易方式。

    The Financial lease is also named Modern lease , which combines the traditional lease , transactions and the finance . It is an usual way to raise funds by raising assets .

  15. 融资租赁自诞生以来,以兼具融资、融物和销售功能的独特优势,在全球得到了日新月异的发展。

    Since the birth of financial lease , it has the unique advantages of financing 、 financial matter and sales functions , so that it can develop very rapidly in the whole world .

  16. 融资租赁是以融物的形式达到融资的目的,这就决定了融资租赁具有自身的、不同于其他融资方式的一些特点。

    Finance lease is a form of financial property to achieve the purpose of financing , which determines the financial leasing has its own , unlike some of the features of other financing .

  17. 融资租赁作为一种新型的集金融、贸易和租赁为一体的信贷方式,是经济制度创新下产生的一种具有融资与融物双重职能的融资方式。

    Finance leases is a new set of financial , trade and leasing as one of the credit , financing and financial dual functions of a way of financing the economic system innovation .

  18. 金融租赁交易兼具融资与融物双重属性,承租人以分期支付租金流为条件而从出租人处获取实物流,从而达到以物代租的效果。

    Leasing transactions have two attributes-financing and financial matter . The lessee pays rent flow in installments and obtains kinds flow , so as to achieve the effect of things on behalf of rent .

  19. 现代金融租赁是融资与融物、投资和贸易的结合。它不仅仅是一种设备投资、技术更新、引进外资、扩大出口的手段。

    The modern financial leasing emphasizes the combination of the capital and the equipment , the investment and trade instead of a way of the equipment investment , the technology update , expanding exports .

  20. 这一以融物的形式实现融资目的的新型筹资方式,一经出现即受到企业界的青睐,继而被世界许多国家的企业家广为采用。

    The new method through leasing equipment to achieve financing purpose has been favored by the business circle as soon as it appeared , and then it was widely adopted by many international enterprisers .

  21. 融资租赁是一种以设备为载体,集贸易、金融、租借为一体的特殊金融产品。是由出租方融通资金为承租方提供所需设备,具有融资、融物双重职能的租赁交易。

    Financing lease can circulate necessary funds in order to offer the lease trade of the necessary equipment , it is one kind of special financial product that can provide equipments , collect the trade and finance .

  22. 租赁融资方式作为一种具有融物特征的融资方式,在世界许多国家得到广泛应用,成为了世界上仅次于银行信贷的第二大融资方式。

    Lease financing as a kind of financing way with specialty which both finance fund and allocate resource is applied in many countries , and become the second way of financing which is just interior to banking financing .

  23. 融资租赁作为一种融资与融物相结合的新型融资方式,在市场经济发达国家已成为联结金融、贸易和工业生产的纽带。

    Financial lease acts as a new mode to be a combination of gathering funds and stuff , and this mode has become a hinge , binding finance , trade , and industry production in those highly developed market economies .

  24. 现代租赁集融资与融物于一身,具有促进投资、商品促销等功能,已经发展成为发达国家设备投资的第二大融资渠道,为经济建设和产业结构调整起到了巨大推动作用。

    As it can incorporate the finance into physical goods and has the functions of investment and product promotion , modern leasing has acted as the second largest financing means and made great impetus to economy development and industry structure adjustment in many developed countries .

  25. 融资租赁是一种贸易与信贷相结合、融资与融物为一体的综合性租赁方式,在其诞生后的短短50年获得了巨大发展,已成为世界设备投资的重要组成部分。

    Being a comprehensive leasing business in which trading and crediting are combined and the circulation of fund and material integrated , financial leasing business has made huge progress in the past 50 years since its first emerge , forming the most important part in the world equipment investment .

  26. 航运业是资金密集型行业,船舶融资租赁作为融资租赁的一种,以其融资融物的独特优势成为航运业融资的重要手段,有效地缓解了航运业融资困难的局面。

    Shipping industry is a capital-intensive industry , and shipping financing lease , as one form of the financial lease , becomes an important means of financing in the shipping industry with its unique advantages of financing and melting , and eases the financing difficulties of the shipping industry effectively .

  27. 第三部分研究软件融资租赁的理论依据,重点包括知识产权的特殊性,融资租赁表面融物、实际融资的本质和融资租赁中租赁物所有权的弱化;

    In the third part , the author researches the theory basis for software financial lease , mainly including the unique character of intellectual property right , the essentiality of financial lease as financing instead of others and the fading of the property title of leased things in financial lease ;

  28. 黄融盐复合物催化剂在消除柴油机碳烟过程中的应用

    Study on Eutectic Composite Catalysts Applied to the Abatement of Soot Particles from Diesel Engines

  29. 关于气候,我们有太多东西都不是很了解云团、飓风、融冰、悬浮物,因此对于超级计算机模拟未来气候的能力仍然存在疑问。

    There 's so much we don 't fully understand about the climate clouds , hurricanes , ice melting , aerosols that questions remain over the ability of super-computers to model future climate .

  30. 同时,冬季雪被和冻融循环对凋落物质量的影响将改变下一阶段的微生物底物特性,从而调控生长季节内凋落物分解过程中的微生物活性。

    Meanwhile , the effects of snow cover and freeze-thaw cycles on litter quality would influence the characteristics of microbial substrates in next phase , thus regulate the microbial activity during litter decomposition process in the growing season .