
  • 网络Budget Constraint;budget constrain;constraint
  1. 预算约束模型参照基于预算边际效用删除法和一般迭代方法(GIM法)求解。

    The approach to address the budget constraint model is the budget-based marginal utility method and the generic iterative method ( GIM ) provided by Abdel-Malek .

  2. 商业银行软预算约束与行为研究

    A Study on Soft Budget Constraint and Behavior of Commercial Banks

  3. 影响利他行为发生程度的因素与行为个体的能力(收入预算约束)b、两个体之间敌友指数r正相关,与利他行为的价格Pa、利己的行为量Xe反相关。

    The factors of altruistic behavioral degree are positive interrelated to budget b and friendship index r , negative interrelated to the prices of altruistic behavior and behavioral quantity .

  4. 同时利他行为的发生量与个体的行为能力(预算约束)和敌友指数正相关,与利他行为的价格pa和利己的行为量Xe反相关。

    The author also pointed out the amount of altruism is positive interrelated to the individual behavioral capability and friendship index , and negative interrelated to altruistic price and the amount of egoism .

  5. 本文通过建立市场模型、投资者预算约束条件系统,采用HARA效用函数,利用效用最大化条件,和随机参数控制问题求解最优的方法,得出期权定价方程和不同交易条件下投资者最优投资组合策略。

    We build a market model , import utility functions , and compare the conditions of utility maximization in order to find the regions of different investor s optimal strategy , using the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation ( HJB equation ) .

  6. 在引入预算约束的前提下,采用独立私人价值模型,给出了该拍卖模型的买方Bayesian-Nash均衡报价策略,并与不考虑预算约束的情形进行了比较。

    Under the condition of introducing the budget-constraint , applying the individual private value model , the bidders ' Bayesian-Nash equilibrium bid strategy is given out and is compared with that of no budget-constraint .

  7. 加强预算约束,遏制乡镇债务

    Strengthen the Restrictions of Budget and Control the Liabilities of Townships

  8. 道德风险、沉淀成本效应与软预算约束

    Moral Hazard , Sunk Cost Effect and Soft Budget Constraints

  9. 福建农村居民消费受到现期收入的预算约束。

    Fujian Rural households consumption obviously is constrained by budget .

  10. 我国软预算约束的治理:理论与政策

    The Cure of SBC in China : theories and Policies

  11. 转轨经济、软预算约束与财政分权

    Transition Economy , Soft Budget Constraint and Fiscal Decentralization

  12. 有预算约束条件下消费者最优选择问题的计算方法

    Calculation methods for consumers ' optimum choice under the condition of budgeting restraint

  13. 转型期国有商业银行的软预算约束

    The Soft Budget Constraint of State-owned Commercial Banks in the Process of Transition

  14. 软预算约束与国企改革:从要素投入的视角分析

    Soft Budget Constraints and Transformation of the State-Owned Enterprise : Factor Input Analysis

  15. 中国银行业改革中的软预算约束

    Soft Budget Constrain of the Reform of Chinese Bank

  16. 预算约束条件下政府最优征地路径模型研究

    Model Study on Optimal Land Expropriation Path for Governments Based on Constrained Budgets

  17. 主要分析“或然状态下的预算约束线”的一个错误定义。

    The paper analyses a wrong definition of budget restriction line under uncertianty .

  18. 规范财政开支,强化预算约束;

    Regularize fiscal expenses and strengthen budget constraint ;

  19. 西方发达国家政府预算约束机制评析

    An Analysis on the Restrictive Mechanism for Government Budget in the Industrialized West Countries

  20. 第四章对建立健全企业家的约束机制的必要性进行分析,总结并分析了建立健全企业家约束机制的五种方式,即企业家责任约束、预算约束、法律约束、道德约束、市场约束。

    The necessaries to establish and perfect the restricting mechanism on entrepreneurs are discussed .

  21. 预算约束的离散交通网络设计问题

    Discrete network design problem with budget constraint

  22. 软预算约束理论概述

    A Survey of Soft Budget Bound Theory

  23. 第二,民间借贷是具备硬预算约束的自发契约行为,体现了纯市场交易特征。

    Secondly , the hard budget constraint and contracting make informal financing a pure exchange .

  24. 生产定额,预算约束等等可以限制变量的变化范围。

    Production quotas , budget constraints , etc. might restrict the variation of the variables .

  25. 国有金融体制的软预算约束也应承担很大责任。

    The state-owened financial system with soft-budget constraints is also responsible for the local debt crisis .

  26. 但是,任何个体都必须承受的那种预算约束并不能保证“实物瓦尔拉斯法则”成立。

    However , the budget constraint of any individual cannot guarantee the tenability of the law .

  27. 以下两个重要因素可能有助于提高中国的银行效率:所有制改革和硬预算约束。

    Two important factors may be responsible for raising efficiency : ownership reform and hard budget constraints .

  28. 软预算约束制度成因研究的现状与逻辑

    On the Institutional Genesis of the Soft Budget Constraint : a Critical Review on the Research Logic

  29. 我国正处在经济转轨时期,软预算约束问题仍然存在。

    China is in the period of economic transition , the soft budget constraint issue still exists .

  30. 本文认为企业不能满足该约束条件是导致软预算约束的根本原因。

    We argue that failing to meet the condition is an important cause for soft budget constraint .