
  • 网络financing channel;access to finance
  1. NA公司融资渠道主要有两种,一是银行贷款,二是利用股权质押进行民间融资。

    There are currently two main financing channels ; one is bank loans , the other is private finance with equity in pledge .

  2. 在美国、香港等地区已经将成熟的REITs体系作为保障住房的主要融资渠道。

    In the United States , Hong Kong and other regions has the security of housing mature REITs system as the main financing channels .

  3. 进一步建立和完善相关配套制度,拓宽融资渠道,降低融资交易成本,引导MBO健康发展;

    Propel the reform of financing system , broaden channels for MBO financing and reduce transaction costs ;

  4. 欧洲央行已经宣布,将与欧洲投资银行(EuropeanInvestmentBank)合作制定措施,通过重振资产担保证券市场来拓宽中小企业的融资渠道。

    The ECB has already announced that it is working with the European Investment Bank to devise ways of broadening access to financing for SMEs by reviving a market for asset-backed securities .

  5. 该行发言人西恩•奥瑞尔迪安(ShaneO'Riordain)周三表示,该行有充裕的零售存款可以动用,并且还在使用其他融资渠道。

    Yesterday , HBOS spokesman Shane O'Riordain said the bank has ready access to large retail deposits and continues to access other borrowings .

  6. REITs的引进不仅能够为我国房地产企业开拓融资渠道,也能为社会闲散资金提供全新的投资方式,使中小投资者分享房地产业发展所带来的收益。

    The introduction of REITs will not only be able to provide a real-estate financing channel for enterprises but also provide new ways to invest for social idle capital .

  7. 风险投资作为中小企业重要的融资渠道,同时由于IPO是风险投资的最优退出途径,因此风险投资必然会深度参与其支持企业的IPO,对企业的IPO产生实质性的影响。

    Venture Capital is an important financing channel for small and medium-sized enterprise and IPO is the optimal exit way of Venture Capital , so Venture Capitalists will deeply involved in and significantly affects the IPO of Venture Companies .

  8. 高新技术产业融资渠道的国际比较和实证分析

    Financing Channels for High-tech Industry : International Comparisons and Empirical Analysis

  9. 关于拓展我国券商融资渠道的分析与思考

    A consideration of expanding financing channels of China 's securities dealers

  10. 拓宽融资渠道,有效融合金融资本与生物制药技术;

    Broaden financing channels thus effectively combining financial capital with biotechnics ;

  11. 拓宽太湖流域水利建设投融资渠道的战略探讨

    Discussions about financing strategy for water resources construction in Taihu Lake basin

  12. 法国社会的发展需要各种快捷和安全的融资渠道。

    The social development needs the quick and safe ways to finance .

  13. 重庆经济发展的融资渠道分析

    An Analysis on the Financial Channels for Developing Chongqing Economy

  14. 这些企业在拓宽融资渠道的同时,也给会计界提出了一系列新的难题。

    These enterprises put forward a series of new problems in accounting .

  15. 拓宽企业直接融资渠道已经迫在眉睫。

    Broaden the financing channels of enterprise directly is imminent .

  16. 我国民营经济融资渠道现状分析

    Analysis of the Channel of Private Investment in Our Country

  17. 集团在金融机构的信用等级不高,融资渠道单一,融资成本高昂;

    The group 's credit rank is low in the financial institution ;

  18. 关于建立新型农村融资渠道的思考

    Reflections on Building New Type Channel of Rural Financing

  19. 第二,通过融资渠道的创新,解决资金缺口问题;

    Second , resolve the fund problem by innovating ;

  20. 其诱因主要有:开辟融资渠道和粉饰会计报表;

    The incentives are to open financing channels and to fancy accounting statements .

  21. 资本市场发展缓慢,直接融资渠道不畅;

    Slow development capital market and lack of smooth and direct financing channels ;

  22. 缺乏直接融资渠道等。在分析了以上问题的基础上,提出了相应的七项对策。

    Based on the analysis of these problems , seven countermeasures were suggested .

  23. 拓宽融资渠道促进公路建设事业快速发展

    Widening Financing Channel to Promote Highway Construction Rapid Development

  24. 私营家族企业融资渠道结构及其演变

    Financing Channel Structure and Its Evolution of Family Businesses

  25. 房地产项目融资渠道拓展及资产证券化研究

    Researches on Development of Financing Channels of Real Estate Projects and Asset-backed Securitization

  26. 融资渠道狭隘、支付方式单一风险。

    Narrow financing channel and single means of payment .

  27. 拓宽企业融资渠道提出一些建议。

    Expanding corporate finance channels offer some suggestions .

  28. 我国中小企业与民营经济融资渠道初探

    Discuss on Financing Channels of Chinese Small Enterprises

  29. 拓展投资融资渠道,调整并优化所有制结构;

    Extending the channel of raising funds and investment to optimize pattern of ownership ;

  30. 拓宽公路建设融资渠道的研究

    On Widening the Financing Channel for Road Construction