
  1. 旅游现象中的矛盾对立统一律与旅游理论体系之构建

    Law of the Unity of Opposites and Construction of Theoretical System of Tourism

  2. 世间万物运动就是矛盾对立统一规律&理的运动。

    The movement of everything is the law of the unity of opposites , a movement of reason .

  3. 作者将规范分析和实证分析两种研究方法紧密结合,坚持科学发展观和矛盾对立统一观点,始终把企业社会责任法制建设与构建社会主义和谐社会理论紧密连接在一起。

    By combining the criterion analysis and the demonstration analysis together and adhering to the scientific development view and the contradiction view , the author establish close contact between CSR and the theories on socialism harmonious society construction from beginning to end .

  4. 将考试系统与培训系统这矛盾对立统一的两方面如何协调发展进行了研究,并进一步探讨考试系统与人口、经济、学校教育和在职培训系统之间持续协调发展的问题。

    It also analyzes the problems about how to strike a balance between the examination system and the training system . And furthermore , it studies the sustainable and coordinate development among the examination system , population , economy , school education and the in-service training system .

  5. 矛盾就是对立统一,矛盾分析法是认识事物的根本方法。

    Contradiction is the unity of opposites , and contradictory analysis the fundamental method of understanding world .

  6. 简单来说,所谓和谐,就是矛盾对立的统一,杂多因素的相济。

    Simply to speak , what is called harmony is the unity of opposites , the interdependence of the multifarious elements .

  7. 从矛盾的对立统一性上看,如此可以适当降低劳资关系矛盾的对立关系,将双方利益统一起来。

    The contradiction between the unity from watching , so can be reduced labor relations contradictory opposite relationship , will both benefit together .

  8. 中国画画魂是矛盾对立与统一&初步学画读画写画感受之一学生们可以在美术课学习如何画画。

    Unity of Opposites : The Soul of the Traditional Chinese Painting ; Students can learn how to draw pictures in an art class .

  9. 世界上的一切事物都是包含着矛盾、对立统一并在矛盾运动中发展前进的,声乐的学习也是如此。

    Everything in the world are contained contradictions , the unity of opposites and contradictions in the development of forward movement , vocal learning is also true .

  10. 从古至今,警察权与公民权作为矛盾的对立统一始终相互协调、此消彼长。

    From ancient until now , the police power and the civil rights is always in mutual coordination more or less as a contradiction of the unity of opposites .

  11. 美术信息行为与信息环境是主客观两方面矛盾对立的统一体,美术信息行为总是要与信息环境发生各种各样的联系。

    Act information and information surroundings are the subjective and objective side respectively which are opposite in the same contradictory unity . Art information tends to be related to information surroundings in various ways .

  12. 矛盾又是对立统一的。

    Meanwhile contradiction is the unity of opposites .

  13. 揭示了制约元素分散富集的因素都是在一定条件下互为依存和转化的,是在动态中的矛盾的对立和统一。

    It is indicated that the factors which control the concentration and dispersion of elements are dependent on and exchangeable with each other under certain conditions .

  14. 中国传统的思维方式是一种重和谐、求统一的朴素辩证思维,中国古人把一切事物都看成是既包含矛盾对立又和谐统一的整体。

    Traditional Chinese mode of thinking belongs to plain dialectics which puts emphasis on harmoniousness and unity . Chinese ancients regarded all things as one unity containing contradictory opposites and harmonious agreement .

  15. 第一章介绍了翻译是一种充满悖论的活动,阐明可译与不可译是矛盾对立的辩证统一,并指出可译性的原因。

    In chapter 1 , the author points out that translation is a field full of paradoxes , and that translatability and untranslatability are a dialectical unity of contradictory opposites . Then the author analyses the reasons for translatability .

  16. 本文根据资本与劳动内在矛盾的对立和统一性原理,说明资本与劳动的关系表现为厂商与工人的关系,从而表现为利润与工资的关系。

    This article firstly shows the relation between capital and labor as the relation between firms and workers and then the relation between profits and wages according to the principle of opposition and unity for contradiction between capital and labor .

  17. 这个场景中充满了矛盾,矛盾的对立统一规律始终贯穿其中。

    The scene is full of contradictions , and permeated with law of the unity of opposites for contradiction .

  18. 只有巧妙地利用矛盾的对立性和统一性,营销语义表达才能产生微妙神奇的效果。

    Only by ingeniously utilizing the contradiction and unity of antagonism , marketing semantic expression can produce the delicate and magical results .

  19. 马克思认为:事物的矛盾法则,即对立统一的法则,是唯物辩证法的最根本的法则。

    Marx believed that things ' law of contradiction , the law of the unity of opposites , is the fundamental law of materialist dialectics .

  20. 城市化进程中,发展和土地保护是一对矛盾。矛盾既对立又统一,如何实现矛盾的转化,由对立走向和谐共生才是我们关注的焦点。

    Development and land protection is a contradiction in the process of urbanization , but harmony from the opposite direction is the focus of our attention .

  21. 从军事斗争来分析,它们是三足鼎立的,说明立体矛盾观可以确立。我们必须从平面矛盾观即对立统一矛盾观上升到立体矛盾观即鼎立统一矛盾观。

    This shows that there may and should be a stereoscopic viewpoint of contradiction established on the basis of the traditional viewpoint of the unity of the opposites .

  22. 矛盾管理理论运用宇宙间普遍存在的矛盾现象和对立统一的基本规律来看待管理问题,为分析管理问题找到一条根本主线,为实施企业可持续成长和长寿提供了独特的思路。

    The theory applies the universal basic law of unity of opposites to look into management , providing an important train of thoughts in analyzing management problems and keeping enterprises to develop continually in a long span of time .