- 名transformation of contradiction

The classifier is a multi-module neural network , so the conflict between the scale of BP network and the complexity of recognition tasks can be transformed to the conflict between the scale of recognition system and the complexity of recognition tasks .
But regional interests contradiction turn into interregional conflict needs external terms .
Conflict transform is an important category in materialistic dialectic .
Future Trend in Editing and Studying Archives in View of Contradiction Transformation
The contradictory transform into conflict is by the doctors and patients unable to abide by the principles of the interest limit and interest boundaries .
Probing into various manifestations and conditions of transformed quantitative change accumulation is greatly meaningful for deeply comprehending the connotation of category of conflict transform .
How these contradictions will be transformed into a direction conducive to the development of national culture , the study compared the various fields in the two national culture .
How to educate student 's thinking ability of dialectics and logic is discussed in the paper based on contradict conversion of straight line and curve , approximative and accurate and general and special during calculous teaching .
On condition that socialism systems are emphasized , the concrete socialism system of organization are completely reformed , and by way of the reform , the basic contradiction of socialist society will be changed to direct motive force .
Via study about traditional computing methods of critical speed of cars , a kind of new , efficient computing method is put forth to make the contradiction of problem convert into finding out the root of nonlinear algebraic equation .
An implementing way for its application to engineering is proposed , and an example is given as well , extension detecting technology is a new detecting technology based on the transformation concept of the contradiction , which is totally different from the existing ones .
The paper explains the method of flood tail regulation in accordance of regulation practice for Shenwo reservoir .
If considering the randomness and fuzziness of stress and strength , so is called fuzzy probabilistic fracture mechanics .
On these bases , the soft Yin-Yangalization theorem and the hard Yin-Yangalization theorem that describe the transformation from ordinary thing 's system to dialectical contradiction are proved .
The transformation of the way of visual paradox more advanced , then the picture presented by the visual language of the more interesting , more emotional information conveyed by the rich and varied .
Broadly speaking , the formation of character of individual moral self-discipline results from the contradictory transformation between the subject and object mutually in the foundation of practice , at the same time it is the result from the transformation of intrinsic ideological contradiction of the subject .
The reconstruction and recycle is a process which make the old industry building transform from old to new .
No doubt , this contradiction of labor dispute can be transformed , but the improper conduct of any party may intensify this contradiction .
Research the contradiction conversion degree , conversion loss and conversion difficulty , and , based on which , establish evaluation function for the contradiction reduction solution , achieving definite evaluation about the contradiction processing .
In fact , the conflict and change-over between conceptions that last in the long history of development of the theory of tragedy figure reveal the developing progress is from the simple to the complex , from the unilateral to the complete .
It shows that due to the human practice since industrial civilization the main contradiction faced by human existence and development has transformed into the contradiction between human beings and humanized nature and the contradiction between human beings and the world they themselves created ;
The Problem of boundary or tectonic relation has been interesting to geologists .
The process of ideological and political education ( IPE ) is full of contradictions and their transformation .
The mechanism of the connection and transformation between ordinary thing 's system and dialectical contradiction is discussed systematically .
Painting ancient masterpieces presented in vivid and rich picture of the pair also depends on the mutual transformation of contradictions and Evolution .
Knowing and handling the contradictory and moving relationship of the thought and the existence correctly in practice can realize the transformation of ego and for the world effectively .
Development and land protection is a contradiction in the process of urbanization , but harmony from the opposite direction is the focus of our attention .
Formalizing representation of contradiction , measuring of contradiction status , the identification of main contradiction , the conversion of contradiction elements , the means of contradiction processes and the evaluation of contradiction eliminating effect research all lacked relational theory and efficient technique process .
With the variation of contradictory nature and changement of places of opposites , it summarizes three basic forms of the transform of general contradictory forms .