
  • 网络matrikulasi;Foundation;Foundation Course;CPGE;CIMP
  1. 在预科班的考生中,携带饮品进考场的考生比不带饮品的考生分数要高10%,而大二考生的这一差别并不明显。

    For students at foundation level , grades improved by 10 per cent while there was no significant benefit for those at second year level .

  2. 黄欣在休斯顿大学学习时,师从弗莱德·莱克(FredellLack)。16岁时,他被克利夫兰音乐学院的大学预科班录取,后跟随唐纳德·维勒斯汀(DonaldWeilerstein)学习。2002年,黄欣获得音乐学士学位。

    He commenced studying with Fredell Lack at the University of Houston and at 16 he enrolled in the precollege program at the Cleveland Institute of Music , where he studied with Donald Weilerstein and earned a bachelor 's degree in music in 2002 .

  3. 医学预科班生物化学实验课的教学改革与实践

    Teaching practice and reform of premed 's biochemistry experimental course

  4. 少数民族预科班化学教学法初探

    On the teaching methods of chemistry to the minority students in preparatory course

  5. 此刻,将我们最美好的祝福送给下一届的大学预科班学生。

    Now , I send my best wishes to the next DP2 class .

  6. 我报读了大学预科班,希望将来成为一名护士。

    I took college prep classes in the hopes of someday being a nurse .

  7. 留荷新途径:环球雅思荷兰预科班

    New Way to Holland : IELTS Preparatory

  8. 民族预科班物理概念教学的探讨

    A survey on the teaching of the preparatory physical concept for the students of minority nationality

  9. 从此,国际大学预科班每年举办一次英国冬令营。

    Since then , IFP has held its winter camps once a year in the UK .

  10. 该校得到了有着百年历史的南部院校协会的授权,可以授予学位,并且开办大学预科班。

    Accredited by the100-year-old Southern Association of Colleges and Schools , UMOHS offers honors and advanced-placement classes .

  11. 可是自从我从医学院预科班转向自由写作以后我父母就不理我了

    But my parents did stop talking to me when I switched from pre-med to creative writing .

  12. 研究性学习实践&在北大预科班进行的接轨项目试验

    Practice on Inquiry Learning : The Experiment on Connect the Trails Project for Peking University 's Preparatory Students

  13. 现为华威预科班班主任,以教学严谨,风格灵活收到班级同学好评。

    As the class teacher , he is recognized by the students for his precise teaching and flexible style .

  14. 所有预科班都设在法国,而且高度重视数学和法国人文学科。

    All classes are in French , with a strong emphasis on maths and French humanities or liberal arts .

  15. 最受欢迎、也最有利可图的兼职工作之一就是为大学预科班或某一科目做家教。

    One of the most popular and lucrative part-time jobs is to tutor , either for a college-prep class or a specific subject .

  16. 但如今,越来越多的学生正进入与预科班一同被引入的学士学位课程学习。

    But a growing number of students are now entering bachelor degree programmes that have been introduced alongside the classes pr é paratoires .

  17. 1998年,全国举办民族预科班的高等院校达80余所,当年计划招生7142名。

    In 1998 , more than 80 institutions of higher learning in China held such classes , with a planned enrollment of 7,142 students .

  18. 医学预科班里,我们学过,要是肺部或者胸腔有空气尸体就会浮上来。

    In premed , we learned that if there 's air in the lungs or the chest cavity the body will float to the surface .

  19. 尽量不要说“我在以前的工作单位习惯于这么做”,上海留学预科班,这会让你显得太张扬甚至令人生厌。

    Try not to say things like " In my old job I used to do this " . That could make you seem too aggressive or even annoying .

  20. 为了分析信息技术应用对教学效果的影响,选择环保监测班和军校预科班,分别采用信息技术教学模式和传统教学模式,对两个班的教学效果进行了一年的对照实验。

    For the analysis the effect of the new method to teaching , we choose two classes , adopt the new method and traditional teaching mode respectively for a year .

  21. 16岁的珍妮是一个智慧开朗的小女人,就读于英国伦敦乡下一所女子学校的预科班,她的后果很好,是众所等候考上牛津大学的“种子选手”。

    In1961 London , Jenny Mellor is a16-year-old schoolgirl , on track to enter Oxford University when she meets a charming older man , David Goldman , who pursues her romantically .

  22. 文章总结了南开大学七年制医学预科班的生物化学实验课多年的教学实践,介绍了许多新颖的教学方法,并对如何提高教学质量进行了有益的探讨。

    This text summarized the perennial Nankai University 's premed teaching practice in biochemistry experimental course , introduced many novel teaching methods and did a beneficial study in how to improve the teaching quality .

  23. 在对医学预科班的教学实践中,如何针对该学科特点搞好实验教学工作,提高教学质量是医学预科教育的一个重要的课题。

    During the premedical classes ' teaching practice that aims at their courses ' characteristics to do well in the teaching works , how to improve the teaching quality is an important matter in premedical education .

  24. 研究人员针对几百名大学生,对他们大一和大二的学位课课程考试和预科班入门级课程考试进行了研究,并观察他们随身带入考场的饮品。

    The researchers studied hundreds of university students in their first and second years of degree courses and at pre-degree foundation level and observed what drinks , if any , they brought into exam halls with them .

  25. 比如,传统的法国预科班制度(为希望通过竞争性考试进入一流商学院的学生组织选拔和备考)并不接受国际学生。

    For example , the traditional French system of classes pr é paratoires ( preparatory classes ) , which organises the selection and preparation of students for competitive exams into the leading business schools , is not accessible to international students .

  26. 关于高校民族预科班班主任工作的几点思考它也是为继续升学或就业培训打好基础的教育,它经常同普及教育相联系,其重要性不言自明。

    Some Thoughts about the Work of the Teacher in Charge of a Class in the Preparatory Education for National Minority It is also the preparatory education for students to receive further education in colleges and universities and to receive training for employment .

  27. 高等院校少数民族学生预科班英语课程的设置应该根据少数民族学生预科教育的目的,从少数民族学生自身的实际状况出发从事教学,把强化基础知识和培养实际交际能力放在首位。

    According to the purpose of teaching , English curriculum for minority nationality students of the preparatory course in colleges and universities should proceed from the actual condition of the students themselves and put the rudimentary knowledge of the students and their ability in actual communication in the first place .

  28. 预科部新疆班学生参加HSK考试的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis on HSK Examination Taken by Department of Preparatory Xinjiang 's Students

  29. 本论文旨在对高校民族预科生新疆班英语学习困难状况,原因作出探究,并提出针对性的教学对策和模式。

    This paper aims at the exploration on the conditions and reasons of English-learning difficulty for xinjiang national preppies .

  30. 本文以中央民族大学预科教育学院新疆班为研究对象,综合运用文献法、问卷法和访谈法等多种方法进行了研究。

    Using a comprehensive method of documentations research , questionnaire survey and depth interview , this research takes the preppies from Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region , who entered College of Education , Minzu University of China , as research object .