
  • 网络predictive power;foresight;perfect foresight
  1. 这种活动需要有军事行动般的周密布署和预见能力。

    Such undertakings require the precise planning and foresight of military operations .

  2. 但凯勒鹏也象前面的那一位埃尔隆一样,有一定的预见能力。

    But Celeborn , like Elrond before him , engages in a bit of foresight .

  3. 随着中国加入WTO和建筑市场的越加规范,项目总监理工程师已成为项目管理的核心,为保证项目目标的实现,总监理工程师对项目目标控制的预见能力尤为重要。

    Along with china entered the WTO and the building market grown up , the major engineer has became the very important person . In order to ensure the project object completing , the control capacity of the major engineer for the project object is very important ?

  4. 很明显,马斯切拉诺具有非常好的预见能力。

    Clearly , Mascherano was seeing things well enough .

  5. 武术散打运动员预见能力的训练

    The Training of Prediction Ability for Wushu Sportsmen

  6. 人们具有预见能力的这一说,尤其是经济学家的预见能力通常都会引起质疑。

    CLAIMS of clairvoyance , particularly when they come from economists , deserve a sceptical reception .

  7. 增强教学能力、反思能力、研究能力、预见能力和创新能力;

    Enhancing teaching ability , retrospection capability , research ability , ability of prediction and innovation ;

  8. 认定过错的核心要素是意思能力、预见能力和行为心态。

    The core elements of identified fault is the will ability , foretell ability and behavioral state of mind .

  9. 因此,对紧急状况的预见能力也应当成为国民经济动员工作的必要组成部分。

    Therefore , the ability of forecast the emergency should also be a necessary part of Mobilization of National Economy .

  10. 它之所以具备这种预见能力,是因为谷歌研究我们的搜索习惯,追踪我们的电邮,掌握我们所处位置。

    Such insights are possible because Google studies our search habits , tracks our emails , and understands our location .

  11. 对疏忽大意过失下的预见能力宜采取客观标准为主,主观标准为辅。

    The ability to predict under careless negligence , should be judged mainly by objective standard with the help of subjective one .

  12. 业务过失犯罪中的所谓能够注意,是指业务人员在业务活动中对自己的业务行为可能发生危害结果所具有的注意能力(包括预见能力和避免能力)。

    The possible attention in offenses of vocational negligence is an ability that a professorial has to notice the dangerous result of his vocation behavior .

  13. 从长远看,渠道模式的生命力在于其与外部环境的动态适应性,家电生产企业应不断提升预见能力,保持对外部环境的敏感,前瞻性的推动渠道变迁和转型。

    So the manufactures should upgrade constantly the ability to foresee changes , be sensitive to external environment and promote initiatively the channel to change and transit .

  14. 每年许多次它是自然界和人的不可预见能力的联合力量经验甚至远超最吸引人的科幻小说。

    It has ` been their experience that the combined forces of nature and unpredictability of mankind outdo even the most far fetched science fiction many times each year .

  15. 市场向我们传达的信息是:我们不仅需要考虑风险和回报,也不论剑历史门户网应该对自己的预见能力太过自信。

    The message : Not only do we need to think about risk as well as reward , but also we shouldn 't be nearly so confident in our predictive powers .

  16. 应形成评估专家的管理机制,促进专家的公正性和责任感,提高专家的预见能力和洞察能力。

    Should form the management to assess expert mechanism , and promotes just nature and the sense of responsibility of expert , and raise the foretelling ability of expert and sees clearly the ability .

  17. 政府通过提高对危机发生前的预见能力和危机发生后的救治能力,及时、有效地处理公共危机,起到保障经济发展,维护社会稳定的作用,进而更有助于提高政府公信力。

    By enhanced the ability of forecast before the crisis and the ability of cure after the crisis , betimes , effective , ensure the development of the economy , keep the stabilization of society , and increase the public trust of government .

  18. 为了自己的国家队,他作为中场,成为防线的盾牌,这个角色需要预见能力、高度的警觉性,有时还需使用自己的身体(对,他的脑袋)来抵挡进攻的勇气。

    For his national team , he plays as a shield to the defense in a midfield role that calls for vision , constant vigilance and the courage at times to put his body ( and yes , his head ) in the way of opposing attacks .

  19. 在充满不确定性的投资环境中,采用择时策略的金融机构必须具有对宏观经济、公司利润、市场利率甚至是影响资本市场的国际经济、政治和社会发展不同寻常的预见能力。

    In the investment environment fraught with uncertainties , the financial institution which relies on timing strategy must have an unusual ability to foresee future trends which includes not only macroeconomic , corporate profits , market interest rates but also international economic , political and social development of capital markets .

  20. 良好的决策能力、公关谈判能力、组织管理能力、心理承受力、预见应变能力是后勒干部应有的素质要求。

    Service cadre in universities should have the quality of a good decisive a - bility , a negotiation ability , a management ability and emergency ability .

  21. 我们采用几何图形复写表象能力作业、几何图形再现表象能力作业和几何图形预见表象能力作业对2~6岁儿童几何图形表象能力的发生与发展进行了实验研究。

    Through adopting copy image ability task of geometry figure , reproductive image ability task of geometry figure and anticipatory image ability task of geometry figure , we do experiment research , to the occurrence and development of children 's image ability of geometry figure .

  22. 他毫无预见风险的能力。

    He doesn 't have an ounce of ability of foreseeing hazards .

  23. 可预见的伸缩能力以及没有限制是商业智能(BusinessIntelligence)平台的关键标准。

    The ability to scale predictably and without limits is a key criterion for a Business Intelligence platform .

  24. 不过,虽然谁也没有预见未来的能力,但显然很难以这些理由取消增税。

    Without powers to see into the future , though , it will be hard to stop the tax on those grounds .

  25. 为了表现乔布斯预见未来的能力,索尔金几乎一字不差地引用了乔布斯为支持个人电脑给出的最有力的理由。

    To show Mr. Jobs 's ability to see the future , Mr. Sorkin quotes Mr. Jobs 's best argument for the personal computer almost word for word .

  26. 针对人具有预见、预测能力和驾驶员操纵品质要求,提出了辅助驾驶员操纵的预见显示及预测控制方案。

    Considering human 's preview and predictive ability , a pilot assistant control system with preview display and predictive control is presented based on pilot handling qualities and pilot rating .

  27. 本研究的目的在于构建一个评价企业人力资源能力建设状况的指标体系。关于人力资源能力建设的研究尚处于萌芽阶段,但可以预见,人力资源能力建设将在企业管理中发挥重要作用。

    The purpose of this research is to construct a system to appraise the human capacity building of enterprises in China .

  28. 关于人力资源能力建设的研究尚处于萌芽阶段,但可以预见,人力资源能力建设将在企业管理中发挥重要作用。

    Though the study of human capacity building is begun recently , it will be very important to the enterprises in the future .

  29. 商业判断规则的合理性在于商业风险不可预见、董事决策能力不同、法官缺乏商业判断的专长以及经营裁量权的内在需求。第二部分主要讨论了商业判断规则的构成要素。

    The reasonableness of BJR lies on the unforeseen risk of business , the different decision-making capacity of directors , the lack of business judgement expertise of judges and the internal demand of management discretion . Part two focused on the elements of BJR .

  30. 疏忽大意的过失成立的前提是行为人“应当预见”自己的行为可能发生危害社会的结果,而“应当预见”包含行为人的预见义务、预见能力、可预见性和危害社会的法定的结果。

    The premise that negligence faulty establishes is that a behavior person should to foresee own behavior that may result in the social endangers . What should foresee include behavior the duty to foresee , the ability to foresee etc.