
  • 网络forecasting;divination;prognostics;predictions
  1. 预测学原理在管道输油企业中的应用

    The Application of the Principles of Forecasting in Oil Pipelining enterprises

  2. 预测学就是对预测活动的经验总结所形成的理论概括,它产生的历史并不长。

    Predictions is the summary of the theoretical generalization of the experience of forecasting activities , it did not last long history .

  3. 太极八卦与对称(守恒)及中国传统预测学

    Taiji-Bagua and Symmetry ( Conservation ) and the Traditional Chinese Prediction

  4. 成矿预测学的理论与技术方法的几点思考

    A Review on Theory and Technology on Prediction of Minerals

  5. 成矿预测学是新一轮国土资源调查亟待加强研究的一个领域,本文回顾和评述了近20年来国内外成矿预测的理论和技术方法。

    A review on the theory and technological approaches on the prediction of minerals in .

  6. 五运六气学说是古代原始的预测学及时辰医学;

    " Theory of five movements and six dlimates " is the ancient primary predicting and chrono-medicine .

  7. 运用滑坡预测学的理论作指导,综合应用因子分析法和卡尔曼滤波分析法,对白鹿塬区的斜坡稳定性及空时分布进行了分析研究;

    With theory of landslides prediction as guides , by using synthetically analytical method of causes and Kerman sieve wave analysis method , the stability of slope and distribution of landslides on spaces and times are studied in Bailuyuan ;

  8. 另一方面,成矿预测学中的许多重大基础问题的研究常常涉及到非线性问题,如矿床与成矿事件及各种成矿控制因素之间不显示简单的线性关系。

    On the other hand , many important and basic problems in mineralization and predictive research often involve non-linear problems . For instance , the simple linear relation can not be revealed between the deposits and control factors of mineralization .

  9. 尽管国外学者先后提出了多种填埋气理论产量的预测方法学,但尚没有哪一种方法占主导地位。

    Although foreign scholars have proposed a variety of prediction methodology for LFG theory production , but none of the methods was dominant .

  10. 为建立适用范围较广的湖泊生态系统定量管理平台,本研究通过对46个中小型湖泊的实地调查,并运用部分文献资料,系统地开展了长江中下游浅水湖群的预测湖沼学研究。

    To establish a general and quantitative platform of lake ecosystem management , predictive limnological researches on mid-lower Yangtze shallow lakes were carried out systematically in 46 small - to medium-sized lakes , using data from field investigations and references .

  11. 油气资源远景预测的方法学研究

    Methodology of estimating the prospects of oil and gas resources

  12. 蛋白质结构预测的方法学评述

    Review of new approaches in protein structure prediction

  13. 跨膜蛋白拓扑结构预测是生物信息学的研究热点之一。

    The topology prediction of transmembrane protein is a hot in Bioinformatics .

  14. 网络流量行为预测是网络行为学的一个重要研究方向。

    The prediction on Internet behavior is an important face of network behaviorism .

  15. 基因预测是生物信息学领域中的一个重要研究方向。

    Gene prediction is an important research branch in the field of bioinformatics .

  16. 三峡库区长寿区库岸塌岸预测的可拓学研究

    The Extenics Studying on the Bank Caving Prediction of Changshou Area Along Three Gorges Reservoir

  17. 因此,蛋白质结构与功能预测是生物信息学研究的重点任务之一。

    The predictions of protein structure and protein function are two main points in bioinformatics .

  18. 因此对猝死和恶性室性心律失常的预测是心律失常学研究的一个重要课题。

    Therefore , it is an important topic of forecasting a sudden death and life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia .

  19. 文章简要考察了古代与近现代图书馆学思想,预测了未来图书馆学思想的发展趋向。

    This article reviews all the library thoughts and predicts the development trend of the thoughts of library science .

  20. 对生物大分子进行结构预测是生物信息学研究的重要领域,具有重大的理论和应用价值。

    The structure prediction of biological macromolecules is an important research area in bioinformatics with significant theoretical and practical values .

  21. 方法多序列比较、结构域比对和二级结构预测等生物信息学分析及系统发生树构建。

    Methods Phylogenetic trees construction and bioinformatics analysis including multiple sequence alignment , domain comparison , and secondary structure prediction .

  22. 最后预测和展望运筹学在全面质量管理中应用的广阔前景。

    At last a wide perspective in the application of Operations Research to the total quality control is forecasted and prospected .

  23. 蛋白质结构预测是生物信息学当中的重要课题,而蛋白质折叠模式的识别对蛋白质结构预测起到了关键作用。

    Protein structure prediction is an important topic in bioinformatics , and protein fold identification plays a key role in predicting protein structures .

  24. 矿产资源评价与成矿预测这一地学中的重要研究对象随着空间信息技术的迅猛发展和广泛应用,正朝着信息化方向迈进。

    With the great development and wide application of spatial informational technologies , mineral resources assessment and metallogenic prognosis , an important branch of geosciences , is striding forward in the informational direction .

  25. 总结和归纳了国外学者对未来图书馆的有关论述和预测,对图书馆学研究和图书馆事业的发展具有一定指导和借鉴意义。

    This paper sums up some relevant discussions and forecasts on the future library , which can be used for guidance and reference to the research of the library science and the development of the library cause .

  26. 研究人员对167个弹钢琴或其他乐器的小孩进行了性格测试,发现从他们的回答可以预测出他们继续学音乐的可能性。那些性格更外向、更认真的小孩更可能继续弹奏乐器。

    In tests on 167 children who played piano or other instruments , they found their answer to personality tests could predict how likely it was for them to continue their music lessons . Those who were more outgoing and conscientious were more likely to continue to play .

  27. 深部找矿预测已成为当前成矿学和成矿预测学的科学前沿和研究重点。

    Prediction for deep ore prospecting is a frontier and key research in metallogeny and metallogenic prognosis .

  28. 地震预测中应当遵循的几条预测学基本原理

    Earthquake prediction and some fundamentals of prognostics

  29. 基于有机物转化率的垃圾填埋气产量预测模型,采用挥发性固体含量Xt作为计算参数,通过定义生活垃圾有机物转化率η,为填埋气产量的预测方法学作出了新的探索。

    Based on the conversion rate of organic matter of MSW , a new method for calculating LFG production has been proposed , in which the conversion rate of organic matter was estimated just by volatile solid content of MSW which can be measured easily .